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We consider the high radio frequency (15 GHz - 353 GHz) properties and variability of 35 Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs). These are the most core-dominated sources drawn from a parent sample of more than 700 X-ray selected clusters, thus allowing us to relate our results to the general population. We find that >6.0% of our parent sample (>15.1% if only cool-core clusters are considered) contain a radio-source at 150 GHz of at least 3mJy (~1x10^23 W/Hz at our median redshift of z~0.13). Furthermore, >3.4% of the BCGs in our parent sample contain a peaked component (Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum, GPS) in their spectra that peaks above 2 GHz, increasing to >8.5% if only cool-core clusters are considered. We see little evidence for strong variability at 15 GHz on short (week-month) time-scales although we see variations greater than 20% at 150 GHz over 6-month times-frames for 4 of the 23 sources with multi-epoch observations. Much more prevalent is long-term (year-decade time-scale) variability, with average annual amplitude variations greater than 1% at 15 GHz being commonplace. There is a weak trend towards higher variability as the peak of the GPS-like component occurs at higher frequency. We demonstrate the complexity that is seen in the radio spectra of BCGs and discuss the potentially significant implications of these high-peaking components for Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster searches.
113 - J. E. Geach , A. More , A. Verma 2015
We report the discovery of a gravitationally lensed hyperluminous infrared galaxy (L_IR~10^13 L_sun) with strong radio emission (L_1.4GHz~10^25 W/Hz) at z=2.553. The source was identified in the citizen science project SpaceWarps through the visual inspection of tens of thousands of iJKs colour composite images of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs), groups and clusters of galaxies and quasars. Appearing as a partial Einstein ring (r_e~3) around an LRG at z=0.2, the galaxy is extremely bright in the sub-millimetre for a cosmological source, with the thermal dust emission approaching 1 Jy at peak. The redshift of the lensed galaxy is determined through the detection of the CO(3-2) molecular emission line with the Large Millimetre Telescopes Redshift Search Receiver and through [OIII] and H-alpha line detections in the near-infrared from Subaru/IRCS. We have resolved the radio emission with high resolution (300-400 mas) eMERLIN L-band and JVLA C-band imaging. These observations are used in combination with the near-infrared imaging to construct a lens model, which indicates a lensing magnification of ~10x. The source reconstruction appears to support a radio morphology comprised of a compact (<250 pc) core and more extended component, perhaps indicative of an active nucleus and jet or lobe.
109 - J. E. Geach 2014
Recent observations have revealed that starburst galaxies can drive molecular gas outflows through stellar radiation pressure. Molecular gas is the phase of the interstellar medium from which stars form, so these outflows curtail stellar mass growth in galaxies. Previously known outflows, however, involve small fractions of the total molecular gas content and are restricted to sub-kiloparsec scales. It is also apparent that input from active galactic nuclei is in at least some cases dynamically important, so pure stellar feedback has been considered incapable of aggressively terminating star formation on galactic scales. Extraplanar molecular gas has been detected in the archetype starburst galaxy M82, but so far there has been no evidence that starbursts can propel significant quantities of cold molecular gas to the same galactocentric radius (~10 kpc) as the warmer gas traced by metal absorbers. Here we report observations of molecular gas in a compact (effective radius 100 pc) massive starburst galaxy at z=0.7, which is known to drive a fast outflow of ionized gas. We find that 35 per cent of the total molecular gas is spatially extended on a scale of approximately 10 kpc, and one third of this has a velocity of up to 1000 km/s. The kinetic energy associated with this high-velocity component is consistent with the momentum flux available from stellar radiation pressure. This result demonstrates that nuclear bursts of star formation are capable of ejecting large amounts of cold gas from the central regions of galaxies, thereby strongly affecting their evolution.
71 - J. E. Geach 2013
We measure the cross-power spectrum of the projected mass density as traced by the convergence of the cosmic microwave background lensing field from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and a sample of Type 1 and 2 (unobscured and obscured) quasars at z~1 selected with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, over 2500 deg^2. The cross-power spectrum is detected at ~7-sigma, and we measure a linear bias b=1.67+/-0.24, consistent with clustering analyses. Using an independent lensing map, derived from Planck observations, to measure the cross-spectrum, we find excellent agreement with the SPT analysis. The bias of the combined sample of Type 1 and 2 quasars determined in this work is similar to that previously determined for Type 1 quasars alone; we conclude that that obscured and unobscured quasars must trace the matter field in a similar way. This result has implications for our understanding of quasar unification and evolution schemes.
