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We present magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, specific heat, and thermoelectric power measurements on (Ce$_{1-x}$La$_x$)Cu$_2$Ge$_2$ single crystals (0 $leq xleq$ 1). With La substitution, the antiferromagnetic temperature $T_N$ is suppressed in an almost linear fashion and moves below 0.36 K, the base temperature of our measurements for $x>$ 0.8. Surprisingly, in addition to robust antiferromagnetism, the system also shows low temperature coherent scattering below $T_{coh}$ up to $sim$ 0.9 of La, indicating a small percolation limit $sim$ 9$%$ of Ce that separates a coherent regime from a single-ion Kondo impurity regime. $T_{coh}$ as a function of magnetic field was found to have different behavior for $x$< 0.9 and $x$> 0.9. Remarkably, $(T_{coh})^2$ at $H$ = 0 was found to be linearly proportional to $T_N$. The jump in the magnetic specific heat $delta C_{m}$ at $T_N$ as a function of $T_K/T_N$ for (Ce$_{1-x}$La$_x$)Cu$_2$Ge$_2$ follows the theoretical prediction based on the molecular field calculation for the $S$ = 1/2 resonant level model.
Neutron diffraction measurements on a single crystal of CeGe1.76 reveal a complex series of magnetic transitions at low temperature. At T_N = 7 K, there is a transition from a paramagnetic state at higher temperature to an incommensurate magnetic structure characterized by a magnetic propagation vector (0 0 tau) with tau approx. 1/4 and the magnetic moment along the a axis of the orthorhombic unit cell. Below T_LI = 5 K, the magnetic structure locks in to a commensurate structure with tau = 1/4 and the magnetic moment remains along the a axis. Below T* = 4 K, we find additional half-integer and integer indexed magnetic Bragg peaks consistent with a second commensurately ordered antiferromagnetic state.
We demonstrate that the thermopower (S) can be used to probe the spin fluctuations (SFs) in proximity to the quantum critical point (QCP) in Fe-based superconductors. The sensitivity of S to the entropy of charge carriers allows us to observe an increase of S/T in Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2 close to the spin-density-wave (SDW) QCP. This behavior is due to the coupling of low-energy conduction electrons to two-dimensional SFs, similar to heavy-fermion systems. The low-temperature enhancement of S/T in the Co substitution range 0.02 < x < 0.1 is bordered by two Lifshitz transitions, and it corresponds to the superconducting region, where a similarity between the electron and non-reconstructed hole pockets exists. The maximal S/T is observed in proximity to the commensurate-to-incommensurate SDW transition, for critical x_c ~ 0.05, close to the highest superconducting T_c. This analysis indicates that low-T thermopower is influenced by critical spin fluctuations which are important for the superconducting mechanism.
Single crystals of Ba(Fe_(1-x)Mn_x)_2As_2, 0<x<0.148, have been grown and characterized by structural, magnetic, electrical transport and thermopower measurements. Although growths of single crystals of Ba(Fe_(1-x)Mn_x)_2As_2 for the full 0<=x<=1 range were made, we find evidence for phase separation (associated with some form of immiscibility) starting for x>0.1-0.2. Our measurements show that whereas the structural/magnetic phase transition found in pure BaFe_2As_2 at 134 K is initially suppressed by Mn substitution, superconductivity is not observed at any substitution level. Although the effect of hydrostatic pressure up to 20 kbar in the parent BaFe_2As_2 compound is to suppress the structural/magnetic transition at the approximate rate of 0.9 K/kbar, the effects of pressure and Mn substitution in the x=0.102 compound are not cumulative. Phase diagrams of transition temperature versus substitution concentration, x, based on electrical transport, magnetization and thermopower measurements have been constructed and compared to those of the Ba(Fe_(1-x)TM_x)_2As_2 (TM=Co and Cr) series.

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