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We have investigated temperature trends of the microscopic structure of the SPC/E and TIP4P-Ew water models in terms of the pair distribution functions, coordination numbers, the average number of hydrogen bonds, the distribution of bonding states of a single molecule as well as the angular distribution of molecules by using the constant pressure molecular dynamics simulations. The evolution of the structure is put in correspondence with the dependence of water density on high temperatures down to the region of temperatures where the system becomes supercooled. It is shown that the fraction of molecules with three and four bonds determine the maximum density for both models. Moreover, the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant is obtained and analyzed.
We study a hundred of galaxies from the spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey with individual detections in the Far-Infrared Herschel PACS bands (100 or 160 $mu$m) and in the GALEX Far-UltraViolet band up to z$sim$0.4 in the COSMOS and Lockman Hole fields. The galaxies are divided into 4 spectral and 4 morphological types. For the star forming and unclassifiable galaxies we calculate dust extinctions from the UV slope, the H$alpha$/H$beta$ ratio and the $L_{rm IR}/L_{rm UV}$ ratio. There is a tight correlation between the dust extinction and both $L_{rm IR}$ and metallicity. We calculate SFR$_{total}$ and compare it with other SFR estimates (H$alpha$, UV, SDSS) finding a very good agreement between them with smaller dispersions than typical SFR uncertainties. We study the effect of mass and metallicity, finding that it is only significant at high masses for SFR$_{Halpha}$. For the AGN and composite galaxies we find a tight correlation between SFR and L$_{IR}$ ($sigmasim$0.29), while the dispersion in the SFR - L$_{UV}$ relation is larger ($sigmasim$0.57). The galaxies follow the prescriptions of the Fundamental Plane in the M-Z-SFR space.
We empirically test the relation between the SFR(LIR) derived from the infrared luminosity, LIR, and the SFR(Ha) derived from the Ha emission line luminosity using simple conversion relations. We use a sample of 474 galaxies at z = 0.06 - 0.46 with both Ha detection (from 20k zCOSMOS survey) and new far-IR Herschel data (100 and 160 {mu}m). We derive SFR(Ha) from the Ha extinction corrected emission line luminosity. We find a very clear trend between E(B - V) and LIR that allows to estimate extinction values for each galaxy even if the Ha emission line measurement is not reliable. We calculate the LIR by integrating from 8 up to 1000 {mu}m the SED that is best fitting our data. We compare SFR(Ha) with the SFR(LIR). We find a very good agreement between the two SFR estimates, with a slope of m = 1.01 pm 0.03 in the SFR(LIR) vs SFR(Ha) diagram, a normalization constant of a = -0.08 pm 0.03 and a dispersion of sigma = 0.28 dex.We study the effect of some intrinsic properties of the galaxies in the SFR(LIR)-SFR(Ha) relation, such as the redshift, the mass, the SSFR or the metallicity. The metallicity is the parameter that affects most the SFR comparison. The mean ratio of the two SFR estimators log[SFR(LIR)/SFR(Ha)] varies by approx. 0.6 dex from metal-poor to metal-rich galaxies (8.1 < log(O/H) + 12 < 9.2). This effect is consistent with the prediction of a theoretical model for the dust evolution in spiral galaxies. Considering different morphological types, we find a very good agreement between the two SFR indicators for the Sa, Sb and Sc morphologically classified galaxies, both in slope and normalization. For the Sd, irregular sample (Sd/Irr), the formal best-fit slope becomes much steeper (m = 1.62 pm 0.43), but it is still consistent with 1 at the 1.5 sigma level, because of the reduced statistics of this sub-sample.
We have studied the evolution of high redshift quiescent galaxies over an effective area of ~1.7 deg^2 in the COSMOS field. Galaxies have been divided according to their star-formation activity and the evolution of the different populations has been investigated in detail. We have studied an IRAC (mag_3.6 < 22.0) selected sample of ~18000 galaxies at z > 1.4 with multi-wavelength coverage. We have derived accurate photometric redshifts (sigma=0.06) and other important physical parameters through a SED-fitting procedure. We have divided our sample into actively star-forming, intermediate and quiescent galaxies depending on their specific star formation rate. We have computed the galaxy stellar mass function of the total sample and the different populations at z=1.4-3.0. We have studied the properties of high redshift quiescent galaxies finding that they are old (1-4 Gyr), massive (log(M/M_sun)~10.65), weakly star forming stellar populations with low dust extinction (E(B-V) < 0.15) and small e-folding time scales (tau ~ 0.1-0.3 Gyr). We observe a significant evolution of the quiescent stellar mass function from 2.5 < z < 3.0 to 1.4 < z < 1.6, increasing by ~ 1 dex in this redshift interval. We find that z ~ 1.5 is an epoch of transition of the GSMF. The fraction of star-forming galaxies decreases from 60% to 20% from z ~ 2.5-3.0 to z ~ 1.4-1.6 for log(M/M_sun) > 11, while the quiescent population increases from 10% to 50% at the same redshift and mass intervals. We compare the fraction of quiescent galaxies derived with that predicted by theoretical models and find that the Kitzbichler & White (2007) model is the one that better reproduces the data. Finally, we calculate the stellar mass density of the star-forming and quiescent populations finding that there is already a significant number of quiescent galaxies at z > 2.5 (rho~6.0 MsunMpc^-3).

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