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The angular power spectrum of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect is highly sensitive to cosmological parameters such as sigma_8 and Omega_m, but its use as a precision cosmological probe is hindered by the astrophysical uncertainties in modeling the gas pressure profile in galaxy groups and clusters. In this paper we assume that the relevant cosmological parameters are accurately known and explore the ability of current and future tSZ power spectrum measurements to constrain the intracluster gas pressure or the evolution of the gas mass fraction, f_gas. We use the CMB bandpower measurements from the South Pole Telescope and a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to quantify deviations from the standard, universal gas pressure model. We explore analytical model extensions that bring the predictions for the tSZ power into agreement with experimental data. We find that a steeper pressure profile in the cluster outskirts or an evolving f_gas have mild-to-severe conflicts with experimental data or simulations. Varying more than one parameter in the pressure model leads to strong degeneracies that cannot be broken with current observational constraints. We use simulated bandpowers from future tSZ survey experiments, in particular a possible 2000 deg^2 CCAT survey, to show that future observations can provide almost an order of magnitude better precision on the same model parameters. This will allow us to break the current parameter degeneracies and place simultaneous constraints on the gas pressure profile and its redshift evolution, for example.
By cross-correlating large samples of galaxy clusters with publicly available radio source catalogs, we construct the volume-averaged radio luminosity function (RLF) in clusters of galaxies, and investigate its dependence on cluster redshift and mass. In addition, we determine the correlation between the cluster mass and the radio luminosity of the brightest source within 50 kpc from the cluster center. We use two cluster samples: the optically selected maxBCG cluster catalog and a composite sample of X-ray selected clusters. The radio data come from the VLA NVSS and FIRST surveys. We use scaling relations to estimate cluster masses and radii to get robust estimates of cluster volumes. We determine the projected radial distribution of sources, for which we find no dependence on luminosity or cluster mass. Background and foreground sources are statistically accounted for, and we account for confusion of radio sources by adaptively degrading the resolution of the radio source surveys. We determine the redshift evolution of the RLF under the assumption that its overall shape does not change with redshift. Our results are consistent with a pure luminosity evolution of the RLF in the range 0.1 < z < 0.3 from the optical cluster sample. The X-ray sample extends to higher redshift and yields results also consistent with a pure luminosity evolution. We find no direct evidence of a dependence of the RLF on cluster mass from the present data, although the data are consistent with the most luminous sources only being found in high-mass systems.
We demonstrate the usability of mm-wavelength imaging data obtained from the APEX-SZ bolometer array to derive the radial temperature profile of the hot intra-cluster gas out to radius r_500 and beyond. The goal is to study the physical properties of the intra-cluster gas by using a non-parametric de-projection method that is, aside from the assumption of spherical symmetry, free from modeling bias. We use publicly available X-ray imaging data from the XMM-Newton observatory and our Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect (SZE) imaging data from the APEX-SZ experiment at 150 GHz to de-project the density and temperature profiles for the relaxed cluster Abell 2204. We derive the gas density, temperature and entropy profiles assuming spherical symmetry, and obtain the total mass profile under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. For comparison with X-ray spectroscopic temperature models, a re-analysis of the recent Chandra observation is done with the latest calibration updates. Using the non-parametric modeling we demonstrate a decrease of gas temperature in the cluster outskirts, and also measure the gas entropy profile. These results are obtained for the first time independently of X-ray spectroscopy, using SZE and X-ray imaging data. The contribution of the SZE systematic uncertainties in measuring T_e at large radii is shown to be small compared to the Chandra systematic spectroscopic errors. The upper limit on M_200 derived from the non-parametric method is consistent with the NFW model prediction from weak lensing analysis.
261 - M. Nord , K. Basu , F. Pacaud 2009
We used the APEX-SZ and LABOCA bolometer cameras on the APEX telescope to map the decrement of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect at 150 GHz and the increment at 345 GHz toward the galaxy cluster Abell 2163. The SZE images were used to model the radial density and temperature distribution of the ICM, and to derive the gas mass fraction in the cluster under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. We used the isothermal beta model to fit the SZE decrement/increment radial profiles. We performed a simple, non-parametric de-projection of the radial density and temperature profiles, in conjunction with XMM-Newton X-ray data, under the simplifying assumption of spherical symmetry. We combined the peak SZE signals derived in this paper with published SZE measurements of this cluster to derive the cluster line-of-sight bulk velocity and the central Comptonization, using priors on the ICM temperature. We find that the best-fit isothermal model to the SZE data is consistent with the ICM properties implied by the X-ray data, particularly inside the central 1 Mpc radius. Although the assumptions of hydrostatic equilibrium and spherical symmetry may not be optimal for this complex system, the results obtained under these assumptions are consistent with X-ray and weak-lensing measurements. This shows the applicability of the simple joint SZE and X-ray de-projection technique described in this paper for clusters with a wide range of dynamical states. (Abridged)
Using X- ray photon correlation spectroscopy measurements on gold nanoparticles embedded in polymethylmethacrylate we provide evidence for existence of an intrinsic length scale for dynamic heterogeneity in polymer nanocomposites similar to that in other soft materials.We also show how the dynamics varies in a complex way with various parameters.
We present results of temperature dependent measurements of dynamics of micellar nanoparticle - polymer composites of fixed volume fraction and variable polymer chain grafting density. For nanoparticles with lower grafting density we observe dynamically arrested state at low temperatures corresponding to an attractive glass while at high temperature the same system shows relaxation typical of a repulsive glass. For higher grafting density, the low temperature dynamics resembles more of a gel which crosses over to a repulsive glass at high temperature. Possible reasons for such fascinating dynamical transitions is delineated.

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