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We present a technique to constrain galaxy cluster pressure profiles by jointly fitting Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) data obtained with MUSTANG and Bolocam for the clusters Abell 1835 and MACS0647. Bolocam and MUSTANG probe different angular scales and are thus highly complementary. We find that the addition of the high resolution MUSTANG data can improve constraints on pressure profile parameters relative to those derived solely from Bolocam. In Abell 1835 and MACS0647, we find gNFW inner slopes of $gamma = 0.36_{-0.21}^{+0.33}$ and $gamma = 0.38_{-0.25}^{+0.20}$, respectively when $alpha$ and $beta$ are constrained to 0.86 and 4.67 respectively. The fitted SZE pressure profiles are in good agreement with X-ray derived pressure profiles.
We report our analysis of MACS J0717.5+3745 using 140 and 268 GHz Bolocam data collected at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We detect extended Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect signal at high significance in both Bolocam bands, and we employ Herschel-SPIRE observations to subtract the signal from dusty background galaxies in the 268 GHz data. We constrain the two-band SZ surface brightness toward two of the sub-clusters of MACS J0717.5+3745: the main sub-cluster (named C), and a sub-cluster identified in spectroscopic optical data to have a line-of-sight velocity of +3200 km/s (named B). We determine the surface brightness in two separate ways: via fits of parametric models and via direct integration of the images. For both sub-clusters, we find consistent surface brightnesses from both analysis methods. We constrain spectral templates consisting of relativistically corrected thermal and kinetic SZ signals, using a jointly-derived electron temperature from Chandra and XMM-Newton under the assumption that each sub-cluster is isothermal. The data show no evidence for a kinetic SZ signal toward sub-cluster C, but they do indicate a significant kinetic SZ signal toward sub-cluster B. The model-derived surface brightnesses for sub-cluster B yield a best-fit line-of-sight velocity of v_z = +3450 +- 900 km/s, with (1 - Prob[v_z > 0]) = 1.3 x 10^-5 (4.2 sigma away from 0 for a Gaussian distribution). The directly integrated sub-cluster B SZ surface brightnesses provide a best-fit v_z = +2550 +- 1050 km/s, with (1 - Prob[v_z > 0]) = 2.2 x 10^-3 (2.9 sigma).
We describe Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect measurements and analysis of the intracluster medium (ICM) pressure profiles of a set of 45 massive galaxy clusters imaged using Bolocam at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We have used masses determined from Chandra X-ray observations to scale each clusters profile by the overdensity radius R500 and the mass-and-redshift-dependent normalization factor P500. We deproject the average pressure profile of our sample into 13 logarithmically spaced radial bins between 0.07R500 and 3.5R500. We find that a generalized Navarro, Frenk, and White (gNFW) profile describes our data with sufficient goodness-of-fit and best-fit parameters (C500, alpha, beta, gamma, P0 = 1.18, 0.86, 3.67, 0.67, 4.29). We also use the X-ray data to define cool-core and disturbed subsamples of clusters, and we constrain the average pressure profiles of each of these subsamples. We find that given the precision of our data the average pressure profiles of disturbed and cool-core clusters are consistent with one another at R>~0.15R500, with cool-core systems showing indications of higher pressure at R<~0.15R500. In addition, for the first time, we place simultaneous constraints on the mass scaling of cluster pressure profiles, their ensemble mean profile, and their radius-dependent intrinsic scatter between 0.1R500 and 2.0R500. The scatter among profiles is minimized at radii between ~0.2R500 and ~0.5R500, with a value of ~20%. The best-fit mass scaling has a power-law slope of 0.49, which is shallower than the nominal prediction of 2/3 from self-similar hydrostatic equilibrium models. These results for the intrinsic scatter and mass scaling are largely consistent with previous analyses, most of which have relied heavily on X-ray derived pressures of clusters at significantly lower masses and redshifts compared to our sample.