68 - J. E. Geach 2013
We report observations of the CO(2-1) emission of SDSSJ1506+54, a compact (r_e~135pc) starburst galaxy at z=0.6. SDSSJ1506+54 appears to be forming stars close to the limit allowed by stellar radiation pressure feedback models: the measured L_IR/L_CO 1500 is one of the highest measured for any galaxy. With its compact optical morphology but extended low surface brightness envelope, post-starburst spectral features, high infrared luminosity (L_IR>10^12.5 L_Sun), low gas fraction (M_H2/M_stars~15%), and short gas depletion time (tens of Myr), we speculate that this is a feedback- limited central starburst episode at the conclusion of a major merger. Taken as such, SDSSJ1504+54 epitomizes the brief closing stage of a classic model of galaxy growth: we are witnessing a key component of spheroid formation during what we term a redline starburst.
479 - J. E. Geach 2012
The first deep blank-field 450um map (1-sigma~1.3mJy) from the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS), conducted with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) is presented. Our map covers 140 arcmin^2 of the COSMOS field, in the footprint of the HST CANDELS area. Using 60 submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) detected at >3.75-sigma, we evaluate the number counts of 450um-selected galaxies with flux densities S_450>5mJy. The 8-arcsec JCMT beam and high sensitivity of SCUBA-2 now make it possible to directly resolve a larger fraction of the cosmic infrared background (CIB, peaking at ~200um) into the individual galaxies responsible for its emission than has previously been possible at this wavelength. At S_450>5mJy we resolve (7.4[+/-]0.7)x10^-2 MJy/sr of the CIB at 450um (equivalent to 16[+/-]7% of the absolute brightness measured by COBE at this wavelength) into point sources. A further ~40% of the CIB can be recovered through a statistical stack of 24um emitters in this field, indicating that the majority (~60%) of the CIB at 450um is emitted by galaxies with S_450>2mJy. The average redshift of 450um emitters identified with an optical/near-infrared counterpart is estimated to be <z>=1.3, implying that the galaxies in the sample are in the ultraluminous class (L_IR~1.1x10^12 L_sun). If the galaxies contributing to the statistical stack lie at similar redshifts, then the majority of the CIB at 450um is emitted by galaxies in the LIRG class with L_IR>3.6x10^11 L_sun.
76 - Y. Matsuda 2011
We present the results of a narrow-band (H2S1, 2.121/0.021um) imaging search with WFCAM/UKIRT for H-alpha emitters around several potential signposts of rare (10^-7-10^-8 Mpc^-3) over-dense regions at z=2.23: an over-density of QSOs (2QZ cluster), a powerful, high-redshift radio galaxy (HzRG), and a concentration of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) and optically faint radio galaxies (OFRGs). In total, we detect 137 narrow-band emitter candidates down to emission-line fluxes of 0.5-1 x 10^-16 erg s^-1 cm^-2, across a total area of 0.56 sq. degrees (2.1 x 10^5 comoving Mpc at z=2.23) in these fields. The BzK colours of the emitters suggest that at least 80% of our sample are likely to be H-alpha emitters (HAEs) at z=2.23. This is one of the largest HAE samples known at z>2. We find modest (~3-sigma) local over-densities of emitters associated with all the three targets. In the 2QZ cluster field, the emitters show a striking filamentary structure connecting four of the z=2.23 QSOs extending over 30Mpc (comoving). In the HzRG and SMG/OFRG fields, the structures appear to be smaller and seen only in the vicinities of the targets. The K-band magnitudes and the H-alpha equivalent widths of the emitters are weakly correlated with the over-density of the emitters: emitters in over-dense region are more evolved systems compared to those in under-dense regions at z=2.23. We find several examples of extended HAEs in our target fields, including a striking example with a spatial extent of 7.5 arcsec (60 kpc at z=2.23) in the 2QZ field, suggesting that these are relatively common in high-density regions. We conclude that narrow-band H-alpha surveys are efficient routes to map over-dense regions at high-z and thus to understand the relation between the growth of galaxies and their surrounding large-scale structures.
