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We present the results of a search for bright (-22.7 < M_UV < -20.5) Lyman-break galaxies at z ~ 6 within a total of 1.65 square degrees of imaging in the UltraVISTA/COSMOS and UKIDSS UDS/SXDS fields. The deep near-infrared imaging available in the two independent fields, in addition to deep optical (including z-band) data, enables the sample of z ~ 6 star-forming galaxies to be securely detected long-ward of the break (in contrast to several previous studies). We show that the expected contamination rate of our initial sample by cool galactic brown dwarfs is < 3 per cent and demonstrate that they can be effectively removed by fitting brown dwarf spectral templates to the photometry. At z ~ 6 the galaxy surface density in the UltraVISTA field exceeds that in the UDS by a factor of ~ 1.8, indicating strong cosmic variance even between degree-scale fields at z > 5. We calculate the bright end of the rest-frame Ultra-Violet (UV) luminosity function (LF) at z ~ 6. The galaxy number counts are a factor of ~1.7 lower than predicted by the recent LF determination by Bouwens et al.. In comparison to other smaller area studies, we find an evolution in the characteristic magnitude between z ~ 5 and z ~ 7 of dM* ~ 0.4 mag, and show that a double power-law or a Schechter function can equally well describe the LF at z = 6. Furthermore, the bright-end of the LF appears to steepen from z ~ 7 to z ~ 5, which could indicate the onset of mass quenching or the rise of dust obscuration, a conclusion supported by comparing the observed LFs to a range of theoretical model predictions.
339 - A.Fontana 2014
We present the results of a new, ultra-deep, near-infrared imaging survey executed with the Hawk-I imager at the ESO VLT, of which we make all the data public. This survey, named HUGS (Hawk-I UDS and GOODS Survey), provides deep, high-quality imaging in the K and Y bands over the CANDELS UDS and GOODS-South fields. We describe here the survey strategy, the data reduction process, and the data quality. HUGS delivers the deepest and highest quality K-band images ever collected over areas of cosmological interest, and ideally complements the CANDELS data set in terms of image quality and depth. The seeing is exceptional and homogeneous, confined to the range 0.38-0.43. In the deepest region of the GOODS-S field, (which includes most of the HUDF) the K-band exposure time exceeds 80 hours of integration, yielding a 1-sigma magnitude limit of ~28.0 mag/sqarcsec. In the UDS field the survey matches the shallower depth of the CANDELS images reaching a 1-sigma limit per sq.arcsec of ~27.3mag in the K band and ~28.3mag in the Y-band, We show that the HUGS observations are well matched to the depth of the CANDELS WFC3/IR data, since the majority of even the faintest galaxies detected in the CANDELS H-band images are also detected in HUGS. We present the K-band galaxy number counts produced by combining the HUGS data from the two fields. We show that the slope of the number counts depends sensitively on the assumed distribution of galaxy sizes, with potential impact on the estimated extra-galactic background light (abridged).
We present the results of a new search for bright star-forming galaxies at z ~ 7 within the UltraVISTA DR2 and UKIDSS UDS DR10 data, which together provide 1.65 sq deg of near-infrared imaging with overlapping optical and Spitzer data. Using a full photo-z analysis to identify high-z galaxies and reject contaminants, we have selected a sample of 34 luminous (-22.7 < M_UV < -21.2) galaxies with 6.5 < z < 7.5. Crucially, the deeper imaging provided by UltraVISTA DR2 confirms all of the robust objects previously uncovered by Bowler et al. (2012), validating our selection technique. Our sample includes the most massive galaxies known at z ~ 7, with M_* ~ 10^{10} M_sun, and the majority are resolved, consistent with larger sizes (r_{1/2} ~ 1 - 1.5 kpc) than displayed by less massive galaxies. From our final sample, we determine the form of the bright end of the rest-frame UV galaxy luminosity function (LF) at z ~ 7, providing strong evidence that the bright end of the z = 7 LF does not decline as steeply as predicted by the Schechter function fitted to fainter data. We consider carefully, and exclude the possibility that this is due to either gravitational lensing, or significant contamination of our galaxy sample by AGN. Rather, our results favour a double power-law form for the galaxy LF at high z, or, more interestingly, a LF which simply follows the form of the dark-matter halo mass function at bright magnitudes. This suggests that the physical mechanism which inhibits star-formation activity in massive galaxies (i.e. AGN feedback or some other form of `mass quenching) has yet to impact on the observable galaxy LF at z ~ 7, a conclusion supported by the estimated masses of our brightest galaxies which have only just reached a mass comparable to the critical `quenching mass of M_* = 10 ^{10.2} M_sun derived from studies of the mass function of star-forming galaxies at lower z.
