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We present adaptive optics-assisted integral field spectroscopy around the Ha or Hb lines of 12 gravitationally lensed galaxies obtained with VLT/SINFONI, Keck/OSIRIS and Gemini/NIFS. We combine these data with previous observations and investigate the dynamics and star formation properties of 17 lensed galaxies at z = 1-4. Thanks to gravitational magnification of 1.4 - 90x by foreground clusters, effective spatial resolutions of 40 - 700 pc are achieved. The magnification also allows us to probe lower star formation rates and stellar masses than unlensed samples; our target galaxies feature dust-corrected SFRs derived from Ha or Hb emission of 0.8 - 40Msol/yr, and stellar masses M* ~ 4e8 - 6e10 Msol. All of the galaxies have velocity gradients, with 59% consistent with being rotating discs and a likely merger fraction of 29%, with the remaining 12% classed as undetermined. We extract 50 star-forming clumps with sizes in the range 60pc - 1kpc from the Ha (or Hb) maps, and find that their surface brightnesses and their characteristic luminosities evolve to higher luminosities with redshift. We show that this evolution can be described by fragmentation on larger scales in gas-rich discs, and is likely to be driven by evolving gas fractions.
The statistics of primordial curvature fluctuations are our window into the period of inflation, where these fluctuations were generated. To date, the cosmic microwave background has been the dominant source of information about these perturbations. Large scale structure is however from where drastic improvements should originate. In this paper, we explain the theoretical motivations for pursuing such measurements and the challenges that lie ahead. In particular, we discuss and identify theoretical targets regarding the measurement of primordial non-Gaussianity. We argue that when quantified in terms of the local (equilateral) template amplitude $f_{rm NL}^{rm loc}$ ($f_{rm NL}^{rm eq}$), natural target levels of sensitivity are $Delta f_{rm NL}^{rm loc, eq.} simeq 1$. We highlight that such levels are within reach of future surveys by measuring 2-, 3- and 4-point statistics of the galaxy spatial distribution. This paper summarizes a workshop held at CITA (University of Toronto) on October 23-24, 2014.
We have analyzed the genus topology of the BICEP2 B-modes and find them to be Gaussian random phase as expected if they have a cosmological origin. These BICEP2 B-modes can be produced by gravity waves in the early universe, but some question has arisen as to whether these B-modes (for 50 < l < 120) may instead be produced by foreground polarized dust emission. The dust emission at 150 GHz observed by BICEP2 should be less in magnitude but have similar structure to that at 353 GHz. We have therefore calculated and mapped the B-modes in the BICEP2 region from the publicly available Q and U 353 GHz preliminary Planck polarization maps. These have a genus curve that is different from that seen in the BICEP2 observations, with features at different locations from those in the BICEP2 map. The two maps show a positive correlation coefficient of 15.2% +/- 3.9% (1-sigma). This requires the amplitude of the Planck (50 < l <120) dust modes to be low in the BICEP2 region, and the majority of the Planck 353 GHz signal in the BICEP2 region in these modes to be noise. We can explain the observed correlation coefficient of 15.2% with a BICEP2 gravity wave signal with an rms amplitude equal to 54% of the total BICEP2 rms amplitude. The gravity wave signal corresponds to a tensor-to-scalar ratio r = 0.11 +/- 0.04 (1-sigma). This is consistent with a gravity wave signal having been detected, at a 2.5-sigma level. The Planck and BICEP2 teams have recently engaged in joint analysis of their combined data|it will be interesting to see if that collaboration reaches similar conclusions.
We present new observations of the lensing cluster SMACSJ2031.8-4036 obtained with the MUSE integral field spectrograph as part of its commissioning on the Very Large Telescope. By providing medium-resolution spectroscopy over the full 4750-9350 Angstroms domain and a 1x1 arcmin2 field of view, MUSE is ideally suited for identifying lensed galaxies in the cluster core, in particular multiple-imaged systems. We perform a redshift analysis of all sources in the datacube and identify a total of 12 systems ranging from $z=1.46$ to $z=6.4$, with all images of each system confirmed by a spectroscopic redshift. This allows us to accurately constrain the cluster mass profile in this region. We foresee that future MUSE observations of cluster cores should help us discover very faint Lyman-alpha emitters thanks to the strong magnification and the high sensitivity of this instrument.
89 - J. Nordin , D. Rubin , J. Richard 2013
Using three magnified Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) detected behind CLASH clusters, we perform a first pilot study to see whether standardizable candles can be used to calibrate cluster mass maps created from strong lensing observations. Such calibrations will be crucial when next generation HST cluster surveys (e.g. FRONTIER) provide magnification maps that will, in turn, form the basis for the exploration of the high redshift Universe. We classify SNe using combined photometric and spectroscopic observations, finding two of the three to be clearly of type SN Ia and the third probable. The SNe exhibit significant amplification, up to a factor of 1.7 at $sim5sigma$ significance (SN-L2). We conducted this as a blind study to avoid fine tuning of parameters, finding a mean amplification difference between SNe and the cluster lensing models of $0.09 pm 0.09^{stat} pm 0.05^{sys}$ mag. This impressive agreement suggests no tension between cluster mass models and high redshift standardized SNe Ia. However, the measured statistical dispersion of $sigma_{mu}=0.21$ mag appeared large compared to the dispersion expected based on statistical uncertainties ($0.14$). Further work with the supernova and cluster lensing models, post unblinding, reduced the measured dispersion to $sigma_{mu}=0.12$. An explicit choice should thus be made as to whether SNe are used unblinded to improve the model, or blinded to test the model. As the lensed SN samples grow larger, this technique will allow improved constraints on assumptions regarding e.g. the structure of the dark matter halo.
