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In order to expand the astrophysical reach of gravitational wave detectors, several interferometer topologies have been proposed to evade the thermodynamic and quantum mechanical limits in future detectors. In this work, we make a systematic comparison among them by considering their sensitivities and complexities. We numerically optimize their sensitivities by introducing a cost function that tries to maximize the broadband improvement over the sensitivity of current detectors. We find that frequency-dependent squeezed-light injection with a hundred-meter scale filter cavity yields a good broadband sensitivity, with low complexity, and good robustness against optical loss. This study gives us a guideline for the near-term experimental research programs in enhancing the performance of future gravitational-wave detectors.
Electric transport and scanning tunneling spectrum (STS) have been investigated on polycrystalline samples of the new superconductor Bi4O4S3. A weak insulating behavior in the resistive curve has been induced in the normal state when the superconductivity is suppressed by applying a magnetic field. Interestingly, a kink appears on the temperature dependence of resistivity near 4 K at all high magnetic fields above 1 T when the bulk superconductivity is completely suppressed. This kink associated with the upper critical field as well as the wide range of excess conductance at low field and high temperature are explained as the possible evidence of strong superconducting fluctuation. From the tunneling spectra, a superconducting gap of about 3 meV is frequently observed yielding a ratio of 2Delta/(kB*Tc) ~ 16.6. This value is much larger than the one predicted by the BCS theory in the weak coupling regime (2Delta/(kB*Tc) ~ 3.53), which suggests the strong coupling superconductivity in the present system. Furthermore, the gapped feature persists on the spectra until 14 K in the STS measurement, which suggests a prominent fluctuation region of superconductivity. Such superconducting fluctuation can survive at very high magnetic fields, which are far beyond the critical fields for bulk superconductivity as inferred both from electric transport and tunneling measurements.
168 - Huan Yang , Haixing Miao , 2012
We formulate a spherical harmonically decomposed 1+1 scheme to self-consistently evolve the trajectory of a point particle and its gravitational metric perturbation to a Schwarzschild background spacetime. Following the work of Moncrief, we write down an action for perturbations in space-time geometry, combine that with the action for a point-particle, and then obtain Hamiltonian equations of motion for metric perturbations, the particles coordinates, as well as their canonical momenta. Hamiltonian equations for the metric-perturbation and their conjugate momenta reduce to Zerilli-Moncrief and Regge-Wheeler master equations with source terms, which are gauge invariant, plus auxiliary equations that specify gauge. Hamiltonian equations for the particle, on the other hand, now include effect of metric perturbations - with these new terms derived from the same interaction Hamiltonian that had lead to those well-known source terms. In this way, space-time geometry and particle motion can be evolved in a self-consistent manner, in principle in any gauge. However, the point-particle nature of our source requires regularization, and we outline how the Detweiler-Whiting approach can be applied. In this approach, a singular field can be obtained using Hadamard decomposition of the Greens function and the regular field, which needs to be evolved numerically, is the result of subtracting the singular field from the total metric perturbation. In principle, any gauge that has the singular-regular field decomposition is suitable for our self-consistent scheme. In reality, however, this freedom is only possible if our singular field has a high enough level of smoothness. In the case of Lorenz gauge, for each l and m, we have 2 wave equations to evolve gauge invariant quantities and 8 first order differential equations to fix the gauge and determine the metric components.
Measurement-induced back action, a direct consequence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is the defining feature of quantum measurements. We use quantum measurement theory to analyze the recent experiment of Safavi-Naeini et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 108}, 033602 (2012)], and show that results of this experiment not only characterize the zero-point fluctuation of a near-ground-state nanomechanical oscillator, but also demonstrate the existence of quantum back-action noise --- through correlations that exist between sensing noise and back-action noise. These correlations arise from the quantum coherence between the mechanical oscillator and the measuring device, which build up during the measurement process, and are key to improving sensitivities beyond the Standard Quantum Limit.
The vortex states on optimally doped Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 and underdoped Ba0.77K0.23Fe2As2 single crystals are imaged by magnetic force microscopy at various magnetic fields below 100 Oe. Local triangular vortex clusters are observed in optimally doped samples. The vortices are more ordered than those in Ba(Fe{1-x}Co{x})2As2, and the calculated pinning force per unit length is about 1 order of magnitude weaker than that in optimally Co-doped 122 at the same magnetic field, indicating that the Co doping at the Fe sites induces stronger pinning. The proportion of six-neighbored vortices to the total amount increases quickly with increasing magnetic field, and the estimated value reaches 100% at several tesla. Vortex chains are also found in some local regions, which enhance the pinning force as well as the critical current density. Lines of vortex chains are observed in underdoped samples, and they may have originated from the strong pinning near the twin boundaries arising from the structural transition.
