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92 - X. H. Cui , X. F. Wu , J. J. Wei 2014
We present the optical luminosity function (LF) of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) estimated from a uniform sample of 58 GRBs from observations with the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment III (ROTSE-III). Our GRB sample is divided into two sub-samples: detected afterglows (18 GRBs), and those with upper limits (40 GRBs). The $R$ band fluxes 100s after the onset of the burst for these two sub-samples are derived. The optical LFs at 100s are fitted by assuming that the co-moving GRB rate traces the star-formation rate. The detection function of ROTSE-III is taken into account during the fitting of the optical LFs by using Monte Carlo simulations. We find that the cumulative distribution of optical emission at 100s is well-described with an exponential rise and power-law decay (ERPLD), broken power-law (BPL), and Schechter LFs. A single power-law (SPL) LF, on the other hand, is ruled out with high confidence.
229 - S. Basa , J. Wei , J. Paul 2008
We present the Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor mission (SVOM) decided by the Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA) and the French Space Agency (CNES). The mission which is designed to detect about 80 Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) of all known types per year, will carry a very innovative scientific payload combining a gamma-ray coded mask imagers sensitive in the range 4 keV to 250 keV, a soft X-ray telescope operating between 0.5 to 2 keV, a gamma-ray spectro-photometer sensitive in the range 50 keV to 5 MeV, and an optical telescope able to measure the GRB afterglow emission down to a magnitude limit M$_R=23$ with a 300 s exposure. A particular attention will be also paid to the follow-up in making easy the observation of the SVOM detected GRB by the largest ground based telescopes. Scheduled for a launch in 2013, it will provide fast and reliable GRB positions, will measure the broadband spectral energy distribution and temporal properties of the prompt emission, and will quickly identify the optical afterglows of detected GRBs, including those at very high redshift.
125 - Y. Zhang , J. Wei , H. W. Ou 2008
The nature of spin-density wave and its relation with superconductivity are crucial issues in the newly discovered Fe-based high temperature superconductors. Particularly it is unclear whether the superconducting phase and spin density wave (SDW) are truly exclusive from each other as suggested by certain experiments. With angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we here report exchange splittings of the band structures in Sr1-xKxFe2As2 (x=0,0.1,0.2), and the non-rigid-band behaviors of the splitting. Our data on single crystalline superconducting samples unambiguously prove that SDW and superconductivity could coexist in iron-pnictides.
427 - B. Chen , J. Wei , Francis Tay 2008
This paper presents the fabrication process, characterization results and basic functionality of silicon microneedles array with biodegradable tips. In order to avoid the main problems related to silicon microneedles : broking of the top part of the needles inside the skin, a simple solution can be fabrication of microneedles array with biodegradable tips. The silicon microneedles array was fabricated by using reactive ion etching while the biodegradable tips were performed using and anodization process that generates selectively porous silicon only on the top part of the skin. The paper presents also the results of in vitro release of calcein using microneedles array with biodegradable tips
388 - J. Wei , Y. Zhang , H. W. Ou 2008
Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy study is reported on a high quality optimally doped Bi2Sr1.6La0.4CuO6+delta high Tc superconductor. In the antinodal region with maximal d-wave gap, the symbolic superconducting coherence peak, which has been widely observed in multi-CuO2-layer cuprate superconductors, is unambiguously observed in a single layer system. The associated peak-dip separation is just about 19 meV, which is much smaller than its counterparts in multi-layered compounds, but correlates with the energy scales of spin excitations in single layer cuprates.

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