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We give a version in characteristic $p>0$ of Mumfords theorem characterizing a smooth complex germ of surface $(X,x)$ by the triviality of the topological fundamental group of $U=Xsetminus {x}$. This note relies on discussions the authors had during the Christmas break 2009/10 in Ivry. They have been written down by Hel`ene in the night when Eckart died, as a despaired sign of love.
This is a small note meant to be published in a Conference Proceedings. We discuss elementary rationality questions in the Grothendieck ring of varieties for the quotient of a finite dimensional vector space over a characteristic 0 field by a finite group. Part of it reproduces the content of a letter dated September 27, 2008 addressed to Johannes Nicaise
Unlike Grothendiecks etale fundamental group, Noris fundamental group does not fulfill the homotopy exact sequence in general. We give necessary and sufficient conditions which force exactness of the sequence.
Given a smooth and separated K(pi,1) variety X over a field k, we associate a cycle class in etale cohomology with compact supports to any continuous section of the natural map from the arithmetic fundamental group of X to the absolute Galois group of k. We discuss the algebraicity of this class in the case of curves over p-adic fields, and deduce in particular a new proof of Stixs theorem according to which the index of a curve X over a p-adic field k must be a power of p as soon as the natural map from the arithmetic fundamental group of X to the absolute Galois group of k admits a section. Finally, an etale adaptation of Beilinsons geometrization of the pronilpotent completion of the topological fundamental group allows us to lift this cycle class in suitable cohomology groups.
v2: We improved a little bit according to the referees wishes. v1: On $X$ projective smooth over a field $k$, Pink and Roessler conjecture that the dimension of the Hodge cohomology of an invertible $n$-torsion sheaf $L$ is the same as the one of its $a$-th power $L^a$ if $a$ is prime to $n$, under the assumptions that $X$ lifts to $W_2(k)$ and $dim Xle p$, if $k$ has characteristic $p>0$. They show this if $k$ has characteristic 0 and if $n$ is prime to $p$ in characteristic $p>0$. We show the conjecture in characteristic $p>0$ if $n=p$ assuming in addition that $X$ is ordinary (in the sense of Bloch-Kato).
50 - Hel`ene Esnault 2007
We construct unramified algebraic differential characters for flat connections with nilpotent residues along a strict normal crossings divisor.
Let k be a number field, and let S be a finite set of k-rational points of P^1. We relate the Deligne-Goncharov contruction of the motivic fundamental group of X:=P^1_k- S to the Tannaka group scheme of the category of mixed Tate motives over X.
If the $ell$-adic cohomology of a projective smooth variety, defined over a local field $K$ with finite residue field $k$, is supported in codimension $ge 1$, then every model over the ring of integers of $K$ has a $k$-rational point. For $K$ a $p$-adic field, this is math/0405318, Theorem 1.1. If the model $sX$ is regular, one has a congruence $|sX(k)|equiv 1 $ modulo $|k|$ for the number of $k$-rational points 0704.1273, Theorem 1.1. The congruence is violated if one drops the regularity assumption.
201 - Hel`ene Esnault 2007
If the $ell$-adic cohomology of a projective smooth variety, defined over a $frak{p}$-adic field $K$ with finite residue field $k$, is supported in codimension $ge 1$, then any model over the ring of integers of $K$ has a $k$-rational point. This slightly improves our earlier result math/0405318: we needed there the model to be regular (but then our result was more general: we obtained a congruence for the number of points, and $K$ could be local of characteristic $p>0$).

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