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112 - Y. Li , W. Yuan , H. Y. Zhou 2014
We report the finding of an unobscured type II Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) candidate, SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 at a relatively high redshift of 0.601,which shows a number of unusual properties. It varies significantly on timescales of years as typical type I AGNs and marginally on timescales of weeks. The color-magnitude relation and the structure function are also consistent with that of type I AGNs, which imply that its variability likely originates from the black hole accretion system .However, no broad emission line is detected in the SDSS spectrum, and the upper limit of the equivalent width of the H$rm beta$ broad emission line is much less than that of type I AGNs. These properties suggest that SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 may be an unobscured quasar without broad emission lines intrinsically, namely an unobscured type II AGN or true type II AGN. Furthermore, its continuum luminosity is at least one order of magnitude fainter than the average value of thepast century expected from the [OIII] emission line. It indicates that SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 may be switching off. Additional possible scenarios to explain this intriguing source are also discussed. Future deep observations at multi-wavelengths are needed to reveal the nature of this peculiar and intriguing AGN.
282 - Y. L. Ai , W. Yuan , H. Y. Zhou 2010
Narrow-line Seyfert,1 galaxies (NLS1s) with very small broad-line widths (say, FWHM(hb) $la $ 1200,kms) represent the extreme type of Seyfert,1 galaxies that have small black hole masses (mbh) and/or high Eddington ratios (redd). Here we study the X-ray properties of a homogeneously and optically selected sample of 13 such objects, termed as very narrow line Seyfert,1 galaxies (VNLS1s), using archival xmm data. It is found that the Fe K$alpha$ emission line is at most weak in these objects. A soft X-ray excess is ubiquitous, with the thermal temperatures falling within a strict range of 0.1--0.2,keV. Our result highlights the puzzling independence of the thermal temperature by extending the relations to even smaller FWHM(hb), i.e., smaller mbh ($sim 10^6$ msun) and/or higher redd. The excess emission can be modeled by a range of viable models, though the disk reflection and Comptonization models generally give somewhat better fits over the smeared absorption and the $p$-free models. At the Eddington ratios around unity and above, the X-ray spectral slopes in the 2--10,keV band are systematically flatter than the Risaliti et al.s predictions of the relationship with redd suggested previously. Short timescale (1--2 hours) X-ray variability is common, which, together with the variability amplitude computed for some of the objects, are supportive of the scenario that NLS1s are indeed AGN with relatively small mbh.
199 - Y. L. Ai , W. Yuan , H. Y. Zhou 2010
The dependence of the long-term optical/UV variability on the spectral and the fundamental physical parameters for radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is investigated. The multi-epoch repeated photometric scanning data in the Stripe-82 region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are exploited for two comparative AGN samples (mostly quasars) selected therein, a broad-line Seyfert,1 (BLS1) type sample and a narrow-line Seyfert,1 (NLS1) type AGN sample within redshifts 0.3--0.8. Their spectral parameters are derived from the SDSS spectroscopic data. It is found that on rest-frame timescales of several years the NLS1-type AGNs show systematically smaller variability compared to the BLS1-type. In fact, the variability amplitude is found to correlate, though only moderately, with the Eigenvector,1 parameters, i.e., the smaller the hb linewidth, the weaker the [O,III] and the stronger the feii emission, the smaller the variability amplitude is. Moreover, an interesting inverse correlation is found between the variability and the Eddington ratio, which is perhaps more fundamental. The previously known dependence of the variability on luminosity is not significant, and that on black hole mass---as claimed in recent papers and also present in our data---fades out when controlling for the Eddington ratio in the correlation analysis, though these may be partly due to the limited ranges of luminosity and black hole mass of our samples. Our result strongly supports that an accretion disk is likely to play a major role in producing the opitcal/UV variability.
139 - T. G. Wang 2009
We present a detailed study of the X-ray and optical spectra of the luminous Seyfert galaxy Mrk 1393, which revealed variable partial obscuration of the active nucleus. The X-ray spectra obtained by XMM-Newton and Swift show moderate absorption with a column density around 3x10^21 cm^-2, consistent with a dust-reddening interpretation of the steep Balmer decrement seen in recent optical spectra. The X-ray flux in the 0.5 to 2 keV band during the XMM-Newton observation in 2005 and Swift observation in 2006 was a factor 6 brighter than that of the ROSAT All Sky Survey in 1991. In the past 4 years, the broad Halpha line brightened by a factor of 4 accompanied by a decrease in the Balmer decrement. A comparison with literature spectra reveals variations in the dust extinction on time scales of several years, suggesting that the obscuring material is very close to the active nucleus. These observations indicate that a dust-to-gas ratio as high as the Galactic value can be present in moderately thick gas in the vicinity of the central engine within a few parsecs. We suggest that the obscuring material may be debris disrupted from the dusty torus.

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