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We present APEX LABOCA 870 micron observations of the field around the high-redshift radio galaxy MRC1138-262 at z=2.16. We detect 16 submillimeter galaxies in this ~140 square arcmin bolometer map with flux densities in the range 3-11 mJy. The raw number counts indicate a density of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) that is up to four times that of blank field surveys. Based on an exquisite multiwavelength database, including VLA 1.4 GHz radio and infrared observations, we investigate whether these sources are members of the protocluster structure at z=2.2. Using Herschel PACS+SPIRE and Spitzer MIPS photometry, we derive reliable far-infrared photometric redshifts for all sources. Follow-up VLT ISAAC and SINFONI near-infrared spectra confirm that four of these SMGs have redshifts of z=2.2. We also present evidence that another SMG in this field, detected earlier at 850 micron, has a counterpart that exhibits Halpha and CO(1-0) emission at z=2.15. Including the radio galaxy and two SMGs with far-IR photometric redshifts at z=2.2, we conclude that at least eight submm sources are part of the protocluster at z=2.16 associated with the radio galaxy MRC1138-262. We measure a star formation rate density SFRD ~1500 Msun yr^-1 Mpc^-3, four magnitudes higher than the global SFRD of blank fields at this redshift. Strikingly, these eight sources are concentrated within a region of 2 Mpc (the typical size of clusters in the local universe) and are distributed within the filaments traced by the Halpha emitters at z=2.2. This concentration of massive, dusty starbursts is not centered on the submillimeter-bright radio galaxy which could support the infalling of these sources into the cluster center. Approximately half (6/11) of the SMGs that are covered by the Halpha imaging data are associated with Halpha emitters, demonstrating the potential of tracing SMG counterparts with this population (abridged).
We present a search for Herschel-PACS counterparts of dust-obscured, high-redshift objects previously selected at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North field. We detect 22 of 56 submillimeter galaxies (39%) with a SNR of >=3 at 100 micron down to 3.0 mJy, and/or at 160 micron down to 5.7 mJy. The fraction of SMGs seen at 160 micron is higher than that at 100 micron. About 50% of radio-identified SMGs are associated with PACS sources. We find a trend between the SCUBA/PACS flux ratio and redshift, suggesting that these flux ratios could be used as a coarse redshift indicator. PACS undetected submm/mm selected sources tend to lie at higher redshifts than the PACS detected ones. A total of 12 sources (21% of our SMG sample) remain unidentified and the fact that they are blank fields at Herschel-PACS and VLA 20 cm wavelength may imply higher redshifts for them than for the average SMG population (e.g., z>3-4). The Herschel-PACS imaging of these dust-obscured starbursts at high-redshifts suggests that their far-infrared spectral energy distributions have significantly different shapes than template libraries of local infrared galaxies.
We present the serendipitous discovery of z=4.05 molecular gas CO emission lines with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer coincident with GN20 and GN20.2, two luminous submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North field (GOODS-N). These are among the most distant submillimeter-selected galaxies reliably identified through CO emission and also some of the most luminous known. In terms of CO to bolometric luminosities, stellar mass and star formation rates (SFRs), these newly discovered z>4 SMGs are similar to z~1.5-3 SMGs studied to date. These z~4 SMGs have much higher specific SFRs than typical B-band dropout Lyman break galaxies at the same redshift. The stellar mass-SFR correlation for normal galaxies does not seem to evolve much further, between z~2 and z~4. A significant z=4.05 spectroscopic redshift spike is observed in GOODS-N, and a strong spatial overdensity of B-band dropouts and IRAC selected z>3.5 galaxies appears to be centered on the GN20 and GN20.2 galaxies. This suggests a proto-cluster structure with total mass ~10^14 Msun. Using photometry at mid-IR, submm and radio wavelengths, we show that reliable photometric redshifts (Dz/(1+z)~0.1) can be derived for SMGs over 1<z<4. This new photometric redshift technique has been used to provide a first estimate of the space density of 3.5<z<6 hyper-luminous starburst galaxies, and to show that they contribute substantially to the SFR density at early epochs. Many of these high-redshift starbursts will be within reach of Herschel. We find that the radio to mid-IR flux density ratio can be used to select z>3.5 starbursts, regardless of their submm/mm emission [abridged].

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