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86 - J. Melbourne 2012
We present the near- through mid-infrared flux contribution of thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) and massive red super giant (RSG) stars to the luminosities of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC, respectively). Combined, the peak contribution from these cool evolved stars occurs at ~3-4 um, where they produce 32% of the SMC light, and 25% of the LMC flux. The TP-AGB star contribution also peaks at ~3-4 um and amounts to 21% in both galaxies. The contribution from RSG stars peaks at shorter wavelengths, 2.2 um, where they provide 11% of the SMC flux, and 7% for the LMC. Both TP-AGB and RSG stars are short lived, and thus potentially impose a large stochastic scatter on the near-IR derived mass-to-light ratios of galaxies at rest-frame 1-4 um. To minimize their impact on stellar mass estimates, one can use the M/L ratio at shorter wavelengths (e.g. at 0.8 - 1 um). At longer wavelengths (>=8 um), emission from dust in the interstellar medium dominates the flux. In the LMC, which shows strong PAH emission at 8 um, TP-AGB and RSG contribute less than 4% of the 8 um flux. However, 19% of the SMC 8 um flux is from evolved stars, nearly half of which is produced by the rarest, dustiest, carbon-rich TP-AGB stars. Thus, star formation rates of galaxies, based on an 8 um flux (e.g. observed-frame 24 um at z=2), may be biased modestly high, especially for galaxies with little PAH emission.
90 - J. Melbourne 2012
Dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) are a subset of high-redshift (z approx 2) optically-faint ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, e.g. L_{IR} > 10^{12} Lsun). We present new far-infrared photometry, at 250, 350, and 500 um (observed-frame), from the Herschel Space Telescope for a large sample of 113 DOGs with spectroscopically measured redshifts. Approximately 60% of the sample are detected in the far-IR, confirming their high IR luminosities, which range from 10^{11.6} Lsun < L_{IR} (8-1000 um) <10^{13.6} Lsun. 90% of the Herschel detected DOGs in this sample are ULIRGs and 30% have L_{IR} > 10^{13} Lsun. The rest-frame near-IR (1 - 3 um) SEDs of the Herschel detected DOGs are predictors of their SEDs at longer wavelengths. DOGs with power-law SEDs in the rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 um flux density ratios similar to the QSO-like local ULIRG, Mrk 231. DOGs with a stellar bump in their rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 um flux density ratios similar to local star-bursting ULIRGs like NGC 6240. For the Herschel detected DOGs, accurate estimates (within approx 25%) of total IR luminosity can be predicted from their rest-frame mid-IR data alone (e.g. from Spitzer observed-frame 24 um luminosities). Herschel detected DOGs tend to have a high ratio of infrared luminosity to rest-frame 8 um luminosity (the IR8= L_{IR}(8-1000 um)/v L_{v}(8 um) parameter of Elbaz et al. 2011). Instead of lying on the z=1-2 infrared main-sequence of star forming galaxies (like typical LIRGs and ULIRGs at those epochs) the DOGs, especially large fractions of the bump sources, tend to lie in the starburst sequence. While, Herschel detected DOGs are similar to scaled
155 - J. Melbourne 2012
Using high spatial resolution HST WFC3 and ACS imaging of resolved stellar populations, we constrain the contribution of thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars and red helium burning (RHeB) stars to the 1.6 um near-infrared (NIR) luminosities of 23 nearby galaxies. The TP-AGB phase contributes as much as 17% of the integrated F160W flux, even when the red giant branch is well populated. The RHeB population contribution can match or even exceed the TP-AGB contribution, providing as much as 21% of the integrated F160W light. The NIR mass-to-light (M/L) ratio should therefore be expected to vary significantly due to fluctuations in the star formation rate over timescales from 25 Myr to several Gyr. We compare our observational results to predictions based on optically derived star formation histories and stellar population synthesis (SPS) models, including models based on the Padova isochrones (used in popular SPS programs). The SPS models generally reproduce the expected numbers of TP-AGB stars in the sample. The same SPS models, however, give a larger discrepancy in the F160W flux contribution from the TP-AGB stars, over-predicting the flux by a weighted mean factor of 2.3 +/-0.8. This larger offset is driven by the prediction of modest numbers of high luminosity TP-AGB stars at young (<300 Myrs) ages. The best-fit SPS models simultaneously tend to under-predict the numbers and fluxes of stars on the RHeB sequence, typically by a factor of 2.0+/-0.6 for galaxies with significant numbers of RHeBs. Coincidentally, over-prediction of the TP-AGB and under-prediction of the RHeBs result in a NIR M/L ratio largely unchanged for a rapid star formation rate. However, the NIR-to-optical flux ratio of galaxies could be significantly smaller than AGB-rich models would predict, an outcome that has been observed in some intermediate redshift post-starburst galaxies. (Abridged)
We have obtained high spatial resolution Keck OSIRIS integral field spectroscopy of four z~1.5 ultra-luminous infrared galaxies that exhibit broad H-alpha emission lines indicative of strong AGN activity. The observations were made with the Keck laser guide star adaptive optics system giving a spatial resolution of 0.1, or <1 kpc at these redshifts. These high spatial resolution observations help to spatially separate the extended narrow-line regions --- possibly powered by star formation --- from the nuclear regions, which may be powered by both star formation and AGN activity. There is no evidence for extended, rotating gas disks in these four galaxies. Assuming dust correction factors as high as A(H-alpha)=4.8 mag, the observations suggest lower limits on the black hole masses of (1 - 9) x 10^8 solar masses, and star formation rates <100 solar masses per year. The black hole masses and star formation rates of the sample galaxies appear low in comparison to other high-z galaxies with similar host luminosities. We explore possible explanations for these observations including, host galaxy fading, black hole growth, and the shut down of star formation.
