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The coherence time constitutes one of the most critical parameters that determines whether or not interference is observed in an experiment. For photons, it is traditionally determined by the effective spectral bandwidth of the photon. Here we report on multi-photon interference experiments in which the multi-photon coherence time, defined by the width of the interference signal, depends on the number of interfering photons and on the measurement scheme chosen to detect the particles. A theoretical analysis reveals that all multi-photon interference with more than two particles features this dependence, which can be attributed to higher-order effects in the mutual indistinguishability of the particles. As a striking consequence, a single, well-defined many-particle quantum state can exhibit qualitatively different degrees of interference, depending on the chosen observable. Therefore, optimal sensitivity in many-particle quantum interferometry can only be achieved by choosing a suitable detection scheme.
Interferometric signals are degraded by decoherence, which encompasses dephasing, mixing and any distinguishing which-path information. These three paradigmatic processes are fundamentally different, but, for coherent, single-photon and $N00N$-states, they degrade interferometric visibility in the very same way, which impedes the diagnosis of the cause for reduced visibility in a single experiment. We introduce a versatile formalism for many-boson interferometry based on double-sided Feynman diagrams, which we apply to a protocol for differential decoherence diagnosis: Twin-Fock states |N,N> with $N ge 2$ reveal to which extent decoherence is due to path distinguishability or to mixing, while double-Fock superpositions $|N:M> = (|N,M> + |M,N>)/sqrt{2} $ with $N > M >0$ additionally witness the degree of dephasing. Hence, double-Fock superposition interferometry permits the differential diagnosis of decoherence processes in a single experiment, indispensable for the assessment of interferometers.
A recent work (2014 New J. Phys. 16 013006) claims that nonmonotonic structures found in the many-particle quantum-to-classical transition (2013 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110 1227-1231; 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 062111) are not exclusive to the many-body domain, but they also appear for single-photon as well as for semi-classical systems. We show that these situations, however, do not incorporate any quantum-to-classical transition, which makes the claims unsustainable.
Many paradoxes of quantum mechanics come from the fact that a quantum system can possess different features at the same time, such as in wave-particle duality or quantum superposition. In recent delayed-choice experiments, a quantum mechanical system can be observed to manifest one feature such as the wave or particle nature, depending on the final measurement setup, which is chosen after the system itself has already entered the measuring device; hence its behaviour is not predetermined. Here, we adapt this paradigmatic scheme to multi-dimensional quantum walks. In our experiment, the way in which a photon interferes with itself in a strongly non-trivial pattern depends on its polarisation, that is determined after the photon has already been detected. Multi-dimensional quantum walks are a very powerful tool for simulating the behaviour of complex quantum systems, due to their versatility. This is the first experiment realising a multi-dimensional quantum walk with a single-photon source and we present also the first experimental simulation of the Grover walk, a model that can be used to implement the Grover quantum search algorithm.
We experimentally demonstrate the non-monotonic dependence of genuine many-particle interference signals on the particles mutual distinguishability. Our theoretical analysis shows that such non-monotonicity is a generic feature of the quantum to classical transition in multiparticle correlation functions of more than two particles.

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