We describe in detail our characterization of the compact radio source population in 140 GHz Bolocam observations of a set of 45 massive galaxy clusters. We use a combination of 1.4 and 30 GHz data to select a total of 28 probable cluster-member radio galaxies and also to predict their 140 GHz flux densities. All of these galaxies are steep-spectrum radio sources and they are found preferentially in the cool-core clusters within our sample. In particular, 11 of the 12 brightest cluster member radio sources are associated with cool-core systems. Although none of the individual galaxies are robustly detected in the Bolocam data, the ensemble-average flux density at 140 GHz is consistent with, but slightly lower than, the extrapolation from lower frequencies assuming a constant spectral index. In addition, our data indicate an intrinsic scatter of 30 percent around the power-law extrapolated flux densities at 140 GHz, although our data do not tightly constrain this scatter. For our cluster sample, which is composed of high-mass and moderate-redshift systems, we find that the maximum fractional change in the Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal integrated over any single cluster due to the presence of these radio sources is 20 percent, and only 1/4 of the clusters show a fractional change of more than 1 percent. The amount of contamination is strongly dependent on cluster morphology, and nearly all of the clusters with more than 1 percent contamination are cool-core systems. This result indicates that radio contamination is not significant compared to current noise levels in 140 GHz images of massive clusters and is in good agreement with the level of radio contamination found in previous results based on lower frequency data or simulations.
We have used the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) to follow-up a sample of WISE-selected, hyperluminous galaxies, so called W1W2-dropout galaxies. This is a rare (~ 1000 all-sky) population of galaxies at high redshift (peaks at z=2-3), that are faint or undetected by WISE at 3.4 and 4.6 um, yet are clearly detected at 12 and 22 um. The optical spectra of most of these galaxies show significant AGN activity. We observed 14 high-redshift (z > 1.7) W1W2-dropout galaxies with SHARC-II at 350 to 850 um, with 9 detections; and observed 18 with Bolocam at 1.1 mm, with five detections. Warm Spitzer follow-up of 25 targets at 3.6 and 4.5 um, as well as optical spectra of 12 targets are also presented in the paper. Combining WISE data with observations from warm Spitzer and CSO, we constructed their mid-IR to millimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs). These SEDs have a consistent shape, showing significantly higher mid-IR to submm ratios than other galaxy templates, suggesting a hotter dust temperature. We estimate their dust temperatures to be 60-120 K using a single-temperature model. Their infrared luminosities are well over 10^{13} Lsun. These SEDs are not well fitted with existing galaxy templates, suggesting they are a new population with very high luminosity and hot dust. They are likely among the most luminous galaxies in the Universe. We argue that they are extreme cases of luminous, hot dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs), possibly representing a short evolutionary phase during galaxy merging and evolution. A better understanding of their long-wavelength properties needs ALMA as well as Herschel data.
We present 90, 140, and 268GHz sub-arcminute resolution imaging of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) in MACSJ0717.5+3745. Our 90GHz SZE data result in a sensitive, 34uJy/bm map at 13 resolution using MUSTANG. Our 140 and 268GHz SZE imaging, with resolutions of 58 and 31 and sensitivities of 1.8 and 3.3mJy/beam respectively, was obtained using Bolocam. We compare these maps to a 2-dimensional pressure map derived from Chandra X-ray observations. Our MUSTANG data confirm previous indications from Chandra of a pressure enhancement due to shock-heated, >20keV gas immediately adjacent to extended radio emission seen in low-frequency radio maps. The MUSTANG data also detect pressure substructure that is not well-constrained by the X-ray data in the remnant core of a merging subcluster. We find that the small-scale pressure enhancements in the MUSTANG data amount to ~2% of the total pressure measured in the 140GHz Bolocam observations. The X-ray template also fails on larger scales to accurately describe the Bolocam data, particularly at the location of a subcluster known to have a high line of sight optical velocity (~3200km/s). Our Bolocam data are adequately described when we add an additional component - not described by a thermal SZE spectrum - coincident with this subcluster. Using flux densities extracted from our model fits, and marginalizing over the temperature constraints for the region, we fit a thermal+kinetic SZE spectrum to our data and find the subcluster has a best-fit line of sight proper velocity of 3600+3440/-2160km/s. This agrees with the optical velocity estimates for the subcluster. The probability of velocity<0 given our measurements is 2.1%. Repeating this analysis using flux densities measured non-parametrically results in a 3.4% probability of a velocity<=0. We note that this tantalizing result for the kinetic SZE is on resolved, subcluster scales.
