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We aim at an unbiased census of the radio halo population in galaxy clusters and test whether current low number counts of radio halos have arisen from selection biases. We construct near-complete samples based on X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect cluster catalogues and search for diffuse, extended (Mpc-scale) emission near the cluster centers by analyzing data from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array Sky Survey. We remove compact sources using a matched filtering algorithm and model the diffuse emission using two independent methods. The relation between radio halo power at 1.4 GHz and mass observables is modelled using a power law, allowing for a dropout population of clusters hosting no radio halo emission. An extensive suite of simulations is used to check for biases in our methods. Our findings suggest that the fraction of targets hosting radio halos may have to be revised upwards for clusters selected using the SZ effect: while approximately 60 per cent of the X-ray selected targets are found to contain no extended radio emission, in agreement with previous findings, the corresponding fraction in the SZ selected samples is roughly 20 per cent. We propose a simple explanation for this selection difference based on the distinct time evolution of the SZ and X-ray observables during cluster mergers, and a bias towards relaxed, cool-core clusters in the X-ray selection.
Until recently, only about 10% of the total intracluster gas volume had been studied with high accuracy, leaving a vast region essentially unexplored. This is now changing and a wide area of hot gas physics and chemistry awaits discovery in galaxy cluster outskirts. Also, robust large-scale total mass profiles and maps are within reach. First observational and theoretical results in this emerging field have been achieved in recent years with sometimes surprising findings. Here, we summarize and illustrate the relevant underlying physical and chemical processes and review the recent progress in X-ray, Sunyaev--Zeldovich, and weak gravitational lensing observations of cluster outskirts, including also brief discussions of technical challenges and possible future improvements.
103 - Kaustuv Basu 2012
We present correlation results for the radio halo power in galaxy clusters with the integrated thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect signal, including new results obtained at sub-GHz frequencies. The radio data is compiled from several published works, and the SZ measurements are taken from the Planck ESZ cluster catalog. The tight correlation between the radio halo power and the SZ effect demonstrates a clear correspondence between the thermal and non-thermal electron populations in the intra-cluster medium, as already has been shown in X-ray based studies. The radio power varies roughly as the square of the global SZ signal, but when the SZ signal is scaled to within the radio halo radius the correlation becomes approximately linear, with reduced intrinsic scatter. We do not find any strong indication of a bi-modal division in the radio halo cluster population, as has been reported in the literature, which suggests that such duality could be an artifact of X-ray selection. We compare the SZ signal dependence of radio halos with simplified predictions from theoretical models, and discuss some implications and shortcomings of the present work.
42 - Kaustuv Basu 2011
Giant radio haloes in galaxy clusters are the primary evidence for the existence of relativistic particles (cosmic rays) and magnetic fields over Mpc scales. Observational tests for the different theoretical models explaining their powering mechanism have so far been obtained through X-ray selection of clusters, e.g. by comparing cluster X-ray luminosities with radio halo power. Here we present the first global scaling relations between radio halo power and integrated Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect measurements, using the Planck all-sky cluster catalog and published radio data. The correlation agrees well with previous scaling measurements based on X-ray data, and offers a more direct probe into the mass dependence inside radio haloes. However, we find no strong indication for a bi-modal cluster population split between radio halo and radio quiet objects. We discuss the possible causes for this apparent lack of bi-modality, and compare the observed slope of the radio-SZ correlation with competing theoretical models of radio halo origin.
334 - Kaustuv Basu 2010
We present results from a joint X-ray/Sunyaev-Zeldovich modeling of the intra-cluster gas using XMM-Newton and APEX-SZ imaging data. The goal is to study the physical properties of the intra-cluster gas with a non-parametric de-projection method that is, aside from the assumption of spherical symmetry, free from modeling bias. We demonstrate a decrease of gas temperature in the cluster outskirts, and also measure the gas entropy profile, both of which are obtained for the first time independently of X-ray spectroscopy, using Sunyaev-Zeldovich and X-ray imaging data. The contribution of the APEX-SZ systematic uncertainties in measuring the gas temperature at large radii is shown to be small compared to the XMM-Newton and Chandra systematic spectroscopic errors.

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