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We present a formulation of the so-called Fermi sea contribution to the conductivity tensor of spin-polarized random alloys within the fully relativistic tight-binding linear muffin-tin-orbital (TB-LMTO) method and the coherent potential approximation (CPA). We show that the configuration averaging of this contribution leads to the CPA-vertex corrections that are solely due to the energy dependence of the average single-particle propagators. Moreover, we prove that this contribution is indispensable for the invariance of the anomalous Hall conductivities with respect to the particular LMTO representation used in numerical implementation. Ab initio calculations for cubic ferromagnetic 3d transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni) and their random binary alloys (Ni-Fe, Fe-Si) indicate that the Fermi sea term is small against the dominating Fermi surface term. However, for more complicated structures and systems, such as hexagonal cobalt and selected ordered and disordered Co-based Heusler alloys, the Fermi sea term plays a significant role in the quantitative theory of the anomalous Hall effect.
We present a detailed ab initio study of the electronic structure and magnetic order of an Fe monolayer on the Ir(001) surface covered by adsorbed oxygen and hydrogen. The results are compared to the clean Fe/Ir(001) system, where recent intensive studies indicated a strong tendency towards an antiferromagnetic order and complex magnetic structures. The adsorption of an oxygen overlayer significantly increases interlayer distance between the Fe layer and the Ir substrate, while the effect of hydrogen is much weaker. We show that the adsorption of oxygen (and also of hydrogen) leads to a p(2$times $1) antiferromagnetic order of the Fe moments, which is also supported by an investigation based on a disordered local moment state. Simulated scanning tunneling images using the simple Tersoff-Hamann model hint that the proposed p(2$times $1) antiferromagnetic order could be detected even by non-magnetic tips.
We present results of systematic fully relativistic first-principles calculations of the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) of a disordered and partially ordered tetragonal Fe-Co alloy using the coherent potential approximation (CPA). This alloy has recently become a promising system for thin ferromagnetic films with a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We find that existing theoretical approaches to homogeneous random bulk Fe-Co alloys, based on a simple virtual crystal approximation (VCA), overestimate the maximum MAE values obtained in the CPA by a factor of four. This pronounced difference is ascribed to the strong disorder in the minority spin channel of real alloys, which is neglected in the VCA and which leads to a broadening of the d-like eigenstates at the Fermi energy and to the reduction of the MAE. The ordered Fe-Co alloys with a maximum L1_0-like atomic long-range order can exhibit high values of the MAE, which, however, get dramatically reduced by small perturbations of the perfect order.
We present an ab initio theory of transport quantities of metallic ferromagnets developed in the framework of the fully relativistic tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbital method. The approach is based on the Kubo-Streda formula for the conductivity tensor, on the coherent potential approximation for random alloys, and on the concept of interatomic electron transport. The developed formalism is applied to pure 3d transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni) and to random Ni-based ferromagnetic alloys (Ni-Fe, Ni-Co, Ni-Mn). High values of the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR), found for Ni-rich alloys, are explained by a negligible disorder in the majority spin channel while a change of the sign of the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) on alloying is interpreted as a band-filling effect without a direct relation to the high AMR. The influence of disorder on the AHE in concentrated alloys is investigated as well.
We perform a theoretical study of the magnetism induced in transition metal dioxides ZrO2 and TiO2 by substitution of the cation by a vacancy or an impurity from the groups 1A or 2A of the periodic table, where the impurity is either K or Ca. In the present study both supercell and embedded cluster methods are used. It is demonstrated that the vacancy and the K-impurity leads to a robust induced magnetic moment on the surrounding O-atoms for both the cubic ZrO2 and rutile TiO2 host crystals. On the other hand it is shown that Ca-impurity leads to a non magnetic state. The native O-vacancy does not induce a magnetic moment in the host dioxide crystal.

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