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168 - Xia-Ji Liu , P. D. Drummond 2013
Majorana fermions are promising candidates for storing and processing information in topological quantum computation. The ability to control such individual information carriers in trapped ultracold atomic Fermi gases is a novel theme in quantum information science. However, fermionic atoms are neutral and thus are difficult to manipulate. Here, we theoretically investigate the control of emergent Majorana fermions in one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gases. We discuss (i) how to move Majorana fermions by increasing or decreasing an effective Zeeman field, which acts like a solid state control voltage gate; and (ii) how to create a pair of Majorana fermions by adding a magnetic impurity potential. We discuss the experimental realization of our control scheme in an ultracold Fermi gas of $^{40}$K atoms.
95 - Hui Hu , Xia-Ji Liu , 2008
We present a systematic comparison of the most recent thermodynamic measurements of a trapped Fermi gas at unitarity with predictions from strong coupling theories and quantum Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. The accuracy of the experimental data, of the order of a few percent, allows a precise test of different many-body approaches. We find that a Nozieres and Schmitt-Rink treatment of fluctuations is in excellent agreement with the experimental data and available MC calculations at unitarity.
86 - Xia-Ji Liu , Hui Hu , 2008
We investigate the finite temperature properties of an ultracold atomic Fermi gas with spin population imbalance in a highly elongated harmonic trap. Previous studies at zero temperature showed that the gas stays in an exotic spatially inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superfluid state at the trap center; while moving to the edge, the system changes into either a non-polarized Bardeen-Cooper-Schriffer superfluid ($P<P_c$) or a fully polarized normal gas ($P>P_c$), depending on the smallness of the spin polarization $P$, relative to a critical value $P_c$. In this work, we show how these two phase-separation phases evolve with increasing temperature, and thereby construct a finite temperature phase diagram. For typical interactions, we find that the exotic FFLO phase survives below one-tenth of Fermi degeneracy temperature, which seems to be accessible in the current experiment. The density profile, equation of state, and specific heat of the polarized system have been calculated and discussed in detail. Our results are useful for the on-going experiment at Rice University on the search for FFLO states in quasi-one-dimensional polarized Fermi gases.
We develop a variational approach to calculate the density response function at finite temperatures of the lowest-lying two-fluid modes in a trapped two-component Fermi superfluid close to a Feshbach resonance. The out-of-phase oscillations, which are the analogue in trapped gases of second sound in uniform superfluids, have so far not been observed in cold-atom experiments. At unitarity, we show that these modes are observable at finite temperatures via two-photon Bragg scattering, whose spectrum is related to the imaginary part of density response function. This provides direct evidence for superfluidity and a promising way to test microscopic results for thermodynamics at unitarity.
We present the results of a variational calculation of the frequencies of the low-lying Landau two-fluid hydrodynamic modes in a trapped Fermi superfluid gas at unitarity. Landaus two-fluid hydrodynamics is expected to be the correct theory of Fermi superfluids at finite temperatures close to unitarity, where strong interactions give rise to collisional hydrodynamics. Two-fluid hydrodynamics predicts the existence of in-phase modes in which the superfluid and normal fluid components oscillate together, as well as out-of-phase modes where the two components move against each other. We prove that at unitarity, the dipole and breathing in-phase modes are locally isentropic. Their frequencies are independent of temperature and are the same above and below the superfluid transition. The out-of-phase modes, in contrast, are strongly dependent on temperature and hence, can be used to test the thermodynamic properties and superfluid density of a Fermi gas at unitarity. We give numerical results for the frequencies of these new modes as function of temperature in an isotropic trap at unitarity.

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