We present Bolocam observations of two galaxy cluster candidates reported as unconfirmed in the Planck early Sunyaev-Zeldovich (eSZ) sample, PLCKESZ G115.71+17.52 and PLCKESZ G189.84-37.24. We observed each of these candidates with Bolocam at 140 GHz from the Caltech Submm Observatory in October 2011. The resulting images have white noise levels of ~30 {mu}KCMB-arcmin in their central regions. We find a significant SZ decrement towards PLCKESZ G115.71. This decrement has a false detection probability of 5.3times10-5, and we therefore confirm PLCKESZ G115.71 as a cluster. The maximum SZ decrement towards PLCKESZ G189.84 corresponds to a false detection probability of 0.027, and it therefore remains as an unconfirmed cluster candidate. In order to make our SZ-derived results more robust, we have also analyzed data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) at the location of each cluster candidate. We find an overdensity of WISE sources consistent with other clusters in the eSZ at the location of PLCKESZ G115.71, providing further evidence that it is a cluster. We do not find a significant overdensity of WISE sources at the location of PLCKESZ G189.84.
Measuring the intrinsic shape and orientation of dark matter (DM) and intracluster (IC) gas in galaxy clusters is crucial to constraining their formation and evolution, and for enhancing the use of clusters as more precise cosmological probes. Extending our previous works, we present for the first time results from a triaxial joint analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 1835, by means of X-ray, strong lensing (SL) and Sunyaev Zeldovich (SZ) data. We parametrically reconstruct the full three-dimensional structure (triaxial shape and principal axis orientation) of both the DM and the IC gas, and the level of non-thermal pressure of the IC gas. We find that the intermediate-major and minor-major axis ratios of the DM are 0.71+/-0.08 and 0.59+/-0.05, respectively, and the major axis of the DM halo is inclined with respect to the line of sight at 18.3+/-5.2 deg. We present the first observational measurement of the non-thermal pressure out to R_{200}, which has been evaluated to be a few percent of the total energy budget in the internal regions, while reaching approximately 20% in the outer volumes. We discuss the implications of our method for the viability of the CDM scenario, focusing on the concentration parameter C and the inner slope of the DM gamma in order to test the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm for structure formation: we measure gamma=1.01+/-0.06 and C=4.32+/-0.44, values which are close to the predictions of the CDM model. The combination of X-ray/SL data at high spatial resolution, capable of resolving the cluster core, with the SZ data, which are more sensitive to the cluster outer volume, allows us to characterize the level and the gradient of the gas entropy distribution and non-thermal pressure out to R_{200}, breaking the degeneracy among the physical models describing the thermal history of the ICM.
We present initial results from our ongoing program to image the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect in galaxy clusters at 143 GHz using Bolocam; five clusters and one blank field are described in this manuscript. The images have a resolution of 58 arcsec and a radius of 6-7 arcmin, which is approximately r500 - 2r500 for these clusters. The beam-smoothed RMS is ~10 uK_CMB in these images; with this sensitivity we are able to detect SZ signal to beyond r500 in binned radial profiles. We have fit our images to beta and Nagai models, fixing spherical symmetry or allowing for ellipticity in the plane of the sky, and we find that the best-fit parameter values are in general consistent with those obtained from other X-ray and SZ data. Our data show no clear preference for the Nagai model or the beta model due to the limited spatial dynamic range of our images. However, our data show a definitive preference for elliptical models over spherical models. The weighted mean ellipticity of the five clusters is 0.27 +- 0.03, consistent with results from X-ray data. Additionally, we obtain model-independent estimates of Y500, the integrated SZ y-parameter over the cluster face to a radius of r500, with systematics-dominated uncertainties of ~10%. Our Y500 values, which are free from the biases associated with model-derived Y500 values, scale with cluster mass in a way that is consistent with both self-similar predictions and expectations of a 10% intrinsic scatter.

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