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338 - I. Pallecchi , F. Telesio , D. Li 2015
Understanding the nature of charge carriers at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface is one of the major open issues in the full comprehension of the charge confinement phenomenon in oxide heterostructures. Here, we investigate thermopower to study the electronic structure in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 at low temperature as a function of gate field. In particular, under large negative gate voltage, corresponding to the strongly depleted charge density regime, thermopower displays record-high negative values of the order of 10^4 - 10^5 microV/K, oscillating at regular intervals as a function of the gate voltage. The huge thermopower magnitude can be attributed to the phonon-drag contribution, while the oscillations map the progressive depletion and the Fermi level descent across a dense array of localized states lying at the bottom of the Ti 3d conduction band. This study is the first direct evidence of a localized Anderson tail in the two-dimensional (2D) electron liquid at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface.
We investigate Seebeck effect in REFeAsO (RE=rare earth)compounds as a function of temperature and magnetic field up to 30T. The Seebeck curves are characterized by a broad negative bump around 50K, which is sample dependent and strongly enhanced by the application of a magnetic field. A model for the temperature and field dependence of the magnon drag contribution to the Seebeck effect by antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin fluctuation is developed. It accounts for the magnitude and scaling properties of such bump feature in our experimental data. This analysis allows to extract precious information on the coupling between electrons and AFM spin fluctuations in these parent compound systems, with implications on the pairing mechanism of the related superconducting compounds.
We study normal state electrical, thermoelectrical and thermal transport in polycrystalline BiS2-based compounds, which become superconducting by F doping on the O site. In particular we explore undoped LaOBiS2 and doped LaO0.5F0.5BiS2 samples, prepared either with or without high pressure annealing, in order to evidence the roles of doping and preparation conditions. The high pressure annealed sample exhibits room temperature values of resistivity ro around 5 mohmcm, Seebeck coefficient S around -20 microV/K and thermal conductivity k around 1.5 W/Km, while the Hall resistance RH is negative at all temperatures and its value is -10-8 m3/C at low temperature. The sample prepared at ambient pressure exhibits RH positive in sign and five times larger in magnitude, and S negative in sign and slightly smaller in magnitude. These results reveal a complex multiband evolution brought about by high pressure annealing. In particular, the sign inversion and magnitude suppression of RH, indicating increased electron-type carrier density in the high pressure sample, may be closely related to previous findings about change in lattice parameters and enhancement of superconducting Tc by high pressure annealing. As for the undoped sample, it exhibits the 10 times larger resistivity, 10 times larger |S| and 10 times larger |RH| than its doped counterpart, consistently with its insulating nature. Our results point out the dramatic effect of preparation conditions in affecting charge carrier density as well as structural, band and electronic parameters in these systems.
In this work we investigate the Ru substituted LaFeAsO compound, by studying the magnetotransport behaviour and its relationship with the band structure, in different regimes of temperature, magnetic field and Ru content. In particular we analyse the magnetoresistance of LaFe1-xRuxAsO (0 <= x <= 0.6) samples with the support of ab initio calculations and we find out that in the whole series: (i) the transport is dominated by electron bands only; (ii) the magnetoresistance exhibits distinctive features related to the presence of Dirac cones; indeed, ab initio calculations confirm the presence of anisotropic Dirac cones in the band structure; (iii) the low temperature mobility is exceptionally high and reaches 18.6 m2/(Vs) in the Ru-free sample at T=2K, in the extreme limit of a single Landau level occupied in the Dirac cones; (iv) the mobility drops abruptly above 10K-15K; (v) the disorder has a very weak effect on the band mobilities and on the transport properties; (vi) there exists a correlation between the temperature ranges of Dirac cones and SDW carrier condensation. These findings may be of crucial importance in the investigation of the pairing mechanism in the F-doped superconducting La(Fe,Ru)As(O,F) compounds related to this series of parent compounds.

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