We present the results of a study investigating the rest-frame ultra-violet (UV) spectral slopes of redshift z~5 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). By combining deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the CANDELS and HUDF fields with ground-based imaging from the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS), we have produced a large sample of z~5 LBGs spanning an unprecedented factor of >100 in UV luminosity. Based on this sample we find a clear colour-magnitude relation (CMR) at z~5, such that the rest-frame UV slopes (beta) of brighter galaxies are notably redder than their fainter counterparts. We determine that the z~5 CMR is well described by a linear relationship of the form: d beta = (-0.12 +/- 0.02) d Muv, with no clear evidence for a change in CMR slope at faint magnitudes (i.e. Muv > -18.9). Using the results of detailed simulations we are able, for the first time, to infer the intrinsic (i.e. free from noise) variation of galaxy colours around the CMR at z~5. We find significant (12 sigma) evidence for intrinsic colour variation in the sample as a whole. Our results also demonstrate that the width of the intrinsic UV slope distribution of z~5 galaxies increases from Delta(beta)=0.1 at Muv=-18 to Delta(beta)=0.4 at Muv=-21. We suggest that the increasing width of the intrinsic galaxy colour distribution and the CMR itself are both plausibly explained by a luminosity independent lower limit of beta=-2.1, combined with an increase in the fraction of red galaxies in brighter UV-luminosity bins.
Chronos is our response to ESAs call for white papers to define the science for the future L2, L3 missions. Chronos targets the formation and evolution of galaxies, by collecting the deepest NIR spectroscopic data, from the formation of the first galaxies at z~10 to the peak of formation activity at z~1-3. The strong emission from the atmospheric background makes this type of survey impossible from a ground-based observatory. The spectra of galaxies represent the equivalent of a DNA fingerprint, containing information about the past history of star formation and chemical enrichment. The proposed survey will allow us to dissect the formation process of galaxies including the timescales of quenching triggered by star formation or AGN activity, the effect of environment, the role of infall/outflow processes, or the connection between the galaxies and their underlying dark matter haloes. To provide these data, the mission requires a 2.5m space telescope optimised for a campaign of very deep NIR spectroscopy. A combination of a high multiplex and very long integration times will result in the deepest, largest, high-quality spectroscopic dataset of galaxies from z=1 to 12, spanning the history of the Universe, from 400 million to 6 billion years after the big bang, i.e. covering the most active half of cosmic history.
We present a new determination of the UV galaxy luminosity function (LF) at redshift z ~ 7 and z ~ 8, and a first estimate at z ~ 9. An accurate determination of the form and evolution of the LF at high z is crucial for improving our knowledge of early galaxy evolution and cosmic reionization. Our analysis exploits fully the new, deepest WFC3/IR imaging from our HST UDF12 campaign, and includes a new, consistent analysis of all appropriate, shallower/wider-area HST data. Our new measurement of the evolving LF at z ~ 7-8 is based on a final catalogue of ~600 galaxies, and involves a step-wise maximum likelihood determination based on the redshift probability distribution for each object; this makes full use of the 11-band imaging now available in the HUDF, including the new UDF12 F140W data, and the deep Spitzer IRAC imaging. The final result is a determination of the z ~ 7 LF extending down to M_UV = -16.75, and the z ~ 8 LF down to M_UV = -17.00. Fitting a Schechter function, we find M* = -19.90 (+0.23/-0.28), log phi* = -2.96 (+0.18/-0.23), and a faint-end slope alpha=-1.90 (+0.14/-0.15) at z~7, and M* = -20.12 (+0.37/-0.48), log phi* = -3.35 (+0.28/-0.47), alpha=-2.02 (+0.22/-0.23) at z~8. These results strengthen suggestions that the evolution at z > 7 is more akin to `density evolution than the apparent `luminosity evolution seen at z ~ 5-7. We also provide the first meaningful information on the LF at z ~ 9, explore alternative extrapolations to higher z, and consider the implications for the evolution of UV luminosity density. Finally, we provide catalogues (including z_phot, M_UV and all photometry) for the 100 most robust z~6.5-11.9 galaxies in the HUDF used in this analysis. We discuss our results in the context of earlier work and the results of an independent analysis of the UDF12 data based on colour-colour selection (Schenker et al. 2013).