117 - J. E. Geach 2009
Future galaxy redshift surveys aim to measure cosmological quantities from the galaxy power spectrum. A prime example is the detection of baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs), providing a standard ruler to measure the dark energy equation of state, w(z), to high precision. The strongest practical limitation for these experiments is how quickly accurate redshifts can be measured for sufficient galaxies to map the large-scale structure. A promising strategy is to target emission-line (i.e. star-forming) galaxies at high-redshift (z~0.5-2); not only is the space density of this population increasing out to z~2, but also emission-lines provide an efficient method of redshift determination. Motivated by the prospect of future dark energy surveys targeting H-alpha emitters at near-infrared wavelengths (i.e. z>0.5), we use the latest empirical data to model the evolution of the H-alpha luminosity function out to z~2, and thus provide predictions for the abundance of H-alpha emitters for practical limiting fluxes. We caution that the estimates presented in this work must be tempered by an efficiency factor, epsilon, giving the redshift success rate from these potential targets. For a range of practical efficiencies and limiting fluxes, we provide an estimate of nP_{0.2}, where n is the 3D galaxy number density and P_{0.2} is the galaxy power spectrum evaluated at k=0.2h/Mpc. Ideal surveys must provide nP_{0.2}>1 in order to balance shot-noise and cosmic variance errors. We show that a realistic emission-line survey (epsilon=0.5) could achieve nP_{0.2}=1 out to z~1.5 with a limiting flux of 10^{-16} erg/s/cm^{-2}. If the limiting flux is a factor 5 brighter, then this goal can only be achieved out to z~0.5, highlighting the importance of survey depth and efficiency in cosmological redshift surveys.
155 - D. Sobral 2009
New results are presented, as part of the Hi-z Emission Line Survey (HiZELS), from the largest area survey to date (1.4 sq.deg) for Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) at z~9. The survey, which is primarily targeting H-alpha emitters at z<3, uses the Wide Field CAMera on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope and a custom narrow-band filter in the J band and reaches a Lyman-alpha luminosity limit of ~10^43.8 erg/s over a co-moving volume of 1.12x10^6 Mpc^3 at z=8.96+-0.06. Only 2 candidates were found out of 1517 line emitters and those were rejected as LAEs after follow-up observations. The limit on the space density of bright LAEs is improved by 3 orders of magnitude, consistent with suppression of the bright end of the Lyman-alpha luminosity function beyond z~6. Combined with upper limits from smaller but deeper surveys, this rules out some of the most extreme models for high-redshift LAEs. The potential contamination of future narrow-band Lyman-alpha surveys at z>7 by Galactic brown dwarf stars is also examined, leading to the conclusion that such contamination may well be significant for searches at 7.7<z<8.0, 9.1<z<9.5 and 11.7 < z < 12.2.
226 - J. E. Geach 2009
We present the results of a 400ks Chandra survey of 29 extended Ly-alpha emitting nebulae (Ly-alpha Blobs, LABs) in the z=3.09 proto-cluster in the SSA22 field. We detect luminous X-ray counterparts in five LABs, implying a large fraction of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in LABs, f_AGN = 17% down to L_2-32keV ~ 10^44 erg/s. All of the AGN appear to be heavily obscured, with spectral indices implying obscuring column densities of N_H > 10^23 cm^-2. The AGN fraction should be considered a lower limit, since several more LABs not detected with Chandra show AGN signatures in their mid-infrared emission. We show that the UV luminosities of the AGN are easily capable of powering the extended Ly-alpha emission via photo-ionization alone. When combined with the UV flux from a starburst component, and energy deposited by mechanical feedback, we demonstrate that heating by a central source, rather than gravitational cooling is the most likely power source of LABs. We argue that all LABs could be powered in this manner, but that the luminous host galaxies are often just below the sensitivity limits of current instrumentation, or are heavily obscured. No individual LABs show evidence for extended X-ray emission, and a stack equivalent to a >9Ms exposure of an average LAB also yields no statistical detection of a diffuse X-ray component. The resulting diffuse X-ray/Ly-alpha luminosity limit implies there is no hot (T>10^7 K) gas component in these halos, and also rules out inverse Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons, or local far-infrared photons, as a viable power source for LABs.

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