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Direct visualization of electronic-structure symmetry within each crystalline unit cell is a new technique for complex electronic matter research. By studying the Bragg peaks in Fourier transforms of electronic structure images, and particularly by resolving both the real and imaginary components of the Bragg amplitudes, distinct types of intra-unit cell symmetry breaking can be studied. However, establishing the precise symmetry point of each unit cell in real space is crucial in defining the phase for such Bragg-peak Fourier analysis. Exemplary of this challenge is the high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d for which the surface Bi atom locations are observable, while it is the invisible Cu atoms that define the relevant CuO2 unit-cell symmetry point. Here we demonstrate, by imaging with picometer precision the electronic impurity states at individual Zn atoms substituted at Cu sites, that the phase established using the Bi lattice produces a ~2% (2pi) error relative to the actual Cu lattice. Such a phase assignment error would not diminish reliability in the determination of intra-unit-cell rotational symmetry breaking at the CuO2 plane. Moreover, this type of impurity atom substitution at the relevant symmetry site can be of general utility in phase determination for Bragg-peak Fourier analysis of intra-unit-cell symmetry.
One of the key motivations for the development of atomically resolved spectroscopic imaging STM (SI-STM) has been to probe the electronic structure of cuprate high temperature superconductors. In both the d-wave superconducting (dSC) and the pseudogap (PG) phases of underdoped cuprates, two distinct classes of electronic states are observed using SI-STM. The first class consists of the dispersive Bogoliubov quasiparticles of a homogeneous d-wave superconductor. These are detected below a lower energy scale |E|={Delta}0 and only upon a momentum space (k-space) arc which terminates near the lines connecting k=pm({pi}/a0,0) to k=pm(0, {pi}/a0). In both the dSC and PG phases, the only broken symmetries detected in the |E|leq {Delta}0 states are those of a d-wave superconductor. The second class of states occurs at energies near the pseudogap energy scale |E| {Delta}1 which is associated conventionally with the antinodal states near k=pm({pi}/a0,0) and k=pm(0, {pi}/a0). We find that these states break the 90o-rotational (C4) symmetry of electronic structure within CuO2 unit cells, at least down to 180o rotational (C2) symmetry (nematic) but in a spatially disordered fashion. This intra-unit-cell C4 symmetry breaking coexists at |E| {Delta}1 with incommensurate conductance modulations locally breaking both rotational and translational symmetries (smectic). The properties of these two classes of |E| {Delta}1 states are indistinguishable in the dSC and PG phases. To explain this segregation of k-space into the two regimes distinguished by the symmetries of their electronic states and their energy scales |E| {Delta}1 and |E|leq{Delta}0, and to understand how this impacts the electronic phase diagram and the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity, represents one of a key challenges for cuprate studies.

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