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Using the High Resolution Camera onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we have measured an accurate position for the bright persistent neutron-star X-ray binary and atoll source GX 3+1. At a location that is consistent with this new position we have discovered the near-infrared (NIR) counterpart to GX 3+1 in images taken with the PANIC and FourStar cameras on the Magellan Baade Telescope. The identification of this K_s=15.8+-0.1 mag star as the counterpart is based on the presence of a Br-gamma emission line in a NIR spectrum taken with the FIRE spectrograph on the Baade Telescope. The absolute magnitude derived from the best available distance estimate to GX 3+1 indicates that the mass donor in the system is not a late-type giant. We find that the NIR light in GX 3+1 is likely dominated by the contribution from a heated outer accretion disk. This is similar to what has been found for the NIR flux from the brighter class of Z sources, but unlike the behavior of atolls fainter (Lx ~ 1e36 to 1e37 erg/s) than GX 3+1, where optically-thin synchrotron emission from a jet probably dominates the NIR flux.
176 - Dacheng Lin 2012
Z sources are bright neutron-star X-ray binaries, accreting at around the Eddington limit. We analyze the 68 RXTE observations (270 ks) of Sco-like Z source GX 17+2 made between 1999 October 3-12, covering a complete Z track. We create and fit color-resolved spectra with a model consisting of a thermal multicolor disk, a single-temperature-blackbody boundary layer and a weak Comptonized component. We find that, similar to what was observed for XTE J1701-462 in its Sco-like Z phase, the branches of GX 17+2 can be explained by three processes operating at a constant accretion rate Mdot into the disk: increase of Comptonization up the horizontal branch, transition from a standard thin disk to a slim disk up the normal branch, and temporary fast decrease of the inner disk radius up the flaring branch. We also model the Comptonization in an empirically self-consistent way, with its seed photons tied to the thermal disk component and corrected for to recover the pre-Comptonized thermal disk emission. This allows us to show a constant Mdot along the entire Z track based on the thermal disk component. We also measure the upper kHz QPO frequency and find it to depend on the apparent inner disk radius R_in (prior to Compton scattering) approximately as frequency propto R_in^(-3/2), supporting the idenfitication of it as the Keplerian frequency at R_in. The horizontal branch oscillation is probably related to the dynamics in the inner disk as well, as both its frequency and R_in vary significantly on the horizontal branch but become relatively constant on the normal branch.
During its 2005 outburst, GRO J1655-40 was observed twice with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer; the second observation revealed a spectrum rich with ionized absorption lines from elements ranging from O to Ni (Miller et al. 2006a, 2008; Kallman et al. 2009), indicative of an outflow too dense and too ionized to be driven by radiation or thermal pressure. To date, this spectrum is the only definitive evidence of an ionized wind driven off the accretion disk by magnetic processes in a black hole X-ray binary. Here we present our detailed spectral analysis of the first Chandra observation, nearly three weeks earlier, in which the only signature of the wind is the Fe XXVI absorption line. Comparing the broadband X-ray spectra via photoionization models, we argue that the differences in the Chandra spectra cannot possibly be explained by the changes in the ionizing spectrum, which implies that the properties of the wind cannot be constant throughout the outburst. We explore physical scenarios for the changes in the wind, which we suggest may begin as a hybrid MHD/thermal wind, but evolves over the course of weeks into two distinct outflows with different properties. We discuss the implications of our results for the links between the state of the accretion flow and the presence of transient disk winds.
We present Suzaku observations of the Galactic black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127 in the low-hard state. The broadband coverage of Suzaku enables us to detect the source over the energy range 0.6 -- 250 keV. The broadband spectrum (2 -- 250 keV) is found to be consistent with a simple power-law (gamma sim 1.63). In agreement with previous observations of this system, a significant excess of soft X-ray flux is detected consistent with the presence of a cool accretion disc. Estimates of the disc inner radius infer a value consistent with the ISCO (R_{in} lesssim 6 R_g, for certain values of, e.g. N_H, i), although we cannot conclusively rule out the presence of an accretion disc truncated at larger radii (R_{in} sim 10 - 50 R_g). A weak, relativistically-broadened iron line is also detected, in addition to disc reflection at higher energy. However, the iron-K line profile favours an inner radius larger than the ISCO (R _{in} sim 10 - 20 R_g). The implications of these observations for models of the accretion flow in the low-hard state are discussed.
