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Sustained ELM mitigation has been achieved using RMPs with a toroidal mode number of n=4 and n=6 in lower single null and with n=3 in connected double null plasmas on MAST. The ELM frequency increases by up to a factor of eight with a similar reduction in ELM energy loss. A threshold current for ELM mitigation is observed above which the ELM frequency increases approximately linearly with current in the coils. A comparison of the filament structures observed during the ELMs in the natural and mitigated stages shows that the mitigated ELMs have the characteristics of type I ELMs even though their frequency is higher, their energy loss is reduced and the pedestal pressure gradient is decreased. During the ELM mitigated stage clear lobe structures are observed in visible-light imaging of the X-point region. The size of these lobes is correlated with the increase in ELM frequency observed. The RMPs produce a clear 3D distortion to the plasma and it is likely that these distortions explain why ELMs are destabilised and hence why ELM mitigation occurs.
13MW of electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) power deposited inside the q = 1 surface is likely to reduce the sawtooth period in ITER baseline scenario below the level empirically predicted to trigger neo-classical tearing modes (NTMs). However, since the ECCD control scheme is solely predicated upon changing the local magnetic shear, it is prudent to plan to use a complementary scheme which directly decreases the potential energy of the kink mode in order to reduce the sawtooth period. In the event that the natural sawtooth period is longer than expected, due to enhanced alpha particle stabilisation for instance, this ancillary sawtooth control can be provided from > 10MW of ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) power with a resonance just inside the q = 1 surface. Both ECCD and ICRH control schemes would benefit greatly from active feedback of the deposition with respect to the rational surface. If the q = 1 surface can be maintained closer to the magnetic axis, the efficacy of ECCD and ICRH schemes significantly increases, the negative effect on the fusion gain is reduced, and off-axis negative-ion neutral beam injection (NNBI) can also be considered for sawtooth control. Consequently, schemes to reduce the q = 1 radius are highly desirable, such as early heating to delay the current penetration and, of course, active sawtooth destabilisation to mediate small frequent sawteeth and retain a small q = 1 radius.
The application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) with a toroidal mode number of n=4 or n=6 to lower single null plasmas in the MAST tokamak produces up to a factor of 5 increase in Edge Localized Mode (ELM) frequency and reduction in plasma energy loss associated with type-I ELMs. A threshold current for ELM mitigation is observed above which the ELM frequency increases approximately linearly with current in the coils. Despite a large scan of parameters, complete ELM suppression has not been achieved. The results have been compared to modelling performed using either the vacuum approximation or including the plasma response. During the ELM mitigated stage clear lobe structures are observed in visible-light imaging of the X-point region. The size of these lobes is correlated with the increase in ELM frequency observed. The characteristics of the mitigated ELMs are similar to those of the natural ELMs suggesting that they are type I ELMs which are triggered at a lower pressure gradient. The application of the RMPs in the n=4 and n=6 configurations before the L-H transition has little effect on the power required to achieve H-mode while still allowing the first ELM to be mitigated.
The application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) with a toroidal mode number of n=3 to connected double null plasmas in the MAST tokamak produces up to a factor of 9 increase in Edge Localized Mode (ELM) frequency and reduction in plasma energy loss associated with type-I ELMs. A threshold current for ELM mitigation is observed above which the ELM frequency increases approximately linearly with current in the coils. The effect of the RMPs is found to be scenario dependent. In one scenario the mitigation is only due to a large density pump out event and if the density is recovered by gas puffing a return to type I ELMs is observed. In another scenario sustained ELM mitigation can be achieved irrespective of the amount of fuelling. Despite a large scan of parameters complete ELM suppression has not been achieved. The results have been compared to modelling performed using either the vacuum approximation or including the plasma response. The requirement for a resonant condition, that is an optimum alignment of the perturbation with the plasma, has been confirmed by performing a scan in the pitch angle of the applied field.

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