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264 - Malte Buschmann 2015
The idea that dark matter forms part of a larger dark sector is very intriguing, given the high degree of complexity of the visible sector. In this paper, we discuss lepton jets as a promising signature of an extended dark sector. As a simple toy model, we consider an $mathcal{O}(text{GeV})$ DM fermion coupled to a new $U(1)$ gauge boson (dark photon) with a mass of order GeV and kinetically mixed with the Standard Model photon. Dark matter production at the LHC in this model is typically accompanied by collinear radiation of dark photons whose decay products can form lepton jets. We analyze the dynamics of collinear dark photon emission both analytically and numerically. In particular, we derive the dark photon energy spectrum using recursive analytic expressions, using Monte Carlo simulations in Pythia, and using an inverse Mellin transform to obtain the spectrum from its moments. In the second part of the paper, we simulate the expected lepton jet signatures from radiating dark matter at the LHC, carefully taking into account the various dark photon decay modes and allowing for both prompt and displaced decays. Using these simulations, we recast two existing ATLAS lepton jet searches to significantly restrict the parameter space of extended dark sector models, and we compute the expected sensitivity of future LHC searches.
177 - Andrea Petri 2015
Weak gravitational lensing is a powerful cosmological probe, with non--Gaussian features potentially containing the majority of the information. We examine constraints on the parameter triplet $(Omega_m,w,sigma_8)$ from non-Gaussian features of the weak lensing convergence field, including a set of moments (up to $4^{rm th}$ order) and Minkowski functionals, using publicly available data from the 154deg$^2$ CFHTLenS survey. We utilize a suite of ray--tracing N-body simulations spanning 91 points in $(Omega_m,w,sigma_8)$ parameter space, replicating the galaxy sky positions, redshifts and shape noise in the CFHTLenS catalogs. We then build an emulator that interpolates the simulated descriptors as a function of $(Omega_m,w,sigma_8)$, and use it to compute the likelihood function and parameter constraints. We employ a principal component analysis to reduce dimensionality and to help stabilize the constraints with respect to the number of bins used to construct each statistic. Using the full set of statistics, we find $Sigma_8equivsigma_8(Omega_m/0.27)^{0.55}=0.75pm0.04$ (68% C.L.), in agreement with previous values. We find that constraints on the $(Omega_m,sigma_8)$ doublet from the Minkowski functionals suffer a strong bias. However, high-order moments break the $(Omega_m,sigma_8)$ degeneracy and provide a tight constraint on these parameters with no apparent bias. The main contribution comes from quartic moments of derivatives.
472 - Jia Liu 2014
Lensing peaks have been proposed as a useful statistic, containing cosmological information from non-Gaussianities that is inaccessible from traditional two-point statistics such as the power spectrum or two-point correlation functions. Here we examine constraints on cosmological parameters from weak lensing peak counts, using the publicly available data from the 154 deg$^2$ CFHTLenS survey. We utilize a new suite of ray-tracing N-body simulations on a grid of 91 cosmological models, covering broad ranges of the three parameters $Omega_m$, $sigma_8$, and $w$, and replicating the Galaxy sky positions, redshifts, and shape noise in the CFHTLenS observations. We then build an emulator that interpolates the power spectrum and the peak counts to an accuracy of $leq 5%$, and compute the likelihood in the three-dimensional parameter space ($Omega_m$, $sigma_8$, $w$) from both observables. We find that constraints from peak counts are comparable to those from the power spectrum, and somewhat tighter when different smoothing scales are combined. Neither observable can constrain $w$ without external data. When the power spectrum and peak counts are combined, the area of the error banana in the ($Omega_m$, $sigma_8$) plane reduces by a factor of $approx2$, compared to using the power spectrum alone. For a flat $Lambda$ cold dark matter model, combining both statistics, we obtain the constraint $sigma_8(Omega_m/0.27)^{0.63}=0.85substack{+0.03 -0.03}$.