198 - Dacheng Lin 2009
The neutron-star X-ray transient XTE J1701-462 was observed for $sim$3 Ms with xte during its 2006-2007 outburst. Here we report on the discovery of three type-I X-ray bursts from XTE J1701-462. They occurred as the source was in transition from the typical Z-source behavior to the typical atoll-source behavior, at $sim10%$ of the Eddington luminosity. The first burst was detected in the Z-source flaring branch; the second in the vertex between the flaring and normal branches; and the third in the atoll-source soft state. The detection of the burst in the flaring branch cast doubts on earlier speculations that the flaring branch is due to unstable nuclear burning of accreted matter. The last two of the three bursts show photospheric radius expansion, from which we estimate the distance to the source to be 8.8 kpc with a 15% uncertainty. No significant burst oscillations in the range 30 to 4000 Hz were found during these three bursts.
We present simultaneous Chandra-HETG and RXTE observations of a moderate flux `soft state of the black hole candidate 4U1957+11. These spectra, having a minimally discernible hard X-ray excess, are an excellent test of modern disk atmosphere models that include the effects of black hole spin. The HETG data show that the soft disk spectrum is only very mildly absorbed with N_H =1-2 X 10^{21} cm^-2. These data additionally reveal 13.449 A NeIX absorption consistent with the warm/hot phase of the interstellar medium. The fitted disk model implies a highly inclined disk around a low mass black hole rapidly rotating with normalized spin a*~1. We show, however, that pure Schwarzschild black hole models describe the data extremely well, albeit with large disk atmosphere ``color-correction factors. Standard color-correction factors can be attained if one additionally incorporates mild Comptonization. We find that the Chandra observations do not uniquely determine spin. Similarly, XMM/RXTE observations, taken only six weeks later, are equally unconstraining. This lack of constraint is partly driven by the unknown mass and unknown distance of 4U1957+11; however, it is also driven by the limited bandpass of Chandra and XMM. We therefore present a series of 48 RXTE observations taken over the span of several years and at different brightness/hardness levels. These data prefer a spin of a*~1, even when including a mild Comptonization component; however, they also show evolution of the disk atmosphere color-correction factors. If the rapid spin models with standard atmosphere color-correction factors of h_d=1.7 are to be believed, then the RXTE observations predict that 4U1957+11 can range from a 3 M_sun black hole at 10 kpc with a*~0.83 to a 16 M_sun black hole at 22 kpc with a* ~ 1, with the latter being statistically preferred.
We have analyzed 200 Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the black hole candidate GX 339--4, all from the bright hard state periods between 1996 and 2005. Purpose of our study is to investigate the radiation mechanisms in the hard state of GX 339--4. The broadband 3--200 keV spectra were successfully modeled by a simple analytic model, power--law with an exponential cut-off modified with a smeared edge. The obtained energy cut-off ($E_{rm{cut}}$) was distributed over 50--200 keV, and the photon index over 1.4--1.7. We found a clear anti-correlation ($E_{rm{cut}} propto L^{-0.70pm0.06}$) between the X-ray luminosity ($L$) in 2--200 keV and $E_{rm{cut}}$, when $L$ is larger than $7 times 10^{37}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (assuming a distance of 8 kpc), while $E_{rm{cut}}$ is roughly constant at around 200 keV when $L$ is smaller than $7 times 10^{37}$ erg s$^{-1}$. This anti-correlation remained unchanged by adopting a more physical thermal Comptonization model, which resulted in the anti-correlation that can be expressed as $kT_{rm{e}} propto L^{-0.24pm0.06}$. These anti-correlations can be quantitatively explained by a picture in which the energy-flow rate from protons to electrons balances with the inverse Compton cooling.
We have monitored the atoll-type neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) for more than 1.5 years. Our campaign consisted of short (~2 ks) pointings separated by two days, regularly monitoring the spectral and timing properties of the source. During the campaign we observed a clear long-term oscillation with a period of ~30-40 days, already seen in the light curves from the RXTE All-Sky Monitor, which corresponded to regular transitions between the hard (island) and soft (banana) states. We detected kHz QPOs in about a third of the observations, most of which were in the soft (banana) state. The distribution of the frequencies of the peak identified as the lower kHz QPO is found to be different from that previously observed in an independent data set. This suggests that the kHz QPOs in the system shows no intrinsically preferred frequency.

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