Non-Markovianity, as an important feature of general open quantum systems, is usually difficult to quantify with limited knowledge of how the plant that we are interested in interacts with its environment-the bath. It often happens that the reduced dynamics of the plant attached to a non-Markovian bath becomes indistinguishable from the one with a Markovian bath, if we left the entire system freely evolve. Here we show that non-Markovianity can be revealed via applying local unitary operations on the plant-they will influence the plant evolution at later times due to memory of the bath. This not only provides a new criterion for non-Markovianity, but also sheds light on protecting and recovering quantum coherence in non-Markovian systems, which will be useful for quantum-information processing.
99 - Bing Shen , Huan Yang , Bin Zeng 2011
Magnetization and its relaxation have been measured on Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 single crystals with Tc = 39 K. The magnetization hysteresis loops (MHLs) exhibit flux jumps in the low temperature region, and a second peak-effect in the intermediate temperature region, especially when the field sweeping rate is low. Interestingly a third magnetization peak can be easily observed on the MHLs in the high temperature region. Further analysis find that the first magnetization peak is very sharp, which is associated with the strong vortex pinning. However the first dip of the MHL corresponds to a moderate relaxation rate, then a second peak appears accompanied by a vanishing vortex motion. Finally a third magnetization peak emerges and the vortex motion becomes drastic beyond this threshold. The novel features accompanying the second magnetization peak suggest a new type of vortex phase transition.
We study the quantum dynamics of a Michelson interferometer with Fabry-Perot cavity arms and one movable end mirror, and driven by a single photon --- an optomechanical device previously studied by Marshall et al. as a device that searches for gravity decoherence. We obtain an exact analytical solution for the systems quantum mechanical equations of motion, including details about the exchange of the single photon between the cavity mode and the external continuum. The resulting time evolution of the interferometers fringe visibility displays interesting new features when the incoming photons frequency uncertainty is narrower or comparable to the cavitys line width --- only in the limiting case of much broader-band photon does the result return to that of Marshall et al., but in this case the photon is not very likely to enter the cavity and interact with the mirror, making the experiment less efficient and more susceptible to imperfections. In addition, we show that in the strong-coupling regime, by engineering the incoming photons wave function, it is possible to prepare the movable mirror into an arbitrary quantum state of a multi-dimensional Hilbert space.
Resistivity, Hall effect and magnetoresistance have been investigated systematically on single crystals of Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ ranging from undoped to optimally doped regions. A systematic evolution of the quasiparticle scattering has been observed. It is found that the resistivity in the normal state of Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ is insensitive to the potassium doping concentration, which is very different from the electron doped counterpart Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$, where the resistivity at 300 K reduces to half value of the undoped one when the system is optimally doped. In stark contrast, the Hall coefficient R$_H$ changes suddenly from a negative value in the undoped sample to a positive one with slight K-doping, and it keeps lowering with further doping. We interpret this dichotomy due to the asymmetric scattering rate in the hole and the electron pockets with much higher mobility of the latter. The magnetoresistivity shows also a non-monotonic doping dependence indicating an anomalous feature at about 80 K to 100 K, even in the optimally doped sample, which is associated with a possible pseudogap feature. In the low temperature region, it seems that the resistivity has the similar values when superconductivity sets in disregarding the different T$_c$ values, which indicates a novel mechanism of the superconductivity. A linear feature of resistivity $rho_{ab}$ vs. $T$ was observed just above $T_c$ for the optimally doped sample, suggesting a quantum criticality.
95 - Lei Fang , Huan Yang , Xiyu Zhu 2008
Transition metal boride Ru$_7$B$_3$ was found to be a noncentrosymmetric superconductor with $T_{C}$ equal to 3.3 K. Superconducting and normal state properties of Ru$_7$B$_3$ were determined by a self-consistent analysis through resistivity($rho_{xx}$ and $rho_{xy}$), specific heat, lower critical field measurement and electronic band structure calculation. It is found that Ru$_7$B$_3$ belongs to an s-wave dominated single band superconductor with energy gap 0.5 meV and could be categorized into type II superconductor with weak electron-phonon coupling. Unusual kink feature is clearly observed in field-broadening resistivity curves, suggesting the possible mixture of spin triplet induced by the lattice without inversion symmetry.

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