Searches for supersymmetry (SUSY) often rely on a combination of hard physics objects (jets, leptons) along with large missing transverse energy to separate New Physics from Standard Model hard processes. We consider a class of ``double-invisible SUSY scenarios: where squarks, stops and sbottoms have a three-body decay into two (rather than one) invisible final-state particles. This occurs naturally when the LSP carries an additional conserved quantum number under which other superpartners are not charged. In these topologies, the available energy is diluted into invisible particles, reducing the observed missing energy and visible energy. This can lead to sizable changes in the sensitivity of existing searches, dramatically changing the qualitative constraints on superpartners. In particular, for m_LSP>160 GeV, we find no robust constraints from the LHC at any squark mass for any generation, while for lighter LSPs we find significant reductions in constraints. If confirmed by a full reanalysis from the collaborations, such scenarios allow for the possibility of significantly more natural SUSY models. While not realized in the MSSM, such phenomenology occurs naturally in models with mixed sneutrinos, Dirac gauginos and NMSSM-like models.
46 - Patrick J. Fox 2010
Underground searches for dark matter involve a complicated interplay of particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic physics and astrophysics. We attempt to remove the uncertainties associated with astrophysics by developing the means to map the observed signal in one experiment directly into a predicted rate at another. We argue that it is possible to make experimental comparisons that are completely free of astrophysical uncertainties by focusing on {em integral} quantities, such as $g(v_{min})=int_{v_{min}} dv, f(v)/v $ and $int_{v_{thresh}} dv, v g(v)$. Direct comparisons are possible when the $v_{min}$ space probed by different experiments overlap. As examples, we consider the possible dark matter signals at CoGeNT, DAMA and CRESST-Oxygen. We find that expected rate from CoGeNT in the XENON10 experiment is higher than observed, unless scintillation light output is low. Moreover, we determine that S2-only analyses are constraining, unless the charge yield $Q_y< 2.4 {, rm electrons/keV}$. For DAMA to be consistent with XENON10, we find for $q_{Na}=0.3$ that the modulation rate must be extremely high ($gsim 70%$ for $m_chi = 7, gev$), while for higher quenching factors, it makes an explicit prediction (0.8 - 0.9 cpd/kg) for the modulation to be observed at CoGeNT. Finally, we find CDMS-Si, even with a 10 keV threshold, as well as XENON10, even with low scintillation, would have seen significant rates if the excess events at CRESST arise from elastic WIMP scattering, making it very unlikely to be the explanation of this anomaly.
163 - Qiang Yuan , Xiao-Jun Bi , Jia Liu 2009
Boost factors of dark matter annihilation into antiprotons and electrons/positrons due to the clumpiness of dark matter distribution are studied in detail in this work, taking the Sommerfeld effect into account. It has been thought that the Sommerfeld effect, if exists, will be more remarkable in substructures because they are colder than the host halo, and may result in a larger boost factor. We give a full calculation of the boost factors based on the recent N-body simulations. Three typical cases of Sommerfeld effects, the non-resonant, moderately resonant and strongly resonant cases are considered. We find that for the non-resonant and moderately resonant cases the enhancement effects of substructures due to the Sommerfeld effect are very small ($sim mathcal{O}(1)$) because of the saturation behavior of the Sommerfeld effect. For the strongly resonant case the boost factor is typically smaller than $sim mathcal{O}(10)$. However, it is possible in some very extreme cases that DM distribution is adopted to give the maximal annihilation the boost factor can reach up to $sim 1000$. The variances of the boost factors due to different realizations of substructures distribution are also discussed in the work.
Recently PAMELA released their first results on the positron and antiproton ratios. Stimulated by the new data, we studied the cosmic ray propagation models and calculated the secondary positron and antiproton spectra. The low energy positron ratio can be consistent with data in the convection propagation model. Above $sim 10$ GeV PAMELA data shows a clear excess on the positron ratio. However, the secondary antiproton is roughly consistent with data. The positron excess may be a direct evidence of dark matter annihilation or decay. We compare the positron and anti-proton spectra with data by assuming dark matter annihilates or decays into different final states. The PAMELA data actually excludes quark pairs being the main final states, disfavors gauge boson final states. Only in the case of leptonic final states the positron and anti-proton spectra can be explained simultaneously. We also compare the decaying and annihilating dark matter scenarios to account for the PAMELA results and prefer to the decaying dark matter. Finally we consider a decaying neutralino dark matter model in the frame of supersymmetry with R-parity violation. The PAMELA data is well fitted with neutralino mass $600sim 2000$ GeV and life time $sim 10^{26}$ seconds. We also demonstrate that neutralino with mass around 2TeV can fit PAMELA and ATIC data simultaneously.

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