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220 - Jongwook Kim , Gabjin Oh 2012
We propose a stochastic process driven by memory effect with novel distributions including both exponential and leptokurtic heavy-tailed distributions. A class of distribution is analytically derived from the continuum limit of the discrete binary process with the renormalized auto-correlation and the closed form moment generating function is obtained, thus the cumulants are calculated and shown to be convergent. The other class of distributions are numerically investigated. The concoction of the two stochastic processes of the different signs of memory under regime switching mechanism does incarnate power-law decay behavior, which strongly implies that memory is the alternative origin of heavy-tail.
129 - Jongwook Kim , Bum-Hoon Lee 2009
Among newly discovered M2, M5 objects in the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson theory, our interest is about half BPS vortices which are covariantly holomorphic curves in transverse coordinates. We restrict ourselves to the case where the global symmetry is broken to so(2) x so(2)x so(4) for the mass deformed Bagger-Lambert theory. A localized object with finite energy exists in this theory where the mass parameter supports regularity. It is time independent but carries angular momentum coming solely from the gauge potential by which the energy is bounded below.
We continue our study of BPS equations and supersymmetric configurations in the Bagger-Lambert theory. The superalgebra allows three different types of central extensions which correspond to compounds of various M-theory objects: M2-branes, M5-branes, gravity waves and Kaluza-Klein monopoles which intersect or have overlaps with the M2-branes whose dynamics is given by the Bagger-Lambert action. As elementary objects they are all 1/2-BPS, and multiple intersections of $n$-branes generically break the supersymmetry into $1/2^n$, as it is well known. But a particular composite of M-branes can preserve from 1/16 up to 3/4 of the original ${cal N}=8$ supersymmetries as previously discovered. In this paper we provide the M-theory interpretation for various BPS equations, and also present explicit solutions to some 1/2-BPS equations.
We study a new class of inhomogeneous pp-wave solutions with 8 unbroken supersymmetries in D=11 supergravity. The 9 dimensional transverse space is Euclidean and split into 3 and 6 dimensional subspaces. The solutions have non-constant gauge flux, which are described in terms of an arbitrary holomorphic function of the complexified 6 dimensional space. The supermembrane and matrix theory descriptions are also provided and we identify the relevant supersymmetry transformation rules. The action also arises through a dimensional reduction of N=1, D=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory coupled to 3 gauge adjoint and chiral multiplets, whose interactions are determined by the holomorphic function of the supergravity solution now constituting the superpotential.
We classify, in a group theoretical manner, the BPS configurations in the multiple M2-brane theory recently proposed by Bagger and Lambert. We present three types of BPS equations preserving various fractions of supersymmetries: in the first type we have constant fields and the interactions are purely algebraic in nature; in the second type the equations are invariant under spatial rotation SO(2), and the fields can be time-dependent; in the third class the equations are invariant under boost SO(1,1) and provide the eleven-dimensional generalizations of the Nahm equations. The BPS equations for different number of supersymmetries exhibit the division algebra structures: octonion, quarternion or complex.

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