159 - F. Boone , B. Clement , J. Richard 2013
In the course of our 870um APEX/LABOCA follow up of the Herschel Lensing Survey we have detected a source in AS1063 (RXC J2248.7-4431), that has no counterparts in any of the Herschel PACS/SPIRE bands, it is a Herschel drop-out with S_870/S_500>0.5. The 870um emission is extended and centered on the brightest cluster galaxy suggesting either a multiply imaged background source or substructure in the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) increment due to inhomogeneities in the hot cluster gas of this merging cluster. We discuss both interpretations with emphasis on the putative lensed source. Based on the observed properties and on our lens model we find that this source could be the first SMG with a moderate far infrared luminosity (L_FIR<10^12 L_sol) detected so far at z>4. In deep HST observations we identified a multiply imaged z~6 source and we measured its spectroscopic redshift z=6.107 with VLT/FORS. This source could be associated with the putative SMG but it is most likely offset spatially by 10-30kpc and they could be interacting galaxies. With a FIR luminosity in the range [5-15]x10^{11} L_sol corresponding to a star formation rate in the range [80-260]M_sol/yr, this SMG would be more representative than the extreme starbursts usually detected at z>4. With a total magnification of ~25 it would open a unique window to the normal dusty galaxies at the end of the epoch of reionization.
We describe the measurement of the beam profiles and window functions for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), which operated from 2007 to 2010 with kilo-pixel bolometer arrays centered at 148, 218, and 277 GHz. Maps of Saturn are used to measure the beam shape in each array and for each season of observations. Radial profiles are transformed to Fourier space in a way that preserves the spatial correlations in the beam uncertainty, to derive window functions relevant for angular power spectrum analysis. Several corrections are applied to the resulting beam transforms, including an empirical correction measured from the final CMB survey maps to account for the effects of mild pointing variation and alignment errors. Observations of Uranus made regularly throughout each observing season are used to measure the effects of atmospheric opacity and to monitor deviations in telescope focus over the season. Using the WMAP-based calibration of the ACT maps to the CMB blackbody, we obtain precise measurements of the brightness temperatures of the Uranus and Saturn disks at effective frequencies of 149 and 219 GHz. For Uranus we obtain thermodynamic brightness temperatures T_U^{149} = 106.7 pm 2.2 K and T_U^{219} = 100.1 pm 3.1 K. For Saturn, we model the effects of the ring opacity and emission using a simple model and obtain resulting (unobscured) disk temperatures of T_S^{149} = 137.3 pm 3.2 K and T_S^{219} = 137.3 pm 4.7 K.
67 - J. Richard Shaw 2013
In this paper we describe the spherical harmonic transit telescope, a novel formalism for the analysis of transit radio telescopes. This all-sky approach bypasses the curved sky complications of traditional interferometry and so is particularly well suited to the analysis of wide-field radio interferometers. It enables compact and computationally efficient representations of the data and its statistics that allow new ways of approaching important problems like map-making and foreground removal. In particular, we show how it enables the use of the Karhunen-Loeve transform as a highly effective foreground filter, suppressing realistic foreground residuals for our fiducial example by at least a factor twenty below the 21cm signal even in highly contaminated regions of the sky. This is despite the presence of the angle-frequency mode mixing inherent in real-world instruments with frequency-dependent beams. We show, using Fisher forecasting, that foreground cleaning has little effect on power spectrum constraints compared to hypothetical foreground-free measurements. Beyond providing a natural real-world data analysis framework for 21cm telescopes now under construction and future experiments, this formalism allows accurate power spectrum forecasts to be made that include the interplay of design constraints and realistic experimental systematics with twenty-first century 21cm science.
Numerous upcoming observations, such as WFIRST, BOSS, BigBOSS, LSST, Euclid, and Planck, will constrain dark energy (DE)s equation of state with great precision. They may well find the ratio of pressure to energy density, $w$, is -1, meaning DE is equivalent to a cosmological constant. However, many time-varying DE models have also been proposed. A single parametrization to test a broad class of them and that is itself motivated by a physical picture is therefore desirable. We suggest the simplest model of DE has the same mechanism as inflation, likely a scalar field slowly rolling down its potential. If this is so, DE will have a generic equation of state and the Universe will have a generic dependence of the Hubble constant on redshift independent of the potentials starting value and shape. This equation of state and expression for the Hubble constant offer the desired model-independent but physically motivated parametrization, because they will hold for most of the standard scalar-field models of DE such as quintessence and phantom DE. Up until now two-parameter descriptions of $w$ have been available, but this work finds an additional approximation that leads to a single-parameter model. Using it, we conduct a $chi^2$ analysis and find that experiments in the next seven years should be able to distinguish any of these time-varying DE models on the one hand from a cosmological constant on the other to 73% confidence if $w$ today differs from -1 by 3.5%. In the limit of perfectly accurate measurements of $Omega_m$ and $H_0$, this confidence would rise to 96%. We also include discussion of the current status of DE experiment, a table compiling the techniques each will use, and tables of the precisions of the experiments for which this information was available at the time of publication.
132 - J. Richard 2012
MUSE, the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer, is a 2nd generation integral-field spectrograph under final assembly to see first light at the Very Large Telescope in 2013. By capturing ~ 90000 optical spectra in a single exposure, MUSE represents a challenge for data reduction and analysis. We summarise here the main features of the Data Reduction System, as well as some of the tools under development by the MUSE consortium and the DAHLIA team to handle the large MUSE datacubes (about 4x?10^8 pixels) to recover the original astrophysical signal.

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