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This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of thermonuclear X-ray bursts on accreting neutron stars. For a summary, we refer to the paper.
Thermonuclear shell flashes on neutron stars are detected as bright X-ray bursts. Traditionally, their decay is modeled with an exponential function. However, this is not what theory predicts. The expected functional form for luminosities below the Eddington limit, at times when there is no significant nuclear burning, is a power law. We tested the exponential and power-law functional forms against the best data available: bursts measured with the high-throughput Proportional Counter Array (PCA) on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We selected a sample of 35 clean and ordinary (i.e., shorter than a few minutes) bursts from 14 different neutron stars that 1) show a large dynamic range in luminosity, 2) are the least affected by disturbances by the accretion disk and 3) lack prolonged nuclear burning through the rp-process. We find indeed that for every burst a power law is a better description than an exponential function. We also find that the decay index is steep, 1.8 on average, and different for every burst. This may be explained by contributions from degenerate electrons and photons to the specific heat capacity of the ignited layer and by deviations from the Stefan-Boltzmann law due to changes in the opacity with density and temperature. Detailed verification of this explanation yields inconclusive results. While the values for the decay index are consistent, changes of it with the burst time scale, as a proxy of ignition depth, and with time are not supported by model calculations.
267 - J.J.M. in t Zand 2010
An unusual Eddington-limited thermonuclear X-ray burst was detected from the accreting neutron star in 2S 0918-549 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. The burst commenced with a brief (40 ms) precursor and maintained near-Eddington fluxes during the initial 77 s. These characteristics are indicative of a nova-like expulsion of a shell from the neutron star surface. Starting 122 s into the burst, the burst shows strong (87 +/- 1% peak-to-peak amplitude) achromatic fluctuations for 60 s. We speculate that the fluctuations are due to Thompson scattering by fully-ionized inhomogeneities in a resettling accretion disk that was disrupted by the effects of super-Eddington fluxes. An expanding shell may be the necessary prerequisite for the fluctuations.
100 - E. Kuulkers 2009
[abridged] The LMXB 4U 0614+091 is a source of sporadic thermonuclear (type I) X-ray bursts. We find bursts with a wide variety of characteristics in serendipitous wide-field X-ray observations by EURECA/WATCH, RXTE/ASM, BeppoSAX/WFC, HETE-2/FREGATE, INTEGRAL/IBIS/ISGRI, and Swift/BAT, as well as pointed observations by RXTE/PCA and HEXTE. Most of them reach a peak flux of ~15 Crab, but a few only reach a peak flux below a Crab. One of the bursts shows a very strong photospheric radius-expansion phase. This allows us to evaluate the distance to the source: 3.2 kpc. The burst durations are between 10 sec to 5 min. However, after one of the intermediate-duration bursts, a faint tail is seen to at least ~2.4 hours after the start of the burst. One very long burst lasted for several hours. This superburst candidate was followed by a normal type-I burst only 19 days later. This is, to our knowledge, the shortest burst-quench time among the superbursters. A superburst in this system is difficult to reconcile if it accretes at ~1% L_Edd. The intermediate-duration bursts occurred when 4U 0614+091s persistent emission was lowest and calm, and when bursts were infrequent (on average one every month to 3 months). The average burst rate increased significantly after this period. The maximum average burst recurrence rate is once every week to 2 weeks. The burst behaviour may be partly understood if there is at least an appreciable amount of helium present in the accreted material from the donor star. If the system is an ultra-compact X-ray binary with a CO white-dwarf donor, as has been suggested, this is unexpected. If the bursts are powered by helium, we find that the energy production per accumulated mass is about 2.5 times less than expected for pure helium matter.
441 - J.J.M. in t Zand 2008
Results are discussed of an X-ray and optical observation campaign of the low-mass X-ray binary A1246-58 performed with instruments on Satellite per Astronomia X (BeppoSAX), the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), the X-ray Multi-mirror Mission (XMM-Newton), the Swift mission, and the Very Large Telescope. Spectra and flux time histories are studied. The most important results are the lack of hydrogen spectral features in the optical spectrum, supporting the proposition that this is an ultracompact X-ray binary (UCXB), the determination of a 4.3 kpc distance from time-resolved spectroscopy of thermonuclear X-ray bursts, and the detection of intermediately long thermonuclear bursts as seen in a number of other UCXBs. There is evidence for a Ne/O abundance ratio in the line of sight that is higher than solar and variable. This may be due to different changes in the ionization degrees of Ne and O, which may be related to the variable irradiating flux. We discuss the spectral variability and the peculiarities of the long-term light curve.
We have observed the ultra-compact low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 1A 1246-588 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). In this manuscript we report the discovery of a kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in 1A 1246-588. The kilohertz QPO was only detected when the source was in a soft high-flux state reminiscent of the lower banana branch in atoll sources. Only one kilohertz QPO peak is detected at a relatively high frequency of 1258+-2 Hz and at a single trial significance of more than 7 sigma. Kilohertz QPOs with a higher frequency have only been found on two occasions in 4U 0614+09. Furthermore, the frequency is higher than that found for the lower kilohertz QPO in any source, strongly suggesting that the QPO is the upper of the kilohertz QPO pair often found in LMXBs. The full-width at half maximum is 25+-4 Hz, making the coherence the highest found for an upper kilohertz QPO. From a distance estimate of ~6 kpc from a radius expansion burst we derive that 1A 1246-588 is at a persistent flux of ~0.2-0.3 per cent of the Eddington flux, hence 1A 1246-588 is one of the weakest LMXBs for which a kilohertz QPO has been detected. The root-mean-square (rms) amplitude in the 5-60 keV band is 27+-3 per cent, this is the highest for any kilohertz QPO source so far, in line with the general anti-correlation between source luminosity and rms amplitude of the kilohertz QPO peak identified before. Using the X-ray spectral information we produce a colour-colour diagram. The source behaviour in this diagram provides further evidence for the atoll nature of the source.

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