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We present a new selection technique of producing spectroscopic target catalogues for massive spectroscopic surveys for cosmology. This work was conducted in the context of the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS), which will use ~200 000 emission line galaxies (ELGs) at 0.6<zspec<1.0 to obtain a precise baryon acoustic oscillation measurement. Our proposed selection technique is based on optical and near-infrared broad-band filter photometry. We used a training sample to define a quantity, the Fisher discriminant (linear combination of colours), which correlates best with the desired properties of the target: redshift and [OII] flux. The proposed selections are simply done by applying a cut on magnitudes and this Fisher discriminant. We used public data and dedicated SDSS spectroscopy to quantify the redshift distribution and [OII] flux of our ELG target selections. We demonstrate that two of our selections fulfil the initial eBOSS/ELG redshift requirements: for a target density of 180 deg^2, ~70% of the selected objects have 0.6<zspec<1.0 and only ~1% of those galaxies in the range 0.6<zspec<1.0 are expected to have a catastrophic zspec estimate. Additionally, the stacked spectra and stacked deep images for those two selections show characteristic features of star-forming galaxies. The proposed approach using the Fisher discriminant could, however, be used to efficiently select other galaxy populations, based on multi-band photometry, providing that spectroscopic information is available. This technique could thus be useful for other future massive spectroscopic surveys such as PFS, DESI, and 4MOST.
We present a new strong lensing mass reconstruction of the Bullet cluster (1E 0657-56) at z=0.296, based on WFC3 and ACS HST imaging and VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy. The strong lensing constraints underwent substantial revision compared to previously published analysis, there are now 14 (six new and eight previously known) multiply-imaged systems, of which three have spectroscopically confirmed redshifts (including one newly measured from this work). The reconstructed mass distribution explicitly included the combination of three mass components: i) the intra-cluster gas mass derived from X-ray observation, ii) the cluster galaxies modeled by their fundamental plane scaling relations and iii) dark matter. The model that includes the intra-cluster gas is the one with the best Bayesian evidence. This model has a total RMS value of 0.158 between the predicted and measured image positions for the 14 multiple images considered. The proximity of the total RMS to resolution of HST/WFC3 and ACS (0.07-0.15 FWHM) demonstrates the excellent precision of our mass model. The derived mass model confirms the spatial offset between the X-ray gas and dark matter peaks. The fraction of the galaxy halos mass to total mass is found to be f_s=11+/-5% for a total mass of 2.5+/-0.1 x 10^14 solar mass within a 250 kpc radial aperture.
Accurate weak-lensing analysis requires not only accurate measurement of galaxy shapes but also precise and unbiased measurement of galaxy redshifts. The photometric redshift technique appears as the only possibility to determine the redshift of the background galaxies used in the weak-lensing analysis. Using the photometric redshift quality, simple shape measurement requirements, and a proper sky model, we explore what could be an optimal weak-lensing dark energy mission based on FoM calculation. We found that photometric redshifts reach their best accuracy for the bulk of the faint galaxy population when filters have a resolution R~3.2. We show that an optimal mission would survey the sky through 8 filters using 2 cameras (visible and near infrared). Assuming a 5-year mission duration, a mirror size of 1.5m, a 0.5deg2 FOV with a visible pixel scale of 0.15, we found that a homogeneous survey reaching IAB=25.6 (10sigma) with a sky coverage of ~11000deg2 maximizes the Weak Lensing FoM. The effective number density of galaxies then used for WL is ~45gal/arcmin2, at least a factor of two better than ground based survey. This work demonstrates that a full account of the observational strategy is required to properly optimize the instrument parameters to maximize the FoM of the future weak-lensing space dark energy mission.
