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79 - J. M. Drummond 2010
Scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory reveal a remarkable symmetry structure. In addition to the superconformal symmetry of the Lagrangian of the theory, the planar amplitudes exhibit a dual superconformal symmetry. The presence of this additional symmetry imposes strong restrictions on the amplitudes and is connected to a duality relating scattering amplitudes to Wilson loops defined on polygonal light-like contours. The combination of the superconformal and dual superconformal symmetries gives rise to a Yangian, an algebraic structure which is known to be related to the appearance of integrability in other regimes of the theory. We discuss two dual formulations of the symmetry and address the classification of its invariants.
175 - J. M. Drummond , L. Ferro 2010
We investigate the Yangian symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and show that its formulations in twistor and momentum twistor space can be interchanged. In particular we show that the full symmetry can be thought of as the Yangian of the dual superconformal algebra, annihilating the amplitude with the MHV part factored out. The equivalence of this picture with the one where the ordinary superconformal symmetry is thought of as fundamental is an algebraic expression of T-duality. Motivated by this, we analyse some recently proposed formulas, which reproduce different contributions to amplitudes through a Grassmannian integral. We prove their Yangian invariance by directly applying the generators.
313 - J. M. Drummond , J. M. Henn 2009
We give an explicit formula for all tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM, derived by solving the recently presented supersymmetric tree-level recursion relations. The result is given in a compact, manifestly supersymmetric form and we show how to extract from it all possible component amplitudes for an arbitrary number of external particles and any arrangement of external particles and helicities. We focus particularly on extracting gluon amplitudes which are valid for any gauge theory. The formula for all tree-level amplitudes is given in terms of nested sums of dual superconformal invariants and it therefore manifestly respects both conventional and dual superconformal symmetry.
We argue that the scattering amplitudes in the maximally supersymmetric N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory possess a new symmetry which extends the previously discovered dual conformal symmetry. To reveal this property we formulate the scattering amplitudes as functions in the appropriate dual superspace. Rewritten in this form, all tree-level MHV and next-to-MHV amplitudes exhibit manifest dual superconformal symmetry. We propose a new, compact and Lorentz covariant formula for the tree-level NMHV amplitudes for arbitrary numbers and types of external particles. The dual conformal symmetry is broken at loop level by infrared divergences. However, we provide evidence that the anomalous contribution to the MHV and NMHV superamplitudes is the same and, therefore, their ratio is a dual conformal invariant function. We identify this function by an explicit calculation of the six-particle amplitudes at one loop. We conjecture that these properties hold for all, MHV and non-MHV, superamplitudes in N=4 SYM both at weak and at strong coupling.
There is growing evidence that on-shell gluon scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 SYM theory are equivalent to Wilson loops evaluated over contours consisting of straight, light-like segments defined by the momenta of the external gluons. This equivalence was first suggested at strong coupling using the AdS/CFT correspondence and has since been verified at weak coupling to one loop in perturbation theory. Here we perform an explicit two-loop calculation of the Wilson loop dual to the four-gluon scattering amplitude and demonstrate that the relation holds beyond one loop. We also propose an anomalous conformal Ward identity which uniquely fixes the form of the finite part (up to an additive constant) of the Wilson loop dual to four- and five-gluon amplitudes, in complete agreement with the BDS conjecture for the multi-gluon MHV amplitudes.

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