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A low-temperature magnetism was revealed in a series of sigma-Fe(100-x)Mo(x) alloys (x=45-53). Its characterization has been done using vibrating sample magnetometry, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and ac magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic ordering temperature was determined to lie in the range of 46 K for x=45 and 22K for x=53, and the ground magnetic state was found to be typical of a spin-glass.
Systematic experimental (vibrating sample magnetometry) and theoretical (electronic structure calculations using charge and spin self-consistent Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function method) studies were performed on a series of intermetallic sigma-phase Fe(100-x)Re(x) (x = 43-53) compounds. Clear evidence was found that all investigated samples exhibit magnetism with an ordering temperature ranging between 65 K for x = 43 and 23 K for x = 53. The magnetism was revealed to be itinerant and identified as a spin-glass (SG) possibly having a re-entrant character. The SG was found to be heterogeneous viz. two regimes could be distinguished as far as irreversibility in temperature dependence of magnetization is concerned: (1) of a weak irreversibility and (2) of a strong one. According to the theoretical calculations the main contribution to the magnetism comes from Fe atoms occupying all five sub lattices. Re atoms have rather small moments. However, the calculated average magnetic moments are highly (ferromagnetic ordering model) or moderately (antiparallel ordering model) overestimated relative to the experimental data.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Mossbauer spectroscopy techniques combined with theoretical calculations based on the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) electronic structure calculation method were used to investigate sigma-phase Fe_{100-x}Re_{x} alloys (x = 43, 45, 47, 49 and 53). Structural data such as site occupancies and lattice constants were derived from the XRD patters, while the average isomer shift and distribution curves of the quadrupole splitting were obtained from the Mossbauer spectra. Fe-site charge-densities and the quadrupole splittings were computed with the KKR method for each lattice site. The calculated quantities combined with the experimentally determined site occupancies were successfully used to decompose the measured Mossbauer spectra into five components corresponding to the five sublattices.
A series of nine samples of sigma-Fe_{100-x}Mo_x with 44<x<57 were synthesized by a sintering method. The samples were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Using X-ray diffraction techniques structural parameters such as lattice constants, atomic positions within the unit cell and populations of atoms over five different sublattices were determined. An information on charge-densities and electric field gradients at particular lattice sites was obtained by application of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method for electronic structure calculations. Hyperfine quantities calculated with KKR were successfully applied to analyze Mossbauer spectra measured at room temperature.
Formation energy of the sigma-phase in the Fe-V alloy system, Delta E, was computed in the full compositional range of its occurrence (34 < x < 60) using the electronic band structure calculations by means of the KKR method. Delta E-values were found to strongly depend on the Fe concentration, also its variation with different site occupancies was characteristic of a given lattice site. Calculated magnetic and configuration entropy contributions were used to determine sublattice occupancies for various compositions and temperatures. The results agree well with those obtained from neutron diffraction measurements.
Anomalies in the temperature dependences of the recoil-free factor, f, and the average center shift, <CS>, measured by 57-Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy, were observed for the first time in the archetype of the sigma-phase alloys system, Fe-Cr. In both cases the anomaly started at the temperature close to the magnetic ordering temperature, and in both cases it was indicative of lattice vibrations hardening. As no magnetostrictive effects were found, the anomalies seem to be entirely due to a spin-phonon coupling. The observed changes in f and in <CS> were expressed in terms of the underlying changes in the potential, Delta E_p, and the kinetic energy, Delta E_k, respectively. The former, with the maximum value larger by a factor of six than the latter, decreases, while the latter increases with T. The total mechanical energy change, Delta E, was, in general, not constant, as expected for the Debye-like vibrations, but it resembled that of Delta E_p. Only in the range of 4-15 K, Delta E was hardly dependent on T.
Formation energy of the $sigma$-phase in the Fe-Cr alloy system, $Delta E$, was computed versus the occupancy changes on each of the five possible lattice sites. Its dependence on a number of Fe-atoms per unit cell, $N_{Fe}$, was either monotonically increasing or decreasing function of $N_{Fe}$, depending on the site on which Fe-occupancy was changed. Based on the calculated $Delta E$ - values, the average formation energy, $<Delta E>$, was determined as a weighted over probabilities of different atomic configurations. The latter has a minimum in the concentration range where the $sigma$-phase exists. The minimum in that range of composition was also found for the free energy calculated for 2000 K and taking only the configurational entropy into account.
Magnetic properties of a $sigma-$Fe$_{16}$Cr$_{14}$ alloy calculated with the charge and spin self- consistent Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) and combined with coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) methods are reported. Non-magnetic state as well as various magnetic orderings were considered, i.e. ferromagnetic (FM) and more complex anti-parallel (called APM) arrangements for selected sublattices, as follows from the symmetry analysis. It has been shown that the Stoner criterion applied to non-magnetic density of states at the Fermi energy, $E_F$ is satisfied for Fe atoms situated on all five lattice sites, while it is not fulfilled for all Cr atoms. In FM and APM states, the values of magnetic moments on Fe atoms occupying various sites are dispersed between 0 and 2.5 $mu_B$, and they are proportional to the number of Fe atoms in the nearest-neighbor shell. Magnetic moments of Cr atoms havin much smaller values were found to be coupled antiparallel to those of Fe atoms. The average value of the magnetic moment per atom was found to be $<mu>=0.55 mu_B$ that is by a factor of 4 larger than the experimental value found for a $sigma-$Fe$_{0.538}$Cr$_{0.462}$ sample. Conversely, admitting an anti- parallel ordering (APM model) on atoms situated on C and D sites, according to the group theory and symmetry analysis results, yielded a substantial reduction of $<mu>$ to 0.20 $mu_B$. Further diminution of $<mu>$ to 0.15 $mu_B$, which is very close to the experimental value of 0.14 $mu_B$, has been achieved with the KKR-CPA calculations by considering a chemical disorder on sites B, C and D.
Nine samples of ochre originating from the Sentier des Ocres near Roussillon, France, were studied with Mossbauer spectroscopy and Spectro-photo-colorimetry. The former yielded a quantitative phase analysis of iron containing minerals (goethite, hematite and kaolin), and the latter enabled determination of the CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric coefficients. Based on the results obtained it is shown that both a* and b* coordinates are responsible for the colour of the investigated ochres.
Antianemic medicament Ascofer and ferrous gluconate, its basic iron bearing ingredient, were studied with the use of Mossbauer spectroscopy. Room temperature spectra gave a clear evidence that two phases of iron were present viz. ferrous (Fe2+) as a major one with a contribution of 85+-5%, and ferric (Fe3+) whose contribution was found to be 15+-5%. However, the actual values of the contributions of the two kind of the iron ions in Ascofer depend on samples age: the abundance of Fe2+ ions increases with time by 10% after 51 months, while that of Fe3+ decreases by the same amount. This means that an internal reduction of Fe3+ ions takes place. Ferrous ions were shown to occupy at least two different sites. In Ascofer, the relative abundance of the two sites does not depend on the age of sample, while in the gluconate the population of site 1 increases and that of site 2 decreases with the age of the sample.

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