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Stationary density waves rotating at a constant pattern speed $Omega_{rm P}$ would produce age gradients across spiral arms. We test whether such age gradients are present in M81 by deriving the recent star formation histories (SFHs) of 20 regions around one of M81s grand-design spiral arms. For each region, we use resolved stellar populations to determine the SFH by modeling the observed color-magnitude diagram (CMD) constructed from archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) F435W and F606W imaging. Although we should be able to detect systematic time delays in our spatially-resolved SFHs, we find no evidence of star formation propagation across the spiral arm. Our data therefore provide no convincing evidence for a stationary density wave with a single pattern speed in M81, and instead favor the scenario of kinematic spiral patterns that are likely driven by tidal interactions with the companion galaxies M82 and NGC 3077.
We have identified a major global enhancement of star formation in the inner M31 disk that occurred between 2-4 Gyr ago, producing $sim$60% of the stellar mass formed in the past 5 Gyr. The presence of this episode in the inner disk was discovered by modeling the optical resolved star color-magnitude diagrams of low extinction regions in the main disk of M31 (3$<$R$<$20 kpc) as part of the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury. This measurement confirms and extends recent measurements of a widespread star formation enhancement of similar age in the outer disk, suggesting that this burst was both massive and global. Following the galaxy-wide burst, the star formation rate of M31 has significantly declined. We briefly discuss possible causes for these features of the M31 evolutionary history, including interactions with M32, M33 and/or a merger.
We have analyzed new HST/ACS and HST/WFC3 imaging in F475W and F814W of two previously-unobserved fields along the M31 minor axis to confirm our previous constraints on the shape of M31s inner stellar halo. Both of these new datasets reach a depth of at least F814W$<$27 and clearly detect the blue horizontal branch (BHB) of the field as a distinct feature of the color-magnitude diagram. We measure the density of BHB stars and the ratio of BHB to red giant branch stars in each field using identical techniques to our previous work. We find excellent agreement with our previous measurement of a power-law for the 2-D projected surface density with an index of 2.6$^{+0.3}_{-0.2}$ outside of 3 kpc, which flattens to $alpha <$1.2 inside of 3 kpc. Our findings confirm our previous suggestion that the field BHB stars in M31 are part of the halo population. However, the total halo profile is now known to differ from this BHB profile, which suggests that we have isolated the metal-poor component. This component appears to have an unbroken power-law profile from 3-150 kpc but accounts for only about half of the total halo stellar mass. Discrepancies between the BHB density profile and other measurements of the inner halo are therefore likely due to the different profile of the metal-rich halo component, which is not only steeper than the profile of the met al-poor component, but also has a larger core radius. These profile differences also help to explain the large ratio of BHB/RGB stars in our observations.
We have measured stellar photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) in near ultraviolet (F275W, F336W), optical (F475W, F814W), and near infrared (F110W, F160W) bands for 117 million resolved stars in M31. As part of the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) survey, we measured photometry with simultaneous point spread function fitting across all bands and at all source positions after precise astrometric image alignment (<5-10 milliarcsecond accuracy). In the outer disk, the photometry reaches a completeness-limited depth of F475W~28, while in the crowded, high surface brightness bulge, the photometry reaches F475W~25. We find that simultaneous photometry and optimized measurement parameters significantly increase the detection limit of the lowest resolution filters (WFC3/IR) providing color-magnitude diagrams that are up to 2.5 magnitudes deeper when compared with color-magnitude diagrams from WFC3/IR photometry alone. We present extensive analysis of the data quality including comparisons of luminosity functions and repeat measurements, and we use artificial star tests to quantify photometric completeness, uncertainties and biases. We find that largest sources of systematic error in the photometry are due to spatial variations in the point spread function models and charge transfer efficiency corrections. This stellar catalog is the largest ever produced for equidistant sources, and is publicly available for download by the community.
Neutral hydrogen (HI) velocity dispersions are believed to be set by turbulence in the interstellar medium (ISM). Although turbulence is widely believed to be driven by star formation (SF), recent studies have shown that this driving mechanism may not be dominant in regions of low SF rate surface density (SFRSD), such as found in dwarf galaxies or the outer regions of spirals. We have generated average HI line profiles in a number of nearby dwarfs and low-mass spirals by co-adding HI spectra in regions with either a common radius or SFRSD. We find that the spatially-resolved superprofiles are composed of a central narrow peak (5-15 km/s) with higher velocity wings to either side. With the assumption that the central peak reflects the turbulent velocity dispersion, we compare HI kinematics to local ISM properties, including surface mass densities and measures of SF. The HI velocity dispersion is correlated most strongly with surface mass density, which points at a gravitational origin for turbulence, but it is unclear which instabilities can operate efficiently in these systems. SF energy is produced at a level sufficient to drive HI turbulent motions where SFRSD > 10^-4 Msun yr^-1 kpc^-2. At low SF intensities, SF does not supply enough energy for turbulence, nor does it uniquely determine the velocity dispersion. Nevertheless, SF appears to provide a lower threshold for HI velocity dispersions. We find that coupling efficiency decreases with increasing SFRSD, consistent with a picture where SF couples to the ISM with constant efficiency, but that less of that energy is found in HI at higher SFRSD. We examine a number of potential drivers of HI turbulence, including SF, gravitational instabilities, the magnetorotational instability, and accretion, and find that no single mechanism can drive the observed levels of turbulence at low SFRSD. We discuss possible solutions to this conundrum.