Measurements of X-ray scaling laws are critical for improving cosmological constraints derived with the halo mass function and for understanding the physical processes that govern the heating and cooling of the intracluster medium. In this paper, we use a sample of 206 X-ray selected galaxy groups to investigate the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity (Lx) and halo mass (M00) where M200 is derived via stacked weak gravitational lensing. This work draws upon a broad array of multi-wavelength COSMOS observations including 1.64 square degrees of contiguous imaging with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and deep XMM-Newton/Chandra imaging. The combined depth of these two data-sets allows us to probe the lensing signals of X-ray detected structures at both higher redshifts and lower masses than previously explored. Weak lensing profiles and halo masses are derived for nine sub-samples, narrowly binned in luminosity and redshift. The COSMOS data alone are well fit by a power law, M200 ~ Lx^a, with a slope of a=0.66+-0.14. These results significantly extend the dynamic range for which the halo masses of X-ray selected structures have been measured with weak gravitational lensing. As a result, tight constraints are obtained for the slope of the M-Lx relation. The combination of our group data with previously published cluster data demonstrates that the M-Lx relation is well described by a single power law, a=0.64+-0.03, over two decades in mass, 10^13.5-10^15.5 h72^-1 Msun. These results are inconsistent at the 3.7 level with the self-similar prediction of a=0.75. We examine the redshift dependence of the M-Lx relation and find little evidence for evolution beyond the rate predicted by self-similarity from z ~ 0.25 to z ~ 0.8.
51 - T. Anguita 2009
[abridged] We present VLT/FORS1 spectroscopic follow-up observations and HST/WFPC2 imaging of the system COSMOS 5921+0638, which exhibits quadruply lensed images and a perfect Einstein ring. We investigate the nature of COSMOS 5921+0638 by studying its photometric, spectroscopic and physical properties. We completed both an environmental analysis and detailed analytical and grid-based mass modeling of the system. We measured the redshifts of the lensing galaxy in COSMOS 5921+0638 (z_l=0.551+/-0.001) and 9 additional galaxies in the field (5 of them at z~0.35). The redshift of the lensed source was inferred by identifying a candidate Lya line at z_s=3.14+/-0.05. The mass modeling reveals the requirement of a small external shear (gamma=0.038), which is slightly larger than the lensing contribution expected by galaxy groups along the line-of-sight (kappa_groups~0.01 and gamma_groups~0.005). The estimated time-delays between the different images are of the order of hours to half a week and the total magnification of the background source is mu~150. The measured mass-to-light ratio of the lensing galaxy within the Einstein ring is M/L_B~8.5+/-1.6. Our analysis indicates that the ring and point-like structures in COSMOS 5921+0638 consist of a lensed high redshift galaxy hosting a low luminosity AGN (LLAGN). Flux ratio anomalies observed in the lensed AGN images are probably due to microlensing by stars in the lensing galaxy and/or a combination of static phenomena. Because of its short time-delays and the possibility of microlensing, COSMOS 5921+0638 is a promising laboratory for future studies of LLAGNs.
Future dark energy space missions such as JDEM and EUCLID are being designed to survey the galaxy population to trace the geometry of the universe and the growth of structure, which both depend on the cosmological model. To reach the goal of high precision cosmology they need to evaluate the capabilities of different instrument designs based on realistic mock catalog. The aim of this paper is to construct realistic and flexible mock catalogs based on our knowledge of galaxy population from current deep surveys. We explore two categories of mock catalog : (i) based on luminosity functions fit of observations (GOODS, UDF,COSMOS,VVDS) using the Le Phare software (ii) based on the observed COSMOS galaxy distribution which benefits from all the properties of the data-rich COSMOS survey. For these two catalogs, we have produced simulated number counts in several bands, color diagrams and redshift distribution for validation against real observational data. We also derive some basic requirements to help designing future Dark Energy mission in terms of number of galaxies available for the weak-lensing analysis as a function of the PSF size and depth of the survey. We also compute the spectroscopic success rate for future spectroscopic redshift surveys (i) aiming at measuring BAO in the case of the wide field spectroscopic redshift survey, and (ii) for the photometric redshift calibration survey which is required to achieve weak lensing tomography with great accuracy. They will be publicly accessible at, or by request to the first author of this paper.
