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Although mergers and starbursts are often invoked in the discussion of QSO activity in the context of galaxy evolution, several studies have questioned their importance or even their presence in QSO host galaxies. Accordingly, we are conducting a study of z~0.2 QSO host galaxies previously classified as passively evolving elliptical galaxies. We present deep Keck LRIS spectroscopy of a sample of 15 hosts and model their stellar absorption spectra using stellar synthesis models. The high S/N of our spectra allow us to break various degeneracies that arise from different combinations of models, varying metallicities, and contamination from QSO light. We find that none of the host spectra can be modeled by purely old stellar populations and that the majority of the hosts (14/15) have a substantial contribution from intermediate-age populations with ages ranging from 0.7 to 2.4 Gyr. An average host spectrum is strikingly well fit by a combination of an old population and a 2.1 (+0.5, -0.7) Gyr population. The morphologies of the host galaxies suggest that these aging starbursts were induced during the early stages of the mergers that resulted in the elliptical-shaped galaxies that we observe. The current AGN activity likely corresponds to the late episodes of accretion predicted by numerical simulations, which occur near the end of the mergers, whereas earlier episodes may be more difficult to observe due to obscuration. Our off-axis observations prevent us from detecting any current star formation or young stellar populations that may be present in the central few kiloparsecs.
We describe a method to measure the M-sigma relation in the non-local universe using dust-obscured QSOs. We present results from a pilot sample of nine 2MASS red QSOs with redshifts 0.14<z<0.37. We find that there is an offset (0.8 dex, on average) between the position of our objects and the local relation for AGN, in the sense that the majority of red QSO hosts have lower velocity dispersions and/or more massive BHs than local galaxies. These results are in agreement with recent studies of AGN at similar and higher redshifts. This could indicate an unusually rapid growth in the host galaxies since z~0.2, if these objects were to land in the local relation at present time. However, the z>0.1 AGN (including our sample and those of previous studies) have significantly higher BH mass than those of local AGN, so a direct comparison is not straightforward. Further, using several samples of local and higher-z AGN, we find a striking trend of an increasing offset with respect to the local M-sigma relation as a function of AGN luminosity, with virtually all objects with log(L_5100/erg s^-1) > 43.6 falling above the relation. Given the relatively small number of AGN at z>0.1 for which there are direct measurements of stellar velocity dispersions, it is impossible at present to determine whether there truly is evolution in M-sigma with redshift. Larger, carefully selected samples of AGN are necessary to disentangle the dependence of M-sigma on mass, luminosity, accretion rates, and redshift.
This paper introduces the Multi-wavelength Extreme Starburst Sample (MESS), a new catalog of 138 star-forming galaxies (0.1 < z < 0.3) optically selected from the SDSS using emission line strength diagnostics to have high absolute SFR (minimum 11 solar masses per year, with median SFR approx 61 solar masses per year based on a Kroupa IMF). The MESS was designed to complement samples of nearby star-forming galaxies such as the luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), and ultraviolet luminous galaxies (UVLGs). Observations using the multiband imaging photometer (MIPS; 24, 70, and 160{mu}m channels) on the Spitzer Space Telescope indicate the MESS galaxies have IR luminosities similar to those of LIRGs, with an estimated median LTIR ~ 3e11 solar luminosities. The selection criteria for the MESS suggests they may be less obscured than typical far-IR selected galaxies with similar estimated SFRs. 20 out of 70 of the MESS objects detected in the GALEX FUV band also appear to be UV luminous galaxies. We estimate the SFRs based directly on luminosities to determine the agreement for these methods in the MESS. We compare to the emission line strength technique, since effective measurement of dust attenuation plays a central role in these methods. We apply an image stacking technique to the VLA FIRST survey radio data to retrieve 1.4 GHz luminosity information for 3/4 of the sample covered by FIRST including sources too faint, and at too high a redshift, to be detected in FIRST. We also discuss the relationship between the MESS and samples selected through alternative criteria. Morphologies will be the subject of a forthcoming paper.
145 - Kyle D. Hiner 2009
We model the optical to far-infrared SEDs of a sample of six type-1 and six type-2 quasars selected in the mid-infrared. The objects in our sample are matched in mid-IR luminosity and selected based on their Spitzer IRAC colors. We obtained new targeted Spitzer IRS and MIPS observations and used archival photometry to examine the optical to far-IR SEDs. We investigate whether the observed differences between samples are consistent with orientation-based unification schemes. The type-1 objects show significant emission at 3 micron. They do not show strong PAH emission and have less far-IR emission on average when compared to the type-2 objects. The SEDs of the type-2 objects show a wide assortment of silicate features, ranging from weak emission to deep silicate absorption. Some also show strong PAH features. In comparison, silicate is only seen in emission in the type-1 objects. This is consistent with some of the type-2s being reddened by a foreground screen of cooler dust, perhaps in the host galaxy itself. We investigate the AGN contribution to the far-IR emission and find it to be significant. We also estimate the star formation rate for each of the objects by integrating the modeled far-IR flux and compare this with the SFR found from PAH emission. We find the type-2 quasars have a higher average SFR than the type-1 quasars based on both methods, though this could be due to differences in bolometric luminosities of the objects. While we find pronounced differences between the two types of objects, none of them are inconsistent with orientation-based unification schemes.