We use empirical star formation histories (SFHs), measured from HST-based resolved star color-magnitude diagrams, as input into population synthesis codes to model the broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of ~50 nearby dwarf galaxies (6.5 < log M/M_* < 8.5, with metallicities ~10% solar). In the presence of realistic SFHs, we compare the modeled and observed SEDs from the ultraviolet (UV) through near-infrared (NIR) and assess the reliability of widely used UV-based star formation rate (SFR) indicators. In the FUV through i bands, we find that the observed and modeled SEDs are in excellent agreement. In the Spitzer 3.6micron and 4.5micron bands, we find that modeled SEDs systematically over-predict observed luminosities by up to ~0.2 dex, depending on treatment of the TP-AGB stars in the synthesis models. We assess the reliability of UV luminosity as a SFR indicator, in light of independently constrained SFHs. We find that fluctuations in the SFHs alone can cause factor of ~2 variations in the UV luminosities relative to the assumption of a constant SFH over the past 100 Myr. These variations are not strongly correlated with UV-optical colors, implying that correcting UV-based SFRs for the effects of realistic SFHs is difficult using only the broadband SED. Additionally, for this diverse sample of galaxies, we find that stars older than 100 Myr can contribute from <5% to100% of the present day UV luminosity, highlighting the challenges in defining a characteristic star formation timescale associated with UV emission. We do find a relationship between UV emission timescale and broadband UV-optical color, though it is different than predictions based on exponentially declining SFH models. Our findings have significant implications for the comparison of UV-based SFRs across low-metallicity populations with diverse SFHs.
We have examined resolved stellar photometry from HST imaging surrounding 18 high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) candidates in NGC 300 and NGC 2403 as determined from combined Chandra/HST analysis. We have fit the color-magnitude distribution of the surrounding stars with stellar evolution models. All but one region in NGC 300 and two in NGC 2403 contain a population with an age between 20 and 70 Myr. One of the candidates is the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in NGC 2403, which we associate with a 60 Myr old population. These age distributions provide additional evidence that 16 of these 18 candidates are HMXBs. Furthermore, our results suggest that the most common HMXB age in these galaxies is 40-55 Myr. This preferred age is similar to observations of HMXBs in the Small Magellanic Cloud, providing new evidence of this formation timescale, but in higher metallicity populations. We suggest that this preferred HMXB age is the result of the fortuitous combination of two physical effects. First, this is the age of a population when the greatest rate of core-collapse events should be occurring, maximizing neutron star production. Second, this is the age when B stars are most likely to be actively losing mass. We also discuss our results in the context of HMXB feedback in galaxies, confirming HMXBs as a potentially important source of energy for the interstellar medium in low-mass galaxies.
HI line widths are typically interpreted as a measure of ISM turbulence, which is potentially driven by star formation. In an effort to better understand the possible connections between line widths and star formation, we have characterized hi{} kinematics in a sample of nearby dwarf galaxies by co-adding line-of-sight spectra after removing the rotational velocity to produce an average, global hi{} line profile. These superprofiles are composed of a central narrow peak (~6-10 km/s) with higher-velocity wings to either side that contain ~10-15% of the total flux. The superprofiles are all very similar, indicating a universal global HI profile for dwarf galaxies. We compare characteristics of the superprofiles to various galaxy properties, such as mass and measures of star formation (SF), with the assumption that the superprofile represents a turbulent peak with energetic wings to either side. We use these quantities to derive average scale heights for the sample galaxies. When comparing to physical properties, we find that the velocity dispersion of the central peak is correlated with $<Sigma_mathrm{HI}>$. The fraction of mass and characteristic velocity of the high velocity wings are correlated with measures of SF, consistent with the picture that SF drives surrounding HI to higher velocities. While gravitational instabilities provide too little energy, the SF in the sample galaxies does provide enough energy through supernovae, with realistic estimates of the coupling efficiency, to produce the observed superprofiles.
We present near-infrared (NIR) color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for the resolved stellar populations within 26 fields of 23 nearby galaxies (<4 Mpc), based on F110W and F160W images from Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The CMDs sample both old dormant and young star-forming populations. We match key NIR CMD features with their counterparts in optical CMDs, and identify the red core Helium burning (RHeB) sequence as a significant contributor to the NIR flux in stellar populations younger than a few 100 Myrs old, suggesting that star formation can drive surprisingly rapid variations in the NIR mass-to-light ratio. The NIR luminosity of star forming galaxies is therefore not necessarily proportional to the stellar mass. We note that these individual bright RHeB stars may be misidentified as old stellar clusters in low resolution imaging. We also discuss the CMD location of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, and the separation of AGB sub-populations using a combination of optical and NIR colors. We empirically calibrate the NIR magnitude of the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) as a function of color, allowing this widely adopted filter to be used for distance measurements. We find a clear trend between NIR RGB color and metallicity. However, it appears unlikely that the slope of the NIR RGB can be used as a metallicity indicator in extragalactic systems with comparable data. Finally, we discuss scattered light in the WFC3, which becomes significant for exposures taken close to a bright earth limb.
The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) is an on-going Hubble Space Telescope (HST) multi-cycle program that will image one-third of the M31 disk at high resolution, with wavelength coverage from the ultraviolet through the near-infrared. This dataset will allow for the construction of the most complete catalog of stellar clusters obtained for a spiral galaxy. Here, we provide an overview of the PHAT survey, a progress report on the status of observations and analysis, and preliminary results from the PHAT cluster program. Although only ~20% of the survey is complete, the superior resolution of HST has allowed us to identify hundreds of new intermediate and low mass clusters. As a result, the size of the cluster sample within the Year 1 survey footprint has grown by a factor of three relative to previous catalogs.

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