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We use K2 short cadence data obtained over a duration of 50 days during Campaign 0 to observe two M1V dwarf stars, TYC 1330-879-1 and RXJ 0626+2349. We provide an overview of our data analysis, in particular, making a comparison between using a fixed set of pixels and an aperture which follows the position of the source. We find that this moving aperture approach can give fewer non-astrophysical features compared to a fixed aperture. Both sources shows flares as energetic as observed from several M4V stars using both Kepler and ground based telescopes. We find that the flare energy distribution of the sources shown here are very similar to the less active M3-M5 stars but are ~8 times less likely to produce a flare of a comparable energy to the more active M0--M5 stars. We discuss the biases and sources of systematic errors when comparing the activity of stars derived from different instruments. We conclude that K2 observations will provide an excellent opportunity to perform a census of flare activity across the full range of M dwarf spectral class and hence the physical mechanisms which power them.
133 - Gavin Ramsay 2013
We outline the purpose, strategy and first results of a deep, high cadence, photometric survey of the Kepler field using the Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma and the MDM 1.3m Telescope on Kitt Peak. Our goal was to identify sources located in the Kepler field of view which are variable on a timescale of a few mins to 1 hour. The astrophysically most interesting sources would then have been candidates for observation using Kepler using 1 min sampling. Our survey covered ~42% of the Kepler field of view and we have obtained light curves for 7.1x10^5 objects in the range 13<g<20. We have discovered more than 100 variable sources which have passed our two stage identification process. As a service to the wider community, we make our data products and cleaned CCD images available to download. We obtained Kepler data of 18 sources which we found to be variable using our survey and we give an overview of the currently available data here. These sources include a pulsating DA white dwarf, eleven delta Sct stars which have dominant pulsation periods in the range 24 min to 2.35 hrs, three contact binaries, and a cataclysmic variable (V363 Lyr). One of the delta Sct stars is in a contact binary.
69 - Gavin Ramsay 2013
Using data obtained during the RATS-Kepler project we identified one short duration flare in a 1 hour sequence of ground based photometry of the dwarf star KIC 5474065. Observations made using GTC show it is a star with a M4 V spectral type. Kepler observations made using 1 min sampling show that KIC 5474065 exhibits large amplitude (deltaF/F>0.4) optical flares which have a duration as short as 10 mins. We compare the energy distribution of flares from KIC 5474065 with that of KIC 9726699, which has also been observed using 1 min sampling, and ground based observations of other M dwarf stars in the literature. We discuss the possible implications of these short duration, relatively low energy flares would have on the atmosphere of exo-planets orbiting in the habitable zone of these flare stars.
131 - Gavin Ramsay 2012
We present the results of an analysis of data covering 1.5 years of the dwarf nova V447 Lyr. We detect eclipses of the accretion disk by the mass donating secondary star every 3.74 hrs which is the binary orbital period. V447 Lyr is therefore the first dwarf nova in the Kepler field to show eclipses. We also detect five long outbursts and six short outbursts showing V447 Lyr is a U Gem type dwarf nova. We show that the orbital phase of the mid-eclipse occurs earlier during outbursts compared to quiescence and that the width of the eclipse is greater during outburst. This suggests that the bright spot is more prominent during quiescence and that the disk is larger during outburst than quiescence. This is consistent with an expansion of the outer disk radius due to the presence of high viscosity material associated with the outburst, followed by a contraction in quiescence due to the accretion of low angular momentum material. We note that the long outbursts appear to be triggered by a short outburst, which is also observed in the super-outbursts of SU UMa dwarf novae as observed using Kepler.
181 - Gavin Ramsay 2011
We present the results of a two and a half year optical photometric monitoring programme covering 16 AM CVn binaries using the Liverpool Telescope on La Palma. We detected outbursts in seven systems, one of which (SDSS J0129) was seen in outburst for the first time. Our study coupled with existing data shows that ~1/3 of these helium-rich accreting compact binaries show outbursts. The orbital period of the outbursting systems lie in the range 24-44 mins and is remarkably consistent with disk-instability predictions. The characteristics of the outbursts seem to be broadly correlated with their orbital period (and hence mass transfer rate). Systems which have short periods (<30 min) tend to exhibit outbursts lasting 1--2 weeks and often show a distinct `dip in flux shortly after the on-set of the burst. We explore the nature of these dips which are also seen in the near-UV. The longer period bursters show higher amplitude events (5 mag) that can last several months. We have made simulations to estimate how many outbursts we are likely to have missed.
We report the discovery of 31 blue, short period, pulsators made using data taken as part of the Rapid Temporal Survey (RATS). We find they have periods between 51-83 mins and full-amplitudes between 0.05-0.65 mag. Using the period-luminosity relationship for short period pulsating stars we determine their distance. Assuming they are pulsating in either the fundamental or first over-tone radial mode the majority are located at a distance greater than 3kpc, with several being more than 20 kpc distant. Most stars are at least 1 kpc from the Galactic plane, with three being more than 10 kpc. One is located in the direction of the Galactic anti-center and has Galactocentric distance of ~30 kpc and is ~20 kpc below the plane: they are therefore potential tracers of Galactic structure. We have obtained low-resolution spectra for a small number our targets and find they have temperatures between 7200--7900K and a metal content less than Solar. The colours of the pulsators and the spectral fits to those stars for which we have spectra indicate that they are either SX Phe or delta Scuti stars. We estimate the number of SX Phe stars in our Galaxy and find significantly fewer per unit mass than reported in massive globular clusters or dwarf spheroidal galaxies.
