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Dark Matter (DM) is an elusive form of matter which has been postulated to explain astronomical observations through its gravitational effects on stars and galaxies, gravitational lensing of light around these, and through its imprint on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This indirect evidence implies that DM accounts for as much as 84.5% of all matter in our Universe, yet it has so far evaded all attempts at direct detection, leaving such confirmation and the consequent discovery of its nature as one of the biggest challenges in modern physics. Here we present a novel form of low-mass DM $chi$ that would have been missed by all experiments so far. While its large interaction strength might at first seem unlikely, neither constraints from particle physics nor cosmological/astronomical observations are sufficient to rule out this type of DM, and it motivates our proposal for direct detection by optomechanics technology which should soon be within reach, namely, through the precise position measurement of a levitated mesoscopic particle which will be perturbed by elastic collisions with $chi$ particles. We show that a recently proposed nanoparticle matter-wave interferometer, originally conceived for tests of the quantum superposition principle, is sensitive to these collisions, too.
We present intensive quasi-simultaneous X-ray and radio monitoring of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051, over a 16 month period in 2000-2001. Observations were made with the Rossi Timing X-ray Explorer (RXTE) and the Very Large Array (VLA) at 8.4 and 4.8 GHz. In the X-ray band NGC 4051 behaves much like a Galactic black hole binary (GBH) system in a `soft-state. In such systems, there has so far been no firm evidence for an active, radio-emitting jet like those found in `hard state GBHs. VLBI observations of NGC 4051 show three co-linear compact components. This structure resembles the core and outer hot spots seen in powerful, jet-dominated, extragalactic radio sources and suggests the existence of a weak jet. Radio monitoring of the core of NGC 4051 is complicated by the presence of surrounding extended emission and by the changing array configurations of the VLA. Only in the A configuration is the core reasonably resolved. We have carefully removed the contaminations of the core by extended emission in the various arrays. The resulting lightcurve shows no sign of large amplitude variability (i.e. factor 50 %) over the 16 month period. Within the most sensitive configuration (A array) we see marginal evidence for radio core variability of ~25% (~0.12 mJy at 8.4GHz) on a 2-week timescale, correlated with X-ray variations. Even if the radio variations in NGC 4051 are real, the percentage variability is much less than in the X-ray band. Within the B configuration observations, where sensitivity is reduced, there is no sign of correlated X-ray/radio variability. The lack of radio variability in NGC 4051, which we commonly see in `hard state GBHs, may be explained by orientation effects. Another possibility is that the radio emission arises from the X-ray corona, although the linear structure of the compact radio components here is hard to explain.

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