Using N-body simulations of shell galaxies created in nearly radial minor mergers, we investigate the error of collision dating, resulting from the neglect of dynamical friction and of gradual disruption of the cannibalized dwarf.
With the goal to refine modelling of shell galaxies and the use of shells to probe the merger history, we develop a new method for implementing dynamical friction in test-particle simulations of radial minor mergers. The friction is combined with a gradual decay of the dwarf galaxy. The coupling of both effects can considerably redistribute positions and luminosities of shells; neglecting them can lead to significant errors in attempts to date the merger.
129 - Nicola Bennert 2008
To study the relevance of mergers for the fueling of QSOs, we are currently conducting an HST imaging campaign of a sample of QSO host galaxies classified as ellipticals in the literature. Here, we present results from a study of the first five QSO host galaxies imaged with HST/ACS. For the majority of objects, strong signs of interactions such as tidal tails, shells, and other fine structure are revealed. We estimate the nature and age of the merger by comparing the images with numerical simulations. The merger ages range between a few hundred Myr up to a Gyr. These timescales are comparable to starburst ages in the QSO hosts previously inferred from Keck spectroscopy, but longer than theoretical estimates of AGN duty cycles. A possible scenario emerging from our results is that most QSO host galaxies experienced mergers with accompanying starbursts but that the activity is triggered with a delay of several hundreds Myr after the merger. To probe whether there is indeed a causal connection between the merger and the QSO activity, we study a control sample of inactive ellipticals. Our preliminary results do not reveal comparable fine structure.
450 - Gabriela Canalizo 2008
Much progress has been made in measuring black hole (BH) masses in (non-active) galactic nuclei using the tight correlation between stellar velocity dispersions (sigma) in galaxies and the mass of their central BH. The use of this correlation in quasars, however, is hampered by the difficulty in measuring sigma in host galaxies that tend to be overpowered by their bright nuclei. We discuss results from a project that focuses on z~0.3 quasars suffering from heavy extinction at shorter wavelengths. This makes it possible to obtain clean spectra of the hosts in the spectral regions of interest, while broad lines (like H-alpha) are still visible at longer wavelengths. We compare BH masses obtained from velocity dispersions to those obtained from the broad line region and thus probe the evolution of this relation and BH growth with redshift and luminosity. Our preliminary results show an offset between the position of our objects and the local relation, in the sense that red quasars have, on average, lower velocity dispersions than local galaxies. We discuss possible biases and systematic errors that may affect our results.
We have examined in detail the morphologies of seven z~1.5 passively evolving luminous red galaxies using high resolution HST NICMOS and ACS imaging data. Almost all of these galaxies appear to be relaxed systems, with smooth morphologies at both rest-frame UV and visible wavelengths. Previous results from spectral synthesis modeling favor a single burst of star formation more than 1 Gyr before the observed epoch. The prevalence of old stellar populations, however, does not correlate exclusively with early-type morphologies as it does in the local universe; the light profiles for some of these galaxies appear to be dominated by massive exponential disks. This evidence for massive old disks, along with the apparent uniformity of stellar age across the disk, suggests formation by a mechanism better described as a form of monolithic collapse than as a hierarchical merger. These galaxies could not have undergone a single major merging event since the bulk of their stars were formed, more than 1 Gyr earlier. There is at least one case, however, that appears to be undergoing a dry merger, which may be an example of the process that converts these unusual galaxies into the familiar spheroids that dominate galaxies comprising old stellar populations at the present epoch.
We present results from a pilot HST ACS deep imaging study in broad-band V of five low-redshift QSO host galaxies classified in the literature as ellipticals. The aim of our study is to determine whether these early-type hosts formed at high redshift and have since evolved passively, or whether they have undergone relatively recent mergers that may be related to the triggering of the nuclear activity. We perform two-dimensional modeling of the light distributions to analyze the host galaxies morphology. We find that, while each host galaxy is reasonably well fitted by a de Vaucouleurs profile, the majority of them (4/5) reveal significant fine structure such as shells and tidal tails. These structures contribute between ~5% and 10% to the total V-band luminosity of each host galaxy within a region of r ~ 3 r_eff and are indicative of merger events that occurred between a few hundred Myr and a Gyr ago. These timescales are comparable to starburst ages in the QSO hosts previously inferred from Keck spectroscopy. Our results thus support a consistent scenario in which most of the QSO host galaxies suffered mergers with accompanying starbursts that likely also triggered the QSO activity in some way, but we are also left with considerable uncertainty on physical mechanisms that might have delayed this triggering for several hundred Myr after the merger.

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