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We experimentally studied the dynamics of optically excited hotspots in current carrying WSi superconducting nanowires as a function of bias current, bath temperature and excitation wavelength. We discovered that: (1) the hotspot relaxation is a factor of ~ 4 slower in WSi than in NbN; (2) the hotspot relaxation time depends on bias current, and (3) the current dependence of the hotspot relaxation time changes with temperature and wavelength. We explained all of these effects with a model based on quasi particle recombination.
IGRJ17361-4441 is a newly discovered INTEGRAL hard X-ray transient, located in the globular cluster NGC6388. We report here the results of the X-ray and radio observations performed with Swift, INTEGRAL, RXTE, and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) after the discovery of the source on 2011 August 11. In the X-ray domain, IGRJ17361-4441 showed virtually constant flux and spectral parameters up to 18 days from the onset of the outburst. The broad-band (0.5-100 keV) spectrum of the source could be reasonably well described by using an absorbed power-law component with a high energy cut-off (N_Hsimeq0.8x10^(22) cm^(-2), {Gamma}simeq0.7-1.0, and E_cutsimeq25 keV) and displayed some evidence of a soft component below sim2 keV. No coherent timing features were found in the RXTE data. The ATCA observation did not detect significant radio emission from IGRJ17361-4441, and provided the most stringent upper limit (rms 14.1 {mu}Jy at 5.5 GHz) to date on the presence of any radio source close to the NGC6388 center of gravity. The improved position of IGRJ17361-4441 in outburst determined from a recent target of opportunity observation with Chandra, together with the X-ray flux and radio upper limits measured in the direction of the source, argue against its association with the putative intermediate-mass black hole residing in the globular cluster and with the general hypothesis that the INTEGRAL source is a black hole candidate. IGRJ17361-4441 might be more likely a new X-ray binary hosting an accreting neutron star. The ATCA radio non-detection also permits us to derive an upper limit to the mass of the suspected intermediate massive black hole in NGC6388 of <600 Modot. This is a factor of 2.5 lower than the limit reported previously.
We characterize a periodically poled KTP crystal that produces an entangled, two-mode, squeezed state with orthogonal polarizations, nearly identical, factorizable frequency modes, and few photons in unwanted frequency modes. We focus the pump beam to create a nearly circular joint spectral probability distribution between the two modes. After disentangling the two modes, we observe Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with a raw (background corrected) visibility of 86 % (95 %) when an 8.6 nm bandwidth spectral filter is applied. We measure second order photon correlations of the entangled and disentangled squeezed states with both superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and photon-number-resolving transition-edge sensors. Both methods agree and verify that the detected modes contain the desired photon number distributions.
This paper thoroughly explores the characteristics of vertical spiral resonators (VSR). They exhibit rela-tively high Q factors and sizes around a few percent of the free space wavelength, which make them ideal candi-dates for assembling metamaterial devices. A quasistatic model of VSR is obtained from simple analytical ex-pressions, and the effects of certain geometrical parameters on the resonant frequency are investigated.

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