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We study the unitary time evolution of antiferromagnetic order in the Hubbard model after a quench starting from the perfect Neel state. In this setup, which is well suited for experiments with cold atoms, one can distinguish fundamentally different pathways for melting of long-range order at weak and strong interaction. In the Mott insulating regime, melting of long-range order occurs due to the ultra-fast transfer of energy from charge excitations to the spin background, while local magnetic moments and their exchange coupling persist during the process. The latter can be demonstrated by a local spin-precession experiment. At weak interaction, local moments decay along with the long-range order. The dynamics is governed by residual quasiparticles, which are reflected in oscillations of the off-diagonal components of the momentum distribution. Such oscillations provide an alternative route to study the prethermalization phenomenon and its influence on the dynamics away from the integrable (noninteracting) limit. The Hubbard model is solved within nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory, using the density matrix-renormalization group as an impurity solver.
We link linear prediction of Chebyshev and Fourier expansions to analytic continuation. We push the resolution in the Chebyshev-based computation of $T=0$ many-body spectral functions to a much higher precision by deriving a modified Chebyshev series expansion that allows to reduce the expansion order by a factor $simfrac{1}{6}$. We show that in a certain limit the Chebyshev technique becomes equivalent to computing spectral functions via time evolution and subsequent Fourier transform. This introduces a novel recursive time evolution algorithm that instead of the group operator $e^{-iHt}$ only involves the action of the generator $H$. For quantum impurity problems, we introduce an adapted discretization scheme for the bath spectral function. We discuss the relevance of these results for matrix product state (MPS) based DMRG-type algorithms, and their use within dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We present strong evidence that the Chebyshev recursion extracts less spectral information from $H$ than time evolution algorithms when fixing a given amount of created entanglement.
We perform an extensive density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) study of the ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice. We focus on the region of the phase diagram around the kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet, i.e., at J_2=0. We investigate the static spin structure factor, the magnetic correlation lengths, and the spin gaps. Our results are consistent with the absence of magnetic order in a narrow region around J_2approx 0, although strong finite-size effects do not allow us to accurately determine the phase boundaries. This result is in agreement with the presence of an extended spin-liquid region, as it has been proposed recently. Outside the disordered region, we find that for ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic J_2 the ground state displays signatures of the magnetic order of the sqrt{3}timessqrt{3} and the q=0 type, respectively. Finally, we focus on the structure of the entanglement spectrum (ES) in the q=0 ordered phase. We discuss the importance of the choice of the bipartition on the finite-size structure of the ES.
We compute the spectral functions for the two-site dynamical cluster theory and for the two-orbital dynamical mean-field theory in the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) framework using Chebyshev expansions represented with matrix product states (MPS). We obtain quantitatively precise results at modest computational effort through technical improvements regarding the truncation scheme and the Chebyshev rescaling procedure. We furthermore establish the relation of the Chebyshev iteration to real-time evolution, and discuss technical aspects as computation time and implementation in detail.
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive study of the quantum magnetism in the Mott insulating phases of the 1D Bose-Hubbard model with abelian or non-abelian synthetic gauge fields, using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) method. We focus on the interplay between the synthetic gauge field and the asymmetry of the interactions, which give rise to a very general effective magnetic model: a XYZ model with various Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions. The properties of the different quantum magnetic phases and phases transitions of this model are investigated.
Quantum magnetism is a fundamental phenomenon of nature. As of late, it has garnered a lot of interest because experiments with ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices could be used as a simulator for phenomena of magnetic systems. A paradigmatic example is the time evolution of a domain-wall state of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, the so-called domain-wall melting. The model can be implemented by having two species of bosonic atoms with unity filling and strong on-site repulsion U in an optical lattice. In this paper, we study the domain-wall melting in such a setup on the basis of the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG). We are particularly interested in the effects of defects that originate from an imperfect preparation of the initial state. Typical defects are holes (empty sites) and flipped spins. We show that the dominating effects of holes on observables like the spatially resolved magnetization can be taken account of by a linear combination of spatially shifted observables from the clean case. For sufficiently large U, further effects due to holes become negligible. In contrast, the effects of spin flips are more severe as their dynamics occur on the same time scale as that of the domain-wall melting itself. It is hence advisable to avoid preparation schemes that are based on spin-flips.

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