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We investigate which pure states of $n$ photons in $d$ modes can be transformed into each other via linear optics, without post-selection. In other words, we study the local unitary (LU) equivalence classes of symmetric many-qudit states. Writing our state as $f^dagger|Omegarangle$, with $f^dagger$ a homogeneous polynomial in the mode creation operators, we propose two sets of LU-invariants: (a) spectral invariants, which are the eigenvalues of the operator $ff^dagger$, and (b) moments, each given by the norm of the symmetric component of a tensor power of the initial state, which can be computed as vacuum expectation values of $f^k(f^dagger)^k$. We provide scheme for experimental measurement of the later, as related to the post-selection probability of creating state $f^{dagger k}|Omegarangle$ from $k$ copies of $f^{dagger}|Omegarangle$.
A visualization scheme for quantum many-body wavefunctions is described, which we have termed qubism. Its main property is its recursivity: increasing the number of qubits reflects in an increase in the image resolution. Thus, the plots are typically fractal. As examples, we provide images for the ground states of commonly used Hamiltonians in condensed matter and cold atom physics, such as Heisenberg or ITF. Many features of the wavefunction, such as magnetization, correlations and criticality, can be visualized as properties of the images. In particular, factorizability can be easily spotted, and a way to estimate the entanglement entropy from the image is provided.

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