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335 - Jack M. Shapiro 2014
$HC_*(A rtimes G)$ is the cyclic homology of the crossed product algebra $A rtimes G.$ For any $g epsilon G$ we will define a homomorphism from $HC_*^g(A),$ the twisted cylic homology of $A$ with respect to $g,$ to $HC_*(A rtimes G).$ If $G$ is the finite cyclic group generated by $g$ and $|G|=r$ is invertible in $k,$ then $HC_*(A rtimes G)$ will be isomorphic to a direct sum of $r$ copies of $HC_*^g(A).$ For the case where $|G|$ is finite and $Q subset k$ we will generalize the Karoubi and Connes periodicity exact sequences for $HC_*^g(A)$ to Karoubi and Connes periodicity exact sequences for $HC_*(A rtimes G)$ .

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