We use the new ultra-deep, near-infrared imaging of the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) provided by our UDF12 HST WFC3/IR campaign to explore the rest-frame UV properties of galaxies at redshifts z > 6.5. We present the first unbiased measurement of the average UV power-law index, beta, for faint galaxies at z ~ 7, the first meaningful measurements of beta at z ~ 8, and tentative estimates for a new sample of galaxies at z ~ 9. Utilising galaxy selection in the new F140W imaging to minimize colour bias, and applying both colour and power-law estimators of beta, we find beta = -2.1 (+/-0.2) at z ~ 7 for galaxies with M_UV ~ -18. This means that the faintest galaxies uncovered at this epoch have, on average, UV colours no more extreme than those displayed by the bluest star-forming galaxies at low redshift. At z ~ 8 we find a similar value, beta = -1.9 (+/-0.3). At z ~ 9, we find beta = -1.8 (+/-0.6), essentially unchanged from z ~ 6 - 7 (albeit highly uncertain). Finally, we show that there is as yet no evidence for a significant intrinsic scatter in beta within our new, robust z ~ 7 galaxy sample. Our results are most easily explained by a population of steadily star-forming galaxies with either ~ solar metallicity and zero dust, or moderately sub-solar (~ 10-20%) metallicity with modest dust obscuration (A_V ~ 0.1-0.2). This latter interpretation is consistent with the predictions of a state-of-the-art galaxy-formation simulation, which also suggests that a significant population of very-low metallicity, dust-free galaxies with beta ~ -2.5 may not emerge until M_UV > -16, a regime likely to remain inaccessible until the James Webb Space Telescope.
We have exploited the HST CANDELS WFC3/IR imaging to study the properties of (sub-)mm galaxies in GOODS-South. After using the deep radio and Spitzer imaging to identify galaxy counterparts for the (sub-)mm sources, we have used the new CANDELS data in two ways. First, we have derived improved photometric redshifts and stellar masses, confirming that the (sub-)mm galaxies are massive (<M*>=2.2x10^11 M_solar) galaxies at z=1-3. Second, we have exploited the depth and resolution of the WFC3/IR imaging to determine the sizes and morphologies of the galaxies at rest-frame optical wavelengths, fitting two-dimensional axi-symmetric Sersic models. Crucially, the WFC3/IR H-band imaging enables modelling of the mass-dominant galaxy, rather than the blue high-surface brightness features which often dominate optical (rest-frame UV) images of (sub-)mm galaxies, and can confuse visual morphological classification. As a result of this analysis we find that >95% of the rest-frame optical light in almost all of the (sub-)mm galaxies is well-described by either a single exponential disk, or a multiple-component system in which the dominant constituent is disk-like. We demonstrate that this conclusion is consistent with the results of high-quality ground-based K-band imaging, and explain why. The massive disk galaxies which host luminous (sub-)mm emission are reasonably extended (r_e=4 kpc), consistent with the sizes of other massive star-forming disks at z~2. In many cases we find evidence of blue clumps within the sources, with the mass-dominant disk becoming more significant at longer wavelengths. Finally, only a minority of the sources show evidence for a major galaxy-galaxy interaction. Taken together, these results support the view that most (sub-)mm galaxies at z~2 are simply the most extreme examples of normal star-forming galaxies at that era.
We have exploited the new, deep, near-infrared UltraVISTA imaging of the COSMOS field, in tandem with deep optical and mid-infrared imaging, to conduct a new search for luminous galaxies at redshifts z ~ 7. The unique multi-wavelength dataset provided by VISTA, CFHT, Subaru, HST and Spitzer over a common area of 1 deg^2 has allowed us to select galaxy candidates at z > 6.5 by searching first for Y+J-detected (< 25 AB mag) objects which are undetected in the CFHT+HST optical data. This sample was then refined using a photometric redshift fitting code, enabling the rejection of lower-redshift galaxy contaminants and cool galactic M,L,T dwarf stars.The final result of this process is a small sample of (at most) ten credible galaxy candidates at z > 6.5 which we present in this paper. The first four of these appear to be robust galaxies at z > 6.5, and fitting to their stacked SED yields z = 6.98+-0.05 with a stellar mass M* = 5x10^9 Msun, and rest-frame UV spectral slope beta = -2.0+-0.2. The next three are also good candidates for z > 6.5 galaxies, but the possibility that they are low-redshift galaxies or dwarf stars cannot be excluded. Our final subset of three additional candidates is afflicted not only by potential dwarf-star contamination, but also contains objects likely to lie at redshifts just below z = 6.5. We show that the three even-brighter z > 7 galaxy candidates reported in the COSMOS field by Capak et al. (2011) in fact all lie at z ~ 1.5-3.5. Consequently the new z ~ 7 galaxies reported here are the first credible z ~ 7 Lyman-break galaxies discovered in the COSMOS field and, as the most UV-luminous discovered to date at these redshifts, are prime targets for deep follow-up spectroscopy. We explore their physical properties, and briefly consider the implications of their inferred number density for the form of the galaxy luminosity function at z = 7.

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