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We study the microwave absorption of a driven three-level quantum system, which is realized by a superconducting flux quantum circuit (SFQC), with a magnetic driving field applied to the two upper levels. The interaction between the three-level system and its environment is studied within the Born-Markov approximation, and we take into account the effects of the driving field on the damping rates of the three-level system. We study the linear response of the driven three-level SFQC to a weak probe field. The linear magnetic susceptibility of the SFQC can be changed by both the driving field and the bias magnetic flux. When the bias magnetic flux is at the optimal point, the transition from the ground state to the second excited state is forbidden and the three-level SFQC has a ladder-type transition. Thus, the SFQC responds to the probe field like natural atoms with ladder-type transitions. However, when the bias magnetic flux deviates from the optimal point, the three-level SFQC has a cyclic transition, thus it responds to the probe field like a combination of natural atoms with ladder-type transitions and natural atoms with $Lambda$-type transitions. In particular, we provide detailed discussions on the conditions for realizing electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting in three-level SFQCs.
Spin-orbit qubit (SOQ) is the dressed spin by the orbital degree of freedom through a strong spin-orbit coupling. We show that Coulomb interaction between two electrons in quantum dots located separately in two nanowires can efficiently induce quantum entanglement between two SOQs. The physical mechanism to achieve such quantum entanglement is based on the feasibility of the SOQ responding to the external electric field via an intrinsic electric dipole spin resonance.
110 - J. Q. You , Xuedong Hu , S. Ashhab 2009
This Comment has been withdrawn according to a mutual agreement between the authors of the original paper and the authors of this Comment.
We analyze the operation of a switching-based detector that probes a qubits observable that does not commute with the qubits Hamiltonian, leading to a nontrivial interplay between the measurement and free-qubit dynamics. In order to obtain analytic results and develop intuitive understanding of the different possible regimes of operation, we use a theoretical model where the detector is a quantum two-level system that is constantly monitored by a macroscopic system. We analyze how to interpret the outcome of the measurement and how the state of the qubit evolves while it is being measured. We find that the answers to the above questions depend on the relation between the different parameters in the problem. In addition to the traditional strong-measurement regime, we identify a number of regimes associated with weak qubit-detector coupling. An incoherent detector whose switching time is measurable with high accuracy can provide high-fidelity information, but the measurement basis is determined only upon switching of the detector. An incoherent detector whose switching time can be known only with low accuracy provides a measurement in the qubits energy eigenbasis with reduced measurement fidelity. A coherent detector measures the qubit in its energy eigenbasis and, under certain conditions, can provide high-fidelity information.
A two-component fermion model with conventional two-body interactions was recently shown to have anyonic excitations. We here propose a scheme to physically implement this model by transforming each chain of two two-component fermions to the two capacitively coupled chains of superconducting devices. In particular, we elaborate how to achieve the wanted operations to create and manipulate the topological quantum states, providing an experimentally feasible scenario to access the topological memory and to build the anyonic interferometry.
Using superconducting quantum circuits, we propose an approach to construct a Kitaev lattice, i.e., an anisotropic spin model on a honeycomb lattice with three types of nearest-neighbor interactions. We study two particular cases to demonstrate topological states (i.e., the vortex and bond states) and show how the braiding statistics can be revealed. Our approach provides an experimentally realizable many-body system for demonstrating exotic properties of topological phases.
We study electron transport through a quantum dot, connected to non-magnetic leads, in a magnetic field. A super-Poissonian electron noise due to the effects of both interacting localized states and dynamic channel blockade is found when the Coulomb blockade is partially lifted. This is sharp contrast to the sub-Poissonian shot noise found in the previous studies for a large bias voltage, where the Coulomb blockade is completely lifted. Moreover, we show that the super-Poissonian shot noise can be suppressed by applying an electron spin resonance (ESR) driving field. For a sufficiently strong ESR driving field strength, the super-Poissonian shot noise will change to be sub-Poissonian.
We study the cooling of a mechanical resonator (MR) that is capacitively coupled to a double quantum dot (DQD). The MR is cooled by the dynamical backaction induced by the capacitive coupling between the DQD and the MR. The DQD is excited by a microwave field and afterwards a tunneling event results in the decay of the excited state of the DQD. An important advantage of this system is that both the energy level splitting and the decay rate of the DQD can be well tuned by varying the gate voltage. We find that the steady average occupancy, below unity, of the MR can be achieved by changing both the decay rate of the excited state and the detuning between the transition frequency of the DQD and the microwave frequency, in analogy to the laser sideband cooling of an atom or trapped ion in atomic physics. Our results show that the cooling of the MR to the ground state is experimentally implementable.
We have designed and experimentally implemented a circuit of inductively-coupled superconducting charge qubits, where a Josephson junction is used as an inductance, and the coupling between the qubits is controlled by an applied magnetic flux. Spectroscopic measurements on the circuit are in good agreement with theoretical calculations. We observed anticrossings which originate from the coupling between the qubit and the plasma mode of the Josephson junction. Moreover, the size of the anticrossing depends on the external magnetic flux, which demonstrates the controllability of the coupling.

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