100 - J. Melbourne 2010
We investigate the utility of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and the red giant branch (RGB) as probes of the star formation history (SFH) of the nearby (D=2.5 Mpc) dwarf irregular galaxy, KKH 98. Near-infrared (IR) Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (AO) images resolve 592 IR bright stars reaching over 1 magnitude below the Tip of the Red Giant Branch. Significantly deeper optical (F475W and F814W) Hubble Space Telescope images of the same field contain over 2500 stars, reaching to the Red Clump and the Main Sequence turn-off for 0.5 Gyr old populations. Compared to the optical color magnitude diagram (CMD), the near-IR CMD shows significantly tighter AGB sequences, providing a good probe of the intermediate age (0.5 - 5 Gyr) populations. We match observed CMDs with stellar evolution models to recover the SFH of KKH 98. On average, the galaxy has experienced relatively constant low-level star formation (5 x 10^-4 Mo yr^-1) for much of cosmic time. Except for the youngest main sequence populations (age < 0.1 Gyr), which are typically fainter than the AO data flux limit, the SFH estimated from the the 592 IR bright stars is a reasonable match to that derived from the much larger optical data set. Differences between the optical and IR derived SFHs for 0.1 - 1 Gyr populations suggest that current stellar evolution models may be over-producing the AGB by as much as a factor of three in this galaxy. At the depth of the AO data, the IR luminous stars are not crowded. Therefore these techniques can potentially be used to determine the stellar populations of galaxies at significantly further distances.
294 - J. Melbourne , K. Brand 2009
A simple optical to mid-IR color selection, R-[24] > 14, i.e. f_nu(24) / f_nu(R) > 1000, identifies highly dust obscured galaxies (DOGs) with typical redshifts of z~2 +/- 0.5. Extreme mid-IR luminosities (L_{IR} > 10^{12-14}) suggest that DOGs are powered by a combination of AGN and star formation, possibly driven by mergers. In an effort to compare their photometric properties with their rest frame optical morphologies, we obtained high spatial resolution (0.05 -0.1) Keck Adaptive Optics (AO) K-band images of 15 DOGs. The images reveal a wide range of morphologies, including: small exponential disks (8 of 15), small ellipticals (4 of 15), and unresolved sources (2 of 15). One particularly diffuse source could not be classified because of low signal to noise ratio. We find a statistically significant correlation between galaxy concentration and mid-IR luminosity, with the most luminous DOGs exhibiting higher concentration and smaller physical size. DOGs with high concentration also tend to have spectral energy distributions (SEDs) suggestive of AGN activity. Thus central AGN light may be biasing the morphologies of the more luminous DOGs to higher concentration. Conversely, more diffuse DOGs tend to show an SED shape suggestive of star formation. Two of fifteen in the sample show multiple resolved components with separations of ~1 kpc, circumstantial evidence for ongoing mergers.
63 - E. Steinbring 2008
We have employed laser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics (AO) on the Keck II telescope to obtain near-infrared (NIR) images in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) deep galaxy survey field. This is a continuation of our Center for Adaptive Optics Treasury Survey (CATS) program of targeting 0.5<z<1 galaxies where existing images with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are already in hand. Our AO field has already been imaged by the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Near Infared Camera and Multiobject Spectrograph (NICMOS). Our AO images at 2.2 microns (K) are comparable in depth to those from HST, have Strehl ratios up to 0.4, and FWHM resolutions superior to that from NICMOS. By sampling the field with the LGS at different positions, we obtain better quality AO images than with an immovable natural guide star. As examples of the power of adding LGS AO to HST data we study the optical to NIR colors and color gradients of the bulge and disk of two galaxies in the field with z=0.7.
