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We investigate recent star formation in the extended ultraviolet (XUV) disks of five nearby galaxies (NGC 0628, NGC 2090, NGC 2841, NGC 3621, and NGC 5055) using a long wavelength baseline comprised of ultraviolet and mid-infrared imaging from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer and the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera. We identify 229 unresolved stellar complexes across targeted portions of their XUV disks and utilize spectral energy distribution fitting to measure their stellar ages and masses through comparison with Starburst99 population synthesis models of instantaneous burst populations. We find that the median age of outer disk associations in our sample is ~100 Myr with a large dispersion that spans the entire range of our models (1 Myr-1 Gyr). This relatively evolved state for most associations addresses the observed dearth of Halpha emission in some outer disks, as Halpha can only be observed in star forming regions younger than ~10 Myr. The large age dispersion is robust against variations in extinction (in the range E(B-V)=0-0.3 mag) and variations in the upper end of the stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF). In particular, we demonstrate that the age dispersion is insensitive to steepening of the IMF, up to extreme slopes.
728 - Shou-wan Chen , Hui Dong , 2009
A new method is proposed to compute the bulk viscosity in strange quark matter at high densities. Using the method it is straightforward to prove that the bulk viscosity is positive definite, which is not so easy to accomplish in other approaches especially for multi-component fluids like strange quark matter with light up and down quarks and massive strange quarks.
Spitzer IRAC observations of two fields in the XUV-disk of M83 have been recently obtained,3R_{HII} away from the center of the galaxy (R_{HII)=6.6 kpc).GALEX UV images have shown the two fields to host in-situ recent star formation.The IRAC images are used in conjunction with GALEX data and new HI imaging from THINGS to constrain stellar masses and ages of the UV clumps in the fields,and to relate the local recent star formation to the reservoir of available gas. multi wavelength photometry in the UV and mid-IR bands of 136 UV clumps(spatial resolution >220pc) identified in the two target fields, together with model fitting of the stellar UV-MIR SED,suggest that the clumps cover a range of ages between a few Myr and >1Gyr with a median value around <100Myr,and have masses in the range 10^3-3*10^6M, with a peak ~10^4.7M.The range of observed ages,for which only a small fraction of the mass in stars appears to have formed in the past ~10Myr, agrees with the dearth of Ha emission observed in these outer fiel ds. At the location of our IRAC fields, the HI map shows localized enhancement and clumping of atomic gas. A comparison of the observed star formation with the gas reservoir shows that the UV clumps follow the Schmidt--Kennicutt scaling law of star formation,and that star formation is occurring in regions with gas dens ities at approximately (within a factor of a few) the critical density value de -rived according to the Toomre Q gravitational stability criterion. The signifi cant 8 micron excess in several of the clumps (16% of the total by number accou nting for ~67% of the 8 micron flux)) provides evidence for the existence of dust in these remote fields, in agreement with results for other galaxies. Furt hermore, we observe a relatively small excess of emission at 4.5 micron in the clumps...

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