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197 - M. Studer , G. Salis , K. Ensslin 2009
We study the tunability of the spin-orbit interaction in a two-dimensional electron gas with a front and a back gate electrode by monitoring the spin precession frequency of drifting electrons using time-resolved Kerr rotation. The Rashba spin splitting can be tuned by the gate biases, while we find a small Dresselhaus splitting that depends only weakly on the gating. We determine the absolute values and signs of the two components and show that for zero Rashba spin splitting the anisotropy of the spin-dephasing rate vanishes.
We analytically calculate the energy spectrum of a circular graphene quantum dot with radius R subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field B by applying the infinite-mass boundary condition. We can retrieve well-known limits for the cases R, B going to infinity and B going to zero. Our model is capable of capturing the essential details of recent experiments. Quantitative agreement between theory and experiment is limited due to the fact that a circular dot is not close enough to the experimental geometry, that disorder plays a significant role, and that interaction effects may be relevant.
107 - M. Studer , S. Schon , K. Ensslin 2009
Using time-resolved Faraday rotation, the drift-induced spin-orbit Field of a two-dimensional electron gas in an InGaAs quantum well is measured. Including measurements of the electron mobility, the Dresselhaus and Rashba coefficients are determined as a function of temperature between 10 and 80 K. By comparing the relative size of these terms with a measured in-plane anisotropy of the spin dephasing rate, the Dyakonv-Perel contribution to spin dephasing is estimated. The measured dephasing rate is significantly larger than this, which can only partially be explained by an inhomogeneous g-factor.
We investigated the time dependence of two-electron spin states in a double quantum dot fabricated in an InAs nanowire. In this system, spin-orbit interaction has substantial influence on the spin states of confined electrons. Pumping single electrons through a Pauli spin-blockade configuration allowed to probe the dynamics of the two coupled spins via their influence on the pumped current. We observed spin-relaxation with a magnetic field dependence different from GaAs dots, which can be explained by spin-orbit interaction. Oscillations were detected for times shorter than the relaxation time, which we attribute to coherent evolution of the spin states.
194 - C. May , M. Troyer , K. Ensslin 2007
We calculate the electronic width of quantum wires as a function of their lithographic width in analogy to experiments performed on nanostructures defined by local oxidation of Ga[Al]As heterostructures. Two--dimensional simulations of two parallel oxide lines on top of a Ga[Al]As heterostructure defining a quantum wire are carried out in the framework of Density Functional Theory in the Local Density Approximation and are found to be in agreement with measurements. Quantitative assessment of the influence of various experimental uncertainties is given. The most influential parameter turns out to be the oxide line depth, followed by its exact shape and the effect of background doping (in decreasing order).
We quantify the contributions of hyperfine and spin-orbit mediated singlet-triplet mixing in weakly coupled InAs quantum dots by electron transport spectroscopy in the Pauli spin blockade regime. In contrast to double dots in GaAs, the spin-orbit coupling is found to be more than two orders of magnitudes larger than the hyperfine mixing energy. It is already effective at magnetic fields of a few mT, where deviations from hyperfine mixing are observed.

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