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A single crystal of the Co2+ based pyrochlore NaCaCo2F7 was studied by inelastic neutron scattering. This frustrated magnet with quenched exchange disorder remains in a strongly correlated paramagnetic state down to one 60th of the Curie-Weiss temperature. Below T_f = 2.4 K, diffuse elastic scattering develops and comprises 30 +/- 10% of the total magnetic scattering, as expected for J_{eff} = 1/2 moments frozen on a time scale that exceeds hbar/delta E=3.8 ps. The diffuse scattering is consistent with short range XY antiferromagnetism with a correlation length of 16 AA. The momentum (Q) dependence of the inelastic intensity indicates relaxing XY-like antiferromagnetic clusters at energies below ~ 5.5 meV, and collinear antiferromagnetic fluctuations above this energy. The relevant XY configurations form a continuous manifold of symmetry-related states. Contrary to well-known models that produce this continuous manifold, order-by-disorder does not select an ordered state in NaCaCo2F7 despite evidence for weak (~12 %) exchange disorder. Instead, NaCaCo2F7 freezes into short range ordered clusters that span this manifold.
High quality hexagon plate-like Na3Bi crystals with large (001) plane surfaces were grown from a molten Na flux. The freshly cleaved crystals were analyzed by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), allowing for the characterization of the three-dimensional (3D) Dirac semimetal (TDS) behavior and the observation of the topological surface states. Landau levels (LL) were observed, and the energy-momentum relations exhibited a linear dispersion relationship, characteristic of the 3D TDS nature of Na3Bi. In transport measurements on Na3Bi crystals the linear magnetoresistance and Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) quantum oscillations are observed for the first time.
Based on the interplay of theory and experiment, a large new family of filled group 9 (Co, Rh and Ir) skutterudites is designed and synthesized. The new materials fill the empty cages in the structures of the known binary CoSb3, RhSb3 and IrSb3 skutterudites with alkaline, alkaline earth, and rare earth atoms to create compounds of the type AyB4X12; A atoms fill the cages to a fraction y, B are the group 9 transition metals, and X is a mixture of electronegative main group elements chosen to achieve chemical stability by adjusting the electron counts to electron-precise values. Forty-three new compounds are reported, antimony-tin and phosphorous-silicon based, with 63 compositional variations presented. The new family of compounds is large and general. The results described here can be extended to the synthesis of hundreds of new group 9 filled skutterudites.
In a ferromagnet, the spin excitations are the well-studied magnons. In frustrated quantum magnets, long-range magnetic order fails to develop despite a large exchange coupling between the spins. In contrast to the magnons in conventional magnets, their spin excitations are poorly understood. Are they itinerant or localized? Here we show that the thermal Hall conductivity $kappa_{xy}$ provides a powerful probe of spin excitations in the quantum spin ice pyrochlore Tb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$. The thermal Hall response is large even though the material is transparent. The Hall response arises from spin excitations with specific characteristics that distinguish them from magnons. At low temperature ($T<$ 1 K), the thermal conductivity imitates that of a dirty metal. Using the Hall angle, we construct a phase diagram showing how the excitations are suppressed by a magnetic field.

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