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242 - Julien Mairal 2014
An important goal in visual recognition is to devise image representations that are invariant to particular transformations. In this paper, we address this goal with a new type of convolutional neural network (CNN) whose invariance is encoded by a reproducing kernel. Unlike traditional approaches where neural networks are learned either to represent data or for solving a classification task, our network learns to approximate the kernel feature map on training data. Such an approach enjoys several benefits over classical ones. First, by teaching CNNs to be invariant, we obtain simple network architectures that achieve a similar accuracy to more complex ones, while being easy to train and robust to overfitting. Second, we bridge a gap between the neural network literature and kernels, which are natural tools to model invariance. We evaluate our methodology on visual recognition tasks where CNNs have proven to perform well, e.g., digit recognition with the MNIST dataset, and the more challenging CIFAR-10 and STL-10 datasets, where our accuracy is competitive with the state of the art.
126 - Yuansi Chen 2014
We revisit a pioneer unsupervised learning technique called archetypal analysis, which is related to successful data analysis methods such as sparse coding and non-negative matrix factorization. Since it was proposed, archetypal analysis did not gain a lot of popularity even though it produces more interpretable models than other alternatives. Because no efficient implementation has ever been made publicly available, its application to important scientific problems may have been severely limited. Our goal is to bring back into favour archetypal analysis. We propose a fast optimization scheme using an active-set strategy, and provide an efficient open-source implementation interfaced with Matlab, R, and Python. Then, we demonstrate the usefulness of archetypal analysis for computer vision tasks, such as codebook learning, signal classification, and large image collection visualization.
114 - Julien Mairal 2014
Majorization-minimization algorithms consist of successively minimizing a sequence of upper bounds of the objective function. These upper bounds are tight at the current estimate, and each iteration monotonically drives the objective function downhill. Such a simple principle is widely applicable and has been very popular in various scientific fields, especially in signal processing and statistics. In this paper, we propose an incremental majorization-minimization scheme for minimizing a large sum of continuous functions, a problem of utmost importance in machine learning. We present convergence guarantees for non-convex and convex optimization when the upper bounds approximate the objective up to a smooth error; we call such upper bounds first-order surrogate functions. More precisely, we study asymptotic stationary point guarantees for non-convex problems, and for convex ones, we provide convergence rates for the expected objective function value. We apply our scheme to composite optimization and obtain a new incremental proximal gradient algorithm with linear convergence rate for strongly convex functions. In our experiments, we show that our method is competitive with the state of the art for solving machine learning problems such as logistic regression when the number of training samples is large enough, and we demonstrate its usefulness for sparse estimation with non-convex penalties.
295 - Julien Mairal 2013
Majorization-minimization algorithms consist of iteratively minimizing a majorizing surrogate of an objective function. Because of its simplicity and its wide applicability, this principle has been very popular in statistics and in signal processing. In this paper, we intend to make this principle scalable. We introduce a stochastic majorization-minimization scheme which is able to deal with large-scale or possibly infinite data sets. When applied to convex optimization problems under suitable assumptions, we show that it achieves an expected convergence rate of $O(1/sqrt{n})$ after $n$ iterations, and of $O(1/n)$ for strongly convex functions. Equally important, our scheme almost surely converges to stationary points for a large class of non-convex problems. We develop several efficient algorithms based on our framework. First, we propose a new stochastic proximal gradient method, which experimentally matches state-of-the-art solvers for large-scale $ell_1$-logistic regression. Second, we develop an online DC programming algorithm for non-convex sparse estimation. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for solving large-scale structured matrix factorization problems.
109 - Julien Mairal 2013
In this paper, we study optimization methods consisting of iteratively minimizing surrogates of an objective function. By proposing several algorithmic variants and simple convergence analyses, we make two main contributions. First, we provide a unified viewpoint for several first-order optimization techniques such as accelerated proximal gradient, block coordinate descent, or Frank-Wolfe algorithms. Second, we introduce a new incremental scheme that experimentally matches or outperforms state-of-the-art solvers for large-scale optimization problems typically arising in machine learning.

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