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Recent work by Levitan et al has expanded the long-term photometric database for AM CVn stars. In particular, their outburst properties are well-correlated with orbital period, and allow constraints to be placed on the secular mass transfer rate between secondary and primary if one adopts the disk instability model for the outbursts. We use the observed range of outbursting behavior for AM CVn systems as a function of orbital period to place a constraint on mass transfer rate versus orbital period P. We infer a rate ~5 x 10^{-9} Msun/yr (P/1000 s)^{-5.2}. We show the functional form so obtained is consistent with the recurrence time-orbital period relation found by Levitan et al using a simple theory for the recurrence time. Also, we predict their steep dependence of outburst duration on orbital period will flatten considerably once the longer orbital period systems have more complete observations.
Context. An important ingredient in binary evolution is the common-envelope (CE) phase. Although this phase is believed to be responsible for the formation of many close binaries, the process is not well understood. Aims. We investigate the characteristics of the population of post-common-envelope binaries (PCEB). As the evolution of these binaries and their stellar components are relatively simple, this population can be directly used to constraint CE evolution. Methods. We use the binary population synthesis code SeBa to simulate the current-day population of PCEBs in the Galaxy. We incorporate the selection effects in our model that are inherent to the general PCEB population and that are specific to the SDSS survey, which enables a direct comparison for the first time between the synthetic and observed population of visible PCEBs. Results. We find that selection effects do not play a significant role on the period distribution of visible PCEBs. To explain the observed dearth of long-period systems, the {alpha}-CE efficiency of the main evolutionary channel must be low. In the main channel, the CE is initiated by a red giant as it fills its Roche lobe in a dynamically unstable way. Other evolutionary paths cannot be constrained more. Additionally our model reproduces well the observed space density, the fraction of visible PCEBs amongst white dwarf (WD)- main sequence (MS) binaries, and the WD mass versus MS mass distribution, but overestimates the fraction of PCEBs with helium WD companions.
We present a determination of the average space density and birth rate of hydrogen-line (DA) white dwarfs within a radius of 1 kpc around the Sun, based on an observational sample of 360 candidate white dwarfs with g<19.5 and (g-r)<0.4, selected from the UV-excess Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (UVEX), in combination with a theoretical white dwarf population that has been constructed to simulate the observations, including the effects of reddening and observational selection effects. The main uncertainty in the derivation of the white dwarf space density and current birth rate lies in the absolute photometric calibration and the photometric scatter of the observational data, which influences the classification method on colours, the completeness and the pollution. Corrections for these effects are applied. We derive an average space density of hydrogen-line (DA) white dwarfs with T_eff > 10,000K (M_V<12.2) of (3.8 +/- 1.1) x 1e-4 pc^-3, and an average DA white dwarf birth rate over the last 7e7 years of (5.4 + 1.5) x 1e-13 pc^-3 yr^-1. Additionally, we show that many estimates of the white dwarf space density from different studies are consistent with each other, and with our determination here.
In this follow-up paper, we continue our study of the effect of using knowledge from electromagnetic observations in the gravitational wave (GW) data analysis of Galactic binaries that are predicted to be observed by the new textit{Laser Interferometer Space Antenna} in the low-frequency range, $10^{-4} :mathrm{Hz}<f<1 :mathrm{Hz}$. In the first paper, we have shown that the strong correlation between amplitude and inclination can be used for mildly inclined binaries to improve the uncertainty in amplitude, and that this correlation depends on the inclination of the system. In this paper we investigate the overall effect of the other orientation parameters, namely the sky position and the polarisation angle. We find that after the inclination, the ecliptic latitude of the source has the strongest effect in determining the GW parameter uncertainties. We ascertain that the strong correlation we found previously, only depends on the inclination of the source and not on the other orientation parameters. We find that knowing the sky position of the source from electromagnetic data can reduce the GW parameter uncertainty up to a factor of $sim 2$, depending on the inclination and the ecliptic latitude of the system. Knowing the sky position and inclination can reduce the uncertainty in amplitude by a factor larger than 40. We also find that unphysical errors in the inclinations, which we found when using the Fisher matrix, can affect the corresponding uncertainties in the amplitudes, which need to be corrected.
Realistic stellar models are essential to the forward modelling approach in asteroseismology. For practicality however, certain model assumptions are also required. For example, in the case of subdwarf B stars, one usually starts with zero-age horizontal branch structures without following the progenitor evolution. We analyse the effects of common assumptions in subdwarf B models on the g-mode pulsational properties. We investigate if and how the pulsation periods are affected by the H-profile in the core-envelope transition zone. Furthermore, the effects of C-production and convective mixing during the core helium flash are evaluated. Finally, we reanalyse the effects of stellar opacities on the mode excitation in subdwarf B stars. We find that helium settling causes a shift in the theoretical blue edge of the g-mode instability domain to higher effective temperatures. This results in a closer match to the observed instability strip of long-period sdB pulsators, particularly for l<=3 modes. We show further that the g-mode spectrum is extremely sensitive to the H-profile in the core-envelope transition zone. If atomic diffusion is efficient, details of the initial shape of the profile become less important in the course of evolution. Diffusion broadens the chemical gradients, and results in less effective mode trapping and different pulsation periods. Furthermore, we report on the possible consequences of the He-flash for the g-modes. The outer edge of a flash-induced convective region introduces an additional chemical transition in the stellar models, and the corresponding spike in the Brunt-Vaisala frequency produces a complicated mode trapping signature in the period spacings.
We study the effect of short term variations of the evolution of AM CVn systems on their gravitational wave emissions and in particular LISA observations. We model the systems according to their equilibrium mass-transfer evolution as driven by gravitational wave emission and tidal interaction, and determine their reaction to a sudden perturbation of the system. This is inspired by the suggestion to explain the orbital period evolution of the ultra-compact binary systems V407 Vul and RX-J0806+1527 by non-equilibrium mass transfer. The characteristics of the emitted gravitational wave signal are deduced from a Taylor expansion of a Newtonian quadrupolar emission model, and the changes in signal structure as visible to the LISA mission are determined. We show that short term variations can significantly change the higher order terms in the expansion, and thus lead to spurious (non) detection of frequency derivatives. This may hamper the estimation of the parameters of the system, in particular their masses and distances. However, we find that overall detection is still secured as signals still can be described by general templates. We conclude that a better modelling of the effects of short term variations is needed to prepare the community for astrophysical evaluations of real gravitational wave data of AM CVn systems.

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