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We show that a two-component mixture of a few repulsively interacting ultracold atoms in a one-dimensional trap possesses very different quantum regimes and that the crossover between them can be induced by tuning the interactions in one of the species. In the composite fermionization regime, where the interactions between both components are large, none of the species show large occupation of any natural orbital. Our results show that by increasing the interaction in one of the species, one can reach the phase-separated regime. In this regime, the weakly interacting component stays at the center of the trap and becomes almost fully phase coherent, while the strongly interacting component is displaced to the edges of the trap. The crossover is sharp, as observed in the in the energy and the in the largest occupation of a natural orbital of the weakly interacting species. Such a transition is a purely mesoscopic effect which disappears for large atom numbers.
Properties of a single impurity in a one-dimensional Fermi gas are investigated in homogeneous and trapped geometries. In a homogeneous system we use McGuires expression [J. B. McGuire, J. Math. Phys. 6, 432 (1965)] to obtain interaction and kinetic energies, as well as the local pair correlation function. The energy of a trapped system is obtained (i) by generalizing McGuire expression (ii) within local density approximation (iii) using perturbative approach in the case of a weakly interacting impurity and (iv) diffusion Monte Carlo method. We demonstrate that a closed formula based on the exact solution of the homogeneous case provides a precise estimation for the energy of a trapped system for arbitrary coupling constant of the impurity even for a small number of fermions. We analyze energy contributions from kinetic, interaction and potential components, as well as spatial properties such as the system size. Finally, we calculate the frequency of the breathing mode. Our analysis is directly connected and applicable to the recent experiments in microtraps.
We have studied the phase diagram of a quasi-two-dimensional interacting Bose gas at zero temperature in the presence of random potential created by laser speckles. The superfluid fraction and the fraction of particles with zero momentum are obtained within the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii theory and in diffusion Monte Carlo simulations. We find a transition from the superfluid to the insulating state, when the strength of the disorder grows. Estimations of the critical parameters are compared with the predictions of the percolation theory in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. Analytical expressions for the zero-momentum fraction and the superfluid fraction are derived in the limit of weak disorder and weak interactions within the framework of the Bogoliubov theory. Limits of validity of various approximations are discussed.
A driven pendulum with vertical oscillations of pendulum support (Kapitza pendulum) possesses a number of unusual properties and is a popular object of both analytical and numerical studies. Although some spectacular results can be obtained, such as the vertical position of the pendulum under certain conditions might become stable, no explicit analytical solution for the pendulum trajectory is known. We carry out a numerical study of Kapitza pendulum for a number of different physical regimes. Comparison is made with the limiting cases where the exact solution is known.
The ground state properties of a single-component one-dimensional Coulomb gas are investigated. We use Bose-Fermi mapping for the ground state wave function which permits to solve the Fermi sign problem in the following respects (i) the nodal surface is known, permitting exact calculations (ii) evaluation of determinants is avoided, reducing the numerical complexity to that of a bosonic system, thus allowing simulation of a large number of fermions. Due to the mapping the energy and local properties in one-dimensional Coulomb systems are exactly the same for Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. The exact ground state energy has been calculated in homogeneous and trapped geometries by using the diffusion Monte Carlo method. We show that in the low-density Wigner crystal limit an elementary low-lying excitation is a plasmon, which is to be contrasted with the large-density ideal Fermi gas/Tonks-Girardeau limit, where low lying excitations are phonons. Exact density profiles are confronted to the ones calculated within the local density approximation which predicts a change from a semicircular to inverted parabolic shape of the density profile as the value of the charge is increased.
We have studied the possible existence of a supersolid phase of a two-dimensional dipolar crystal using quantum Monte Carlo methods at zero temperature. Our results show that the commensurate solid is not a supersolid in the thermodynamic limit. The presence of vacancies or interstitials turns the solid into a supersolid phase even when a tiny fraction of them are present in a macroscopic system. The effective interaction between vacancies is repulsive making a quasiequilibrium dipolar supersolid possible.
A model of two Calogero-Sutherland Bose gases A and B with strong odd-wave AB attractions induced by a p-wave AB Feshbach resonance is studied. The ground state wave function is found analytically by a Bose-Bose duality mapping, which permits one to accurately determine static physical properties by a Monte Carlo method. The condensation of particles or particle pairs (molecules) is tested by analyzing the presence of the off-diagonal long-range order in one- or two-body density matrices. The p-wave symmetry of AB interaction makes possible quasi-condensation of type A particles at the Fermi momentum of the B component. The zero-temperature phase diagram is drawn in terms of densities and interaction strengths.
Recent theoretical and experimental results demonstrate a close connection between the super Tonks-Girardeau (sTG) gas and a 1D hard sphere Bose (HSB) gas with hard sphere diameter nearly equal to the 1D scattering length $a_{1D}$ of the sTG gas, a highly excited gas-like state with nodes only at interparticle separations $|x_{jell}|=x_{node}approx a_{1D}$. It is shown herein that when the coupling constant $g_B$ in the Lieb-Liniger interaction $g_Bdelta(x_{jell})$ is negative and $|x_{12}|ge x_{node}$, the sTG and HSB wave functions for $N=2$ particles are not merely similar, but identical; the only difference between the sTG and HSB wave functions is that the sTG wave function allows a small penetration into the region $|x_{12}|<x_{node}$, whereas for a HSB gas with hard sphere diameter $a_{h.s.}=x_{node}$, the HSB wave function vanishes when all $|x_{12}|<a_{h.s.}$. Arguments are given suggesting that the same theorem holds also for $N>2$. The sTG and HSB wave functions for N=2 are given exactly in terms of a parabolic cylinder function, and for $Nge 2$, $x_{node}$ is given accurately by a simple parabola. The metastability of the sTG phase generated by a sudden change of the coupling constant from large positive to large negative values is explained in terms of the very small overlap between the ground state of the Tonks-Girardeau gas and collapsed cluster states.
The zero-temperature equation of state is analyzed in low-dimensional bosonic systems. In the dilute regime the equation of state is universal in terms of the gas parameter, i.e. it is the same for different potentials with the same value of the s-wave scattering length. Series expansions of the universal equation of state are reported for one- and two- dimensional systems. We propose to use the concept of energy-dependent s-wave scattering length for obtaining estimations of non-universal terms in the energy expansion. We test this approach by making a comparison to exactly solvable one-dimensional problems and find that the generated terms have the correct structure. The applicability to two-dimensional systems is analyzed by comparing with results of Monte Carlo simulations. The prediction for the non-universal behavior is qualitatively correct and the densities, at which the deviations from the universal equation of state become visible, are estimated properly. Finally, the possibility of observing the non-universal terms in experiments with trapped gases is also discussed.
The equation of state of a weakly interacting two-dimensional Bose gas is studied at zero temperature by means of quantum Monte Carlo methods. Going down to as low densities as na^2 ~ 10^{-100} permits us for the first time to obtain agreement on beyond mean-field level between predictions of perturbative methods and direct many-body numerical simulation, thus providing an answer to the fundamental question of the equation of state of a two-dimensional dilute Bose gas in the universal regime (i.e. entirely described by the gas parameter na^2). We also show that the measure of the frequency of a breathing collective oscillation in a trap at very low densities can be used to test the universal equation of state of a two-dimensional Bose gas.

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