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We employ a large sample of 20171 optically-selected groups and clusters at 0.15 < z < 0.4 in the SDSS to investigate how the stacked stellar mass fraction varies across a wide range of total mass, $M_{500}$. Our study improves upon previous observational studies in a number of important ways, including having a much larger sample size, an explicit inclusion of the intracluster light (ICL) component, and a thorough examination of the accuracy of our total mass estimates via comparisons to simulations and weak lensing observations. We find that the stellar mass fraction depends only weakly on total mass and that the contribution of ICL to the total stellar mass fraction is significant (typically 20-40 per cent). Both of these findings are in excellent accordance with the predictions of cosmological simulations. Under the assumption of a Chabrier (Salpeter) IMF, the derived star formation efficiency ($f_{star}$/$f_{b}$, where $f_b=Omega_b/Omega_m$) is relatively low at 8 per cent (14 per cent) and is consistent with the global star formation efficiency of semi-analytic models that reproduce the galaxy stellar mass function. When our measured stellar mass fractions are combined with the observed relation between hot gas mass fraction and total mass from X-ray observations, our results imply that galaxy groups have significantly lower baryon fractions than massive clusters. Ejection of gas due to energetic AGN feedback (most likely at high redshift) provides a plausible mechanism for explaining the trends we observe.
94 - N. L. Mitchell 2009
(Abridged) The thermal state of the intracluster medium results from a competition between gas cooling and heating. The heating comes from two distinct sources: gravitational heating from the collapse of the dark matter halo and thermal input from galaxy/black hole formation. However, a long standing problem has been that cosmological simulations based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and Eulerian mesh codes predict different results even when cooling and galaxy/black hole heating are switched off. Clusters formed in SPH simulations show near powerlaw entropy profiles, while those formed in mesh simulations develop a core and do not allow gas to reach such low entropies. Since the cooling rate is closely connected to the minimum entropy of the gas, the differences are of potentially key importance. In this paper, we investigate the origin of this discrepancy. By comparing simulations run using the GADGET-2 SPH code and the FLASH adaptive Eulerian mesh code, we show that the discrepancy arises during the idealised merger of two clusters. The difference is not sensitive to the resolution of our simulations, nor is it is due differences in the gravity solvers, Galilean non-invariance of the mesh code, or an effect of unsuitable artificial viscosity in the SPH code. Instead, we find that the difference is inherent to the treatment of eddies and fluid instabilities. These are suppressed in the SPH simulations, while the cluster mergers generate strong vortices in the mesh simulations that efficiently mix the fluid and erase the low entropy gas. Consequently, particles in the SPH simulations retain a close connection to their initial entropy, while this connection is much weaker in the mesh simulations. We discuss the potentially profound implications of these results.

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