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126 - G.H.A. Roelofs 2009
We describe a spectroscopic survey designed to uncover an estimated ~40 AM CVn stars hiding in the photometric database of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We have constructed a relatively small sample of about 1500 candidates based on a colour selection, which should contain the majority of all AM CVn binaries while remaining small enough that spectroscopic identification of the full sample is feasible. We present the first new AM CVn star discovered using this strategy, SDSS J080449.49+161624.8, the ultracompact binary nature of which is demonstrated using high-time-resolution spectroscopy obtained at the Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. A kinematic S-wave feature is observed on a period 44.5+/-0.1min, which we propose is the orbital period, although the present data cannot yet exclude its nearest daily aliases. The new AM CVn star shows a peculiar spectrum of broad, single-peaked helium emission lines with unusually strong series of ionised helium, reminiscent of the (intermediate) polars among the hydrogen-rich Cataclysmic Variables. We speculate that SDSS J0804+1616 may be the first magnetic AM CVn star. The accreted material appears to be enriched in nitrogen, to N/O>~10 and N/C>10 by number, indicating CNO-cycle hydrogen burning, but no helium burning, in the prior evolution of the donor star.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has been instrumental in obtaining a homogeneous sample of the rare AM CVn stars: mass-transferring binary white dwarfs. As part of a campaign of spectroscopic follow-up on candidate AM CVn stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we have obtained time-resolved spectra of the g=20.2 candidate SDSS J155252.48+320150.9 on the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory. We report an orbital period of 3376.3+/-0.3 s, or 56.272+/-0.005 min, based on an observed `S-wave in the helium emission lines of the spectra. This confirms the ultracompact nature of the binary. Despite its relative closeness to the orbital period minimum for hydrogen-rich donors, there is no evidence for hydrogen in the spectra. We thus classify SDSS J1552 as a new bona fide AM CVn star, with the second-longest orbital period after V396 Hya (P=65.5 min). The continuum of SDSS J1552 is compatible with either a blackbody or helium atmosphere of 12,000-15,000 K. If this represents the photosphere of the accreting white dwarf, as is expected, it puts the accretor at the upper end of the temperature range predicted by thermal evolution models. This suggests that SDSS J1552 consists of (or formerly consisted of) relatively high-mass components.
The AM Canum Venaticorum stars are rare interacting white dwarf binaries, whose formation and evolution are still poorly known. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey provides, for the first time, a sample of 6 AM CVn stars (out of a total population of 18) that is sufficiently homogeneous that we can start to study the population in some detail. We use the Sloan sample to `calibrate theoretical population synthesis models for the space density of AM CVn stars. We consider optimistic and pessimistic models for different theoretical formation channels, which yield predictions for the local space density that are more than two orders of magnitude apart. When calibrated with the observations, all models give a local space density of 1-3x10^{-6} pc^{-3}, which is lower than expected. We discuss the implications for the formation of AM CVn stars, and conclude that at least one of the dominant formation channels (the double-degenerate channel) has to be suppressed relative to the optimistic models. In the framework of the current models this suggests that the mass transfer between white dwarfs usually cannot be stabilized. We furthermore discuss evolutionary effects that have so far not been considered in population synthesis models, but which could be of influence for the observed population. We finish by remarking that, with our lower space density, the expected number of Galactic AM CVn stars resolvable by gravitational-wave detectors like LISA should be lowered from current estimates, to about 1,000 for a mission duration of one year.
We present absolute parallaxes and relative proper motions for five AM CVn stars, which we obtained using the Fine Guidance Sensors on board the Hubble Space Telescope. Our parallax measurements translate into distances d(AM CVn)=606+135-93 pc, d(HP Lib)=197+14-12 pc, d(CR Boo)=337+44-35 pc, d(V803 Cen)=347+32-27 pc, and d(GP Com)=75+2-2 pc. From these distances we estimate the space density of AM CVn stars and suggest that previous estimates have been too high by about an order of magnitude. We also infer the mass accretion rates which allows us to constrain the masses of the donor stars, and we show that relatively massive, semi-degenerate donor stars are favored in all systems except GP Com. Finally, we give updated estimates for their gravitational-wave signals, relevant for future space missions such as the proposed Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), based on their distances and the inferred masses of the binary components. We show that all systems but GP Com are excellent candidates for detection with LISA.

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