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196 - Tomotsugu Goto 2015
Infrared (IR) luminosity is fundamental to understanding the cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution, since their most intense stages are often obscured by dust. Japanese infrared satellite, AKARI, provided unique data sets to probe these both at low and high redshifts. The AKARI performed an all sky survey in 6 IR bands (9, 18, 65, 90, 140, and 160$mu$m) with 3-10 times better sensitivity than IRAS, covering the crucial far-IR wavelengths across the peak of the dust emission. Combined with a better spatial resolution, AKARI can measure the total infrared luminosity ($L_{TIR}$) of individual galaxies much more precisely, and thus, the total infrared luminosity density of the local Universe. In the AKARI NEP deep field, we construct restframe 8$mu$m, 12$mu$m, and total infrared (TIR) luminosity functions (LFs) at 0.15$<z<$2.2 using 4128 infrared sources. A continuous filter coverage in the mid-IR wavelength (2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24$mu$m) by the AKARI satellite allows us to estimate restframe 8$mu$m and 12$mu$m luminosities without using a large extrapolation based on a SED fit, which was the largest uncertainty in previous work. By combining these two results, we reveal dust-hidden cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution from $z$=0 to $z$=2.2, all probed by the AKARI satellite. The next generation space infrared telescope, SPICA, will revolutionize our view of the infrared Universe with superb sensitivity of the cooled 3m space telescope. We conclude with our survey proposal and future prospects with SPICA.
In this work, we investigate the dependence of the covering factor (CF) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) (i) on the mid-infrared (MIR) luminosity and (ii) on the redshift. We constructed 12- and 22-micron luminosity functions (LFs) at 0.006 < z < 0.3 using the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer} (WISE) data. Combining the WISE catalog with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic data, we selected 223,982 galaxies at 12 micron and 25,721 galaxies at 22 micron for spectroscopic classification. We then identified 16,355 AGNs at 12 micron and 4,683 AGNs at 22 micron by their optical emission lines and cataloged classifications in the SDSS. Following that, we estimated the CF as the fraction of type 2 AGN in all AGNs whose MIR emissions are dominated by the active nucleus (not their host galaxies) based on their MIR colors. We found that (i) the CF decreased with increasing MIR luminosity, regardless of the choice of type 2 AGN classification criteria, and (ii) the CF did not change significantly with the redshift for z < 0.2. Furthermore, we carried out various tests to determine the influence of selection bias and confirmed similar dependences exist even when taking these uncertainties into account. The luminosity dependence of the CF can be explained by the receding torus model, but the modified receding torus model gives a slightly better fit, as suggested by Simpson.
We present the 9 and 18 micron luminosity functions (LFs) of galaxies at 0.006 < z < 0.8 (with an average redshift of ~ 0.04) using the AKARI mid-infrared all-sky survey catalog. We selected 243 galaxies at 9 micron and 255 galaxies at 18 micron from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopy region. These galaxies were then classified by their optical emission lines, such as the line width of H_alpha or by their emission line ratios of [OIII]/H_beta and [NII]/H_alpha into five types: Type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) (Type 1); Type 2 AGN (Type 2); low-ionization narrow emission line galaxies (LINER); galaxies with both star formation and narrow-line AGN activity (composite galaxies); and star-forming galaxies (SF). We found that (i) the number density ratio of Type 2 to Type 1 AGNs is 1.73 +/- 0.36, which is larger than a result obtained from the optical LF and (ii) this ratio decreases with increasing 18 micron luminosity.
We present the number counts of Ks-band selected high redshift galaxy populations such as extremely red objects (EROs), B, z & K -band selected galaxies (BzKs) and distant red galaxies (DRGs) in the AKARI NEP field. The final catalogue contains 308 EROs (Ks<19.0 ; 54 percent are dusty star-forming EROs and the rest are passive old EROs), 137 star-forming BzKs and 38 passive old BzKs (Ks<19.0) and 64 DRGs (Ks<18.6). We also produce individual component source counts for both the dusty star-forming and passive populations. We compare the observed number counts of the high redshift passively evolving galaxy population with a backward pure luminosity evolution (PLE) model allowing different degrees of number density evolution. We find that the PLE model without density evolution fails to explain the observed counts at faint magnitudes, while the model incorporating negative density evolution is consistent with the observed counts of the passively evolving population. We also compare our observed counts of dusty star-forming EROs with a phenomenological evolutionary model postulating that the near-infrared EROs can be explained by the source densities of the far-infrared - submillimetre populations. Our model predicts that the dusty ERO source counts can be explained assuming a 25 percent contribution of submillimetre star-forming galaxies with the majority of brighter Ks -band detected dusty EROs having luminous (rather than HR10 type ultra-luminous) submillimetre counterparts. We propose that the fainter Ks>19.5 population is dominated by the sub-millijansky submillimetre population. We also predict a turnover in in dusty ERO counts around 19<Ks<20.
93 - Youichi Ohyama 2007
The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of the two instruments on board the AKARI satellite. In addition to deep imaging from 1.8-26.5um for the pointed observation mode of the AKARI, it has a spectroscopic capability in its spectral range. By replacing the imaging filters by transmission-type dispersers on the filter wheels, it provides low-resolution (lambda/d_lambda ~ 20-120) spectroscopy with slits or in a wide imaging field-of-view (approximately 10X10). The IRC spectroscopic mode is unique in space infrared missions in that it has the capability to perform sensitive wide-field spectroscopic surveys in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength ranges. This paper describes specifications of the IRC spectrograph and its in-orbit performance.
We present the results of optical identifications for 257 mid-infrared sources detected with a deep 15um survey over approximately 80 arcmin^2 area in the AKARI performance verification field near the North Ecliptic Pole. The 15um fluxes of the sources range from 1 mJy down to 40 uJy, approximately a half of which are below 100 uJy. Optical counterparts were searched for within a 2-3 arcsec radius in both the BVRiz catalog generated by using the deep Subaru/Suprime-cam field which covers one-third of the performance verification field, and the griz catalog based on observations made with MegaCam at CFHT. We found B-R and R-z colours of sources with successful optical identifications are systematically redder than that of the entire optical sample in the same field. Moreover, approximately 40% of the 15um sources show colours R-L15>5, which cannot be explained by the spectral energy distribution (SED) of normal quiescent spiral galaxies, but are consistent with SEDs of redshifted (z>1) starburst or ultraluminous infrared galaxies. This result indicates that the fraction of the ultraluminous infrared galaxies in our faint 15um sample is much larger than that in our brighter 15um sources, which is consistent with the evolving mid-infrared luminosity function derived by recent studies based on the Spitzer 24um deep surveys. Based on an SED fitting technique, the nature of the faint 15um sources is further discussed for a selected number of sources with available K_s-band data.

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