176 - J. Melbourne 2008
Spitzer MIPS images in the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey have revealed a class of extremely dust obscured galaxy (DOG) at z~2. The DOGs are defined by very red optical to mid-IR (observed-frame) colors, R - [24 um] > 14 mag, i.e. f_v (24 um) / f_v (R) > 1000. They are Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies with L_8-1000 um > 10^12 -10^14 L_sun, but typically have very faint optical (rest-frame UV) fluxes. We imaged three DOGs with the Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGSAO) system, obtaining ~0.06 resolution in the K-band. One system was dominated by a point source, while the other two were clearly resolved. Of the resolved sources, one can be modeled as a exponential disk system. The other is consistent with a de Vaucouleurs profile typical of elliptical galaxies. The non-parametric measures of their concentration and asymmetry, show the DOGs to be both compact and smooth. The AO images rule out double nuclei with separations of greater than 0.1 (< 1 kpc at z=2), making it unlikely that ongoing major mergers (mass ratios of 1/3 and greater) are triggering the high IR luminosities. By contrast, high resolution images of z~2 SCUBA sources tend to show multiple components and a higher degree of asymmetry. We compare near-IR morphologies of the DOGs with a set of z=1 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs; L_IR ~ 10^11 L_sun) imaged with Keck LGSAO by the Center for Adaptive Optics Treasury Survey. The DOGs in our sample have significantly smaller effective radii, ~1/4 the size of the z=1 LIRGs, and tend towards higher concentrations. The small sizes and high concentrations may help explain the globally obscured rest-frame blue-to-UV emission of the DOGs.
We imaged a set of 15 intermediate redshift (z~0.8) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) with the Keck Laser Guide Star (LGS) AO facility. These galaxies were selected from the GOODS-S field, allowing us to combine the high spatial resolution HST optical (B, V, i, and z-bands) images with our near-infrared (K-band) images to study the LIRG morphologies and spatially resolved spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Two thirds of the LIRGs are disk galaxies, with only one third showing some evidence for interactions, minor, or major mergers. In contrast with local LIRG disks (which are primarily barred systems), only 10% of the LIRG disks in our sample contain a prominent bar. While the optical bands tend to show significant point-like substructure, indicating distributed star formation, the AO K-band images tend to be smooth. The SEDs of the LIRGs are consistent with distributed dusty star formation, as exhibited by optical to IR colors redder than allowed by old stellar populations alone. This effect is most pronounced in the galaxy cores, possibly indicating central star formation. We also observed a set of 11 intermediate redshift comparison galaxies, selected to be non-ellipticals with apparent K-band magnitudes comparable to the LIRGs. The normal (non-LIRG) systems tended to have lower optical luminosity, lower stellar mass, and more irregular morphology than the LIRGs. Half of the normal galaxies have SEDs consistent with intermediate aged stellar populations and minimal dust. The other half show evidence for some dusty star formation, usually concentrated in their cores. Our work suggests that the LIRG disk galaxies are similar to large disk systems today, undergoing self regulated star formation, only at 10 - 20 times higher rates. (Abridged)
426 - P.J. Marshall 2007
We combine high-resolution images in four optical/infra-red bands, obtained with the laser guide star adaptive optics system on the Keck Telescope and with the Hubble Space Telescope, to study the gravitational lens system SDSSJ0737+3216 (lens redshift 0.3223, source redshift 0.5812). We show that (under favorable observing conditions) ground-based images are comparable to those obtained with HST in terms of precision in the determination of the parameters of both the lens mass distribution and the background source. We also quantify the systematic errors associated with both the incomplete knowledge of the PSF, and the uncertain process of lens galaxy light removal, and find that similar accuracy can be achieved with Keck LGSAO as with HST. We then exploit this well-calibrated combination of optical and gravitational telescopes to perform a multi-wavelength study of the source galaxy at 0.01 effective resolution. We find the Sersic index to be indicative of a disk-like object, but the measured half-light radius (0.59+-0.007+-0.1 kpc) and stellar mass (2.0+-1.0+-0.8e9Msun) place it more than three sigma away from the local disk size-mass relation. The SDSSJ0737+3216 source has the characteristics of the most compact faint blue galaxies studied, and has comparable size and mass to dwarf early-type galaxies in the local universe. With the aid of gravitational telescopes to measure individual objects brightness profiles to 10% accuracy, the study of the high-redshift size-mass relation may be extended by an order of magnitude or more beyond existing surveys at the low-mass end, thus providing a new observational test of galaxy formation models.

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