96 - Thomas Barclay 2011
The Rapid Temporal Survey (RATS) explores the faint, variable sky. Our observations search a parameter space which, until now, has never been exploited from the ground. Our strategy involves observing the sky close to the Galactic plane with wide-field CCD cameras. An exposure is obtained approximately every minute with the total observation of each field lasting around 2 hours. In this paper we present the first 6 epochs of observations which were taken over 5 years from 2003--2008 and cover over 31 square degrees of which 16.2 is within 10{deg} of the Galactic plane. The number of stars contained in these data is over 3.0 x10^6. We have developed a method of combining the output of two variability tests in order to detect variability on time-scales ranging from a few minutes to a few hours. Using this technique we find 1.2 x 10^5 variables -- equal to 4.1 per cent of stars in our data. Follow-up spectroscopic observations have allowed us to identify the nature of a fraction of these sources. These include a pulsating white dwarf which appears to have a hot companion, a number of stars with A-type spectra that vary on a period in the range 20--35 min. Our primary goal is the discovery of new AM CVn systems: we find 66 sources which appear to show periodic modulation on a time-scales less than 40 min and a colour consistent with the known AM CVn systems. Of those sources for which we have spectra of, none appears to be an AM CVn system, although we have 12 candidate AM CVn systems with periods less than 25 min for which spectra are still required. Although our numbers are not strongly constraining, they are consistent with the predictions of Nelemans et al.
We report the discovery of an accreting binary, RAT J1953+1859, made during the RApid Temporal Survey (RATS) on the Isaac Newton Telescope. It showed high amplitude (0.3 mag) quasi-periodic oscillations on a timescale of ~20 mins. Further observations made using the Nordic Optical Telescope showed it to be ~4 mag brighter than in the discovery images. These photometric observations, together with radial velocity data taken using the William Herschel Telescope, point to an orbital period of ~90 mins. These data suggest that RAT J1953+1859 is a dwarf novae of the SU UMa type. What makes RAT J1953+1859 unusual is that it is the first such system to be discovered as a result of high amplitude QPOs during quiescence. This suggests that high-cadence wide-field surveys could be another means to discover cataclysmic variables as a result of their short period variability.
77 - Gavin Ramsay 2008
Intermediate Polars (IPs) are a group of cataclysmic variables (CVs) which are thought to contain white dwarfs which have a magnetic field strength in the range ~0.1-10MG. A significant fraction of the X-ray sources detected in recent deep surveys has been postulated to consist of IPs. Until now two of the defining characteristics of IPs have been the presence of high (and complex) absorption in their X-ray spectra and the presence of a stable modulation in the X-ray light curve which is a signature of the spin period, or the beat period, of the accreting white dwarf. Three CVs, V426 Oph, EI UMa and LS Peg, have characteristics which are similar to IPs. However, there has been only tentative evidence for a coherent period in their X-ray light curve. We present the results of a search for coherent periods in XMM-Newton data of these sources using an auto-regressive analysis which models the effects of red-noise. We confirm the detection of a ~760 sec period in the soft X-ray light curve of EI UMa reported by Reimer et al and agree that this represents the spin period. We also find evidence for peaks in the power spectrum of each source in the range 100-200 sec which are just above the 3sigma confidence level. We do not believe that they represent genuine coherent modulations. However, their X-ray spectra are very similar to those of known IPs. We believe that all three CVs are bona fide IPs. We speculate that V426 Oph and LS Peg do not show evidence for a spin period since they have closely aligned magnetic and spin axes. We discuss the implications that this has for the defining characteristics of IPs.
141 - Gavin Ramsay 2007
Unipolar induction (UI) is a fundamental physical process, which occurs when a conducting body transverses a magnetic field. It has been suggested that UI is operating in RX J0806+15 and RX J1914+24, which are believed to be ultra-compact binaries with orbital periods of 5.4 min and 9.6 min respectively. The UI model predicts that those two sources may be electron cyclotron maser sources at radio wavelengths. Other systems in which UI has been predicted to occur are short period extra-solar terrestrial planets with conducting cores. If UI is present, circularly polarised radio emission is predicted to be emitted. We have searched for this predicted radio emission from short period binaries using the VLA and ATCA. In one epoch we find evidence for a radio source, coincident in position with the optical position of RX J0806+15. Although we cannot completely exclude that this is a chance alignment between the position of RX J0806+15 and an artifact in the data reduction process, the fact that it was detected at a significance level of 5.8 sigma and found to be transient, suggests that it is more likely that RX J0806+15 is a transient radio source. We find an upper limit on the degree of circular polarisation to be ~50%. The inferred brightness temperature exceeds 10^18 K, which is too high for any known incoherent process, but is consistent with maser emission and UI being the driving mechanism. We did not detect radio emission from ES Cet, RX J1914+24 or Gliese 876.

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