We discuss the X-ray and optical properties of the massive galaxy cluster MACSJ1206.2-0847 (z=0.4385), discovered in the Massive Cluster Survey (MACS). Our Chandra observation of the system yields a total X-ray luminosity of 2.4 x 10^45 erg/s (0.1-2.4 keV) and a global gas temperature of (11.6 +/- 0.7) keV, very high values typical of MACS clusters. In both optical and X-ray images MACSJ1206 appears close to relaxed in projection, with a pronounced X-ray peak at the location of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG); we interpret this feature as the remnant of a cold core. A spectacular giant gravitational arc, 15 in length, bright (V~21) and unusually red (R-K=4.3), is seen 20 west of the BCG; we measure a redshift of z=1.036 for the lensed galaxy. From our HST image of the cluster we identify the giant arc and its counter image as a seven-fold imaged system. An excess of X-ray emission in the direction of the arc coincides with a mild galaxy overdensity and could be the remnant of a minor merger with a group of galaxies. We derive estimates of the total cluster mass as well as of the mass of the cluster core using X-ray, dynamical, and gravitational-lensing techniques. For the mass enclosed by the giant arc (r<119 kpc) our strong-lensing analysis based on HST imaging yields a very high value of 1.1 x 10^14 M_sun, inconsistent with the much lower X-ray estimate of 0.5 x 10^14 M_sun. Similarly, the virial estimate of 4 x 10^15 M_sun for the total cluster mass, derived from multi-object spectroscopy of 38 cluster members, is significantly higher than the corresponding X-ray estimate of 1.7 x 10^15 M_sun. We take the discrepant mass estimates to be indicative of substructure along the line of sight during an ongoing merger event, an interpretation that is supported by the systems very high velocity dispersion of 1580 km/s.
Context: Submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) are distant, dusty galaxies undergoing star formation at prodigious rates. Recently there has been major progress in understanding the nature of the bright SMGs (i.e. S(850um)>5mJy). The samples for the fainter SMGs are small and are currently in a phase of being built up through identification studies. Aims: We study the molecular gas content in two SMGs, SMMJ163555 and SMMJ163541, at z=1.034 and z=3.187 with unlensed submm fluxes of 0.4mJy and 6.0mJy. Both SMGs are gravitationally lensed by the foreground cluster A2218. Methods: IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometry observations at 3mm were obtained for the lines CO(2-1) for SMMJ163555 and CO(3-2) for SMMJ163541. Additionally we obtained CO(4-3) for the candidate z=4.048 SMMJ163556 with an unlensed submm flux of 2.7mJy. Results: CO(2-1) was detected for SMMJ163555 at z=1.0313 with an integrated line intensity of 1.2+-0.2Jy km/s and a line width of 410+-120 km/s. From this a gas mass of 1.6x10^9 Msun is derived and a star formation efficiency of 440Lsun/Msun is estimated. CO(3-2) was detected for SMMJ163541 at z=3.1824, possibly with a second component at z=3.1883, with an integrated line intensity of 1.0+-0.1 Jy km/s and a line width of 280+-50 km/s. From this a gas mass of 2.2x10^10 Msun is derived and a star formation efficiency of 1000 Lsun/Msun is estimated. For SMMJ163556 the CO(4-3) is undetected within the redshift range 4.035-4.082 down to a sensitivity of 0.15 Jy km/s. Conclusions: Our CO line observations confirm the optical redshifts for SMMJ163555 and SMMJ163541. The CO line luminosity L_CO for both galaxies is consistent with the L_FIR-L_CO relation. SMMJ163555 has the lowest FIR luminosity of all SMGs with a known redshift and is one of the few high redshift LIRGs whose properties can be estimated prior to ALMA.

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