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Direct detection (DD) of dark matter (DM) candidates in the $lesssim$10 GeV mass range is very sensitive to the tail of their velocity distribution. The important quantity is the maximum WIMP speed in the observers rest frame, i.e. in average the sum of the local Galactic escape speed $v_{rm esc}$ and of the circular velocity of the Sun $v_c$. While the latter has been receiving continuous attention, the former is more difficult to constrain. The RAVE Collaboration has just released a new estimate of $v_{rm esc}$ (Piffl {em et al.}, 2014 --- P14) that supersedes the previous one (Smith {em et al.}, 2007), which is of interest in the perspective of reducing the astrophysical uncertainties in DD. Nevertheless, these new estimates cannot be used blindly as they rely on assumptions in the dark halo modeling which induce tight correlations between the escape speed and other local astrophysical parameters. We make a self-consistent study of the implications of the RAVE results on DD assuming isotropic DM velocity distributions, both Maxwellian and ergodic. Taking as references the experimental sensitivities currently achieved by LUX, CRESST-II, and SuperCDMS, we show that: (i) the exclusion curves associated with the best-fit points of P14 may be more constraining by up to $sim 40$% with respect to standard limits, because the underlying astrophysical correlations induce a larger local DM density; (ii) the corresponding relative uncertainties inferred in the low WIMP mass region may be moderate, down to 10-15% below 10 GeV. We finally discuss the level of consistency of these results with other independent astrophysical constraints. This analysis is complementary to others based on rotation curves.
Galactic Cosmic-ray (CR) transport parameters are usually constrained by the boron-to-carbon ratio. This procedure is generically plagued with degeneracies between the diffusion coefficient and the vertical extent of the Galactic magnetic halo. The latter is of paramount importance for indirect dark matter (DM) searches, because it fixes the amount of DM annihilation or decay that contributes to the local antimatter CR flux. These degeneracies could be broken by using secondary radioactive species, but the current data still have large error bars, and this method is extremely sensitive to the very local interstellar medium (ISM) properties. Here, we propose to use the low-energy CR positrons in the GeV range as another direct constraint on diffusion models. We show that the PAMELA data disfavor small diffusion halo ($Llesssim 3$ kpc) and large diffusion slope models, and exclude the minimal ({em min}) configuration (Maurin et al. 2001, Donato et al. 2004) widely used in the literature to bracket the uncertainties in the DM signal predictions. This is complementary to indirect constraints (diffuse radio and gamma-ray emissions) and has strong impact on DM searches. Indeed this makes the antiproton constraints more robust while enhancing the discovery/exclusion potential of current and future experiments, like AMS-02 and GAPS, especially in the antiproton and antideuteron channels.
We make a detailed analysis of the indirect diffuse gamma-ray signals from dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy. We include the prompt emission, as well as the emission from inverse Compton scattering whenever the annihilation products contain light leptons. We consider both the contribution from the smooth dark matter halo and that from substructures. The main parameters for the latter are the mass function index and the minimal subhalo mass. We use recent results from N-body simulations to set the most reasonable range of parameters, and find that the signal can be boosted by a factor ranging from 2 to 15 towards the Galactic poles, slightly more towards the Galactic anticenter, with an important dependence on the subhalo mass index. This uncertainty is however much less than that of the extragalactic signal studied in the literature. We derive upper bounds on the dark matter annihilation cross section using the isotropic gamma-ray emission measured by Fermi-LAT, for two directions in the sky, the Galactic anticenter and the Galactic pole(s). The former represents the lowest irreducible signal from dark matter annihilation, and the latter is robust as the astrophysical background, dominated by the hadronic contribution, is rather well established in that direction. Finally, we show how the knowledge of the minimal subhalo mass, which formally depends on the dark matter particle interactions with normal matter, can be used to derive the mass function index.
The astronomical dark matter could be made of weakly interacting and massive particles. If so, these species would be abundant inside the Milky Way, where they would continuously annihilate and produce cosmic rays. Those annihilation products are potentially detectable at the Earth, and could provide indirect clues for the presence of dark matter species within the Galaxy. We will review here the various cosmic radiations which the dark matter can produce. We will examine how they propagate throughout the Milky Way and compare the dark matter yields with what pure astrophysical processes are expected to generate. The presence of dark matter substructures might enhance the signals and will be briefly discussed.
While dark matter (DM) is the key ingredient for a successful theory of structure formation, its microscopic nature remains elusive. Indirect detection may provide a powerful test for some strongly motivated DM particle models. Nevertheless, astrophysical backgrounds are usually expected with amplitudes and spectral features similar to the chased signals. On galactic scales, these backgrounds arise from interactions of cosmic rays (CRs) with the interstellar gas, both being difficult to infer and model in detail from observations. Moreover, the associated predictions unavoidably come with theoretical errors, which are known to be significant. We show that a trustworthy guide for such challenging searches can be obtained by exploiting the full information contained in cosmological simulations of galaxies, which now include baryonic gas dynamics and star formation. We further insert CR production and transport from the identified supernova events and fully calculate the CR distribution in a simulated galaxy. We focus on diffuse gamma-rays, and self-consistently calculate both the astrophysical galactic emission and the dark matter signal. We notably show that adiabatic contraction does not necessarily induce large signal-to-noise ratios in galactic centers, and could anyway be traced from the astrophysical background itself. We finally discuss how all this may be used as a generic diagnostic tool for galaxy formation.
108 - Julien Lavalle 2011
Some direct detection experiments have recently collected excess events that could be interpreted as a dark matter (DM) signal, pointing to particles in the $sim$10 GeV mass range. We show that scenarios in which DM can self-annihilate with significant couplings to quarks are likely excluded by the cosmic-ray (CR) antiproton data, provided the annihilation is S-wave dominated when DM decouples in the early universe. These limits apply to most of supersymmetric candidates, eg in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and in the next-to-MSSM (NMSSM), and more generally to any thermal DM particle with hadronizing annihilation final states.
The CoGeNT experiment, dedicated to direct detection of dark matter, has recently released excess events that could be interpreted as elastic collisions of $sim$10 GeV dark matter particles, which might simultaneously explain the still mysterious DAMA/LIBRA modulation signals, while in conflict with results from other experiments such as CDMS, XENON-100 and SIMPLE. It was shown that 5-15 GeV singlino-like dark matter candidates arising in singlet extensions of minimal supersymmetric scenarios can fit these data; annihilation then mostly proceeds into light singlet-dominated Higgs (pseudo)scalar fields. We develop an effective Lagrangian approach to confront these models with the existing data on cosmic-ray antiprotons, including the latest PAMELA data. Focusing on a parameter space consistent with the CoGeNT region, we show that the predicted antiproton flux is generically in tension with the data whenever the produced (pseudo)scalars can decay into quarks energetic enough to produce antiprotons, provided the annihilation S-wave is significant at freeze out in the early universe. In this regime, a bound on the singlino annihilation cross section is obtained, $sigvlesssim 10^{-26},{rm cm^3/s}$, assuming a dynamically constrained halo density profile with a local value of $rho_odot = 0.4,{rm GeV/cm^3}$. Finally, we provide indications on how PAMELA or AMS-02 could further constrain or detect those configurations producing antiprotons which are not yet excluded.

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