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We study the intermediate inflation in a non-canonical scalar field framework with a power-like Lagrangian. We show that in contrast with the standard canonical intermediate inflation, our non-canonical model is compatible with the observational results of Planck 2015. Also, we estimate the equilateral non-Gaussianity parameter which is in well agreement with the prediction of Planck 2015. Then, we obtain an approximation for the energy scale at the initial time of inflation and show that it can be of order of the Planck energy scale, i.e. ${M_P} sim {10^{18}},{rm{GeV}}$. We will see that after a short period of time, inflation enters in the slow-roll regime that its energy scale is of order ${M_P}/100 sim ;{10^{16}}{rm{GeV}}$ and the horizon exit takes place in this energy scale. We also examine an idea in our non-canonical model to overcome the central drawback of intermediate inflation which is the fact that inflation never ends. We solve this problem without disturbing significantly the nature of the intermediate inflation until the time of horizon exit.
Within the context of scalar-tensor gravity, we explore the generalized second law (GSL) of gravitational thermodynamics. We extend the action of ordinary scalar-tensor gravity theory to the case in which there is a non-minimal coupling between the scalar field and the matter field (as chameleon field). Then, we derive the field equations governing the gravity and the scalar field. For a FRW universe filled only with ordinary matter, we obtain the modified Friedmann equations as well as the evolution equation of the scalar field. Furthermore, we assume the boundary of the universe to be enclosed by the dynamical apparent horizon which is in thermal equilibrium with the Hawking temperature. We obtain a general expression for the GSL of thermodynamics in the scalar-tensor gravity model. For some viable scalar-tensor models, we first obtain the evolutionary behaviors of the matter density, the scale factor, the Hubble parameter, the scalar field, the deceleration parameter as well as the effective equation of state (EoS) parameter. We conclude that in most of the models, the deceleration parameter approaches a de Sitter regime at late times, as expected. Also the effective EoS parameter acts like the LCDM model at late times. Finally, we examine the validity of the GSL for the selected models.
106 - K. Karami , S. Amiri , K. Bahari 2013
The effects of both elliptical shape and stage of emergence of the coronal loop on the resonant absorption of standing kink oscillations are studied. To do so, a typical coronal loop is modeled as a zero-beta longitudinally stratified cylindrical magnetic flux tube. We developed the connection formulae for the resonant absorption of standing transversal oscillations of a coronal loop with an elliptical shape, at various stages of its emergence. Using the connection formulae, the dispersion relation is derived and solved numerically to obtain the frequencies and damping rates of the fundamental and first-overtone kink modes. Our numerical results show that both the elliptical shape and stage of emergence of the loop alter the frequencies and damping rates of the tube as well as the ratio of frequencies of the fundamental and its first-overtone modes. However, the ratio of the oscillation frequency to the damping rate is not affected by the tube shape and stage of its emergence and also is independent of the density stratification parameter.
82 - K. Karami , K. Fahimi 2012
We study the correspondence between the interacting viscous ghost dark energy model with the tachyon, K-essence and dilaton scalar field models in the framework of Einstein gravity. We consider a spatially non-flat FRW universe filled with interacting viscous ghost dark energy and dark matter. We reconstruct both the dynamics and potential of these scalar field models according to the evolutionary behavior of the interacting viscous ghost dark energy model, which can describe the accelerated expansion of the universe. Our numerical results show that the interaction and viscosity have opposite effects on the evolutionary properties of the ghost scalar filed models.
We investigate the holographic, new agegraphic and ghost dark energy models in the framework of fractal cosmology. We consider a fractal FRW universe filled with the dark energy and dark matter. We obtain the equation of state parameters of the selected dark energy models in the ultraviolet regime and discuss on their implications.
We investigate the validity of the generalized second law (GSL) of gravitational thermodynamics in a non-flat FRW universe containing the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas with the baryonic matter. The dynamical apparent horizon is assumed to be the boundary of the universe. We show that for the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas as a unified candidate for dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE), the equation of state parameter can cross the phantom divide. We also present that for the selected model under thermal equilibrium with the Hawking radiation, the GSL is always satisfied throughout the history of the universe for any spatial curvature, independently of the equation of state of the interacting generalized Chaplygin gas model.
99 - K. Karami , S. Nasiri , S. Amiri 2010
The standing quasi-modes of the ideal MHD in a zero-$beta$ cylindrical magnetic flux tube that undergoes a longitudinal density stratification and radial density structuring is considered. The radial structuring is assumed to be a linearly varying density profile. Using the relevant connection formulae of the resonant absorption, the dispersion relation for the fast MHD body waves is derived and solved numerically to obtain both the frequencies and damping rates of the fundamental and first-overtone, $k=1,2$ modes of both the kink ($m=1$), and fluting ($m=2$) waves. Where $k$ and $m$ are the longitudinal and azimuthal mode numbers, respectively.
93 - K. Karami , A. Sorouri 2010
Here we consider the entropy-corrected version of the new agegraphic dark energy model in the non-flat FRW universe. We derive the exact differential equation that determines the evolution of the entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy density parameter in the presence of interaction with dark matter. We also obtain the equation of state and deceleration parameters and present a necessary condition for the selected model to cross the phantom divide. Moreover, we reconstruct the potential and the dynamics of the phantom scalar field according to the evolutionary behavior of the interacting entropy-corrected new agegraphic model.
113 - K. Karami 2010
Authors of ref. [1], M.R. Setare and S. Shafei (JCAP 09 (2006) 011), studied the thermodynamics of a holographic dark energy model in a non-flat universe enclosed by the apparent horizon $R_A$ and the event horizon measured from the sphere of the horizon named $L$. In section 3 in ref. [1], Authors showed that for $R_A$ the generalized second law of thermodynamics is respected, while for $L$ it is satisfied for the special range of the deceleration parameter. Here we present that their calculations for $R_A$ should be revised. Also we show that their conclusion for $L$ is not true and the generalized second law is hold for the present time independently of the deceleration parameter. Also if we take into account the contribution of dark matter in the generalized second law which is absent in ref. [1], then the generalized second law for $L$ is violated for the present time.
88 - K. Karami , J. Fehri 2009
Motivated by the work of Granda and Oliveros [L.N. Granda, A. Oliveros, Phys. Lett. B {bf 671}, 199 (2009)], we generalize their work to the non-flat case. We study the correspondence between the quintessence, tachyon, K-essence and dilaton scalar field models with the new holographic dark energy model in the non-flat FRW universe. We reconstruct the potentials and the dynamics for these scalar field models, which describe accelerated expansion of the universe. In the limiting case of a flat universe, i.e. $k = 0$, all results given in [L.N. Granda, A. Oliveros, Phys. Lett. B {bf 671}, 199 (2009)] are obtained.

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