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The radiative counterpart of the supermassive black hole at the Galactic center (GC), Sgr A*, is subject to frequent flares visible simultaneously in X-rays and near-infrared (NIR). Often, enhanced radio variability from centimeter to sub-millimeter wavelengths is observed to follow these X-ray/NIR eruptions. We present here a multi-wavelength campaign carried out in April 2009, with the aim of characterizing this broadband flaring activity. Concurrent data from the XMM-Newton/EPIC (2-10 keV), VLT/NACO (2.1 microns, 3.8 microns), APEX/LABOCA (870 microns), and Fermi/LAT (0.1-200 GeV) instruments are employed to derive light curves and spectral energy distributions of new flares from Sgr A*. We detected two relatively bright NIR flares both associated with weak X-ray activity, one of which was followed by a strong sub-mm outburst 200 min later. Photometric spectral information on a NIR flare was obtained for the first time with NACO giving a power-law photon index alpha=-0.4pm0.3. The first attempt to detect flaring activity from the Fermi GC source 1FGL J1745.6-2900 is also reported. NIR, X-ray, and sub-mm flares are finally modeled in the context of non-thermal emission processes. It is found that the simplest scenario involving a single expanding plasmoid releasing synchrotron NIR/sub-mm and synchrotron self-Compton X-ray radiation is inadequate to reproduce the data, but suggestions to reconcile the basic elements of the theory and the observations are proposed.
We summarize recent observations and modeling of the brightest Sgr A* flare to be observed simultaneously in (near)-infrared and X-rays to date. Trying to explain the spectral characteristics of this flare through inverse Compton mechanisms implies physical parameters that are unrealistic for Sgr A*. Instead, a cooling break synchrotron model provides a more feasible explanation for the X-ray emission. In a magnetic field of about 5-30 Gauss the X-ray emitting electrons cool very quickly on the typical dynamical timescale while the NIR-emitting electrons cool more slowly. This produces a spectral break in the model between NIR and X-ray wavelengths that can explain the differences in the observed spectral indices.
125 - G. Trap , A. Goldwurm , R. Terrier 2009
Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is the supermassive black hole residing at the center of the Milky Way. It has been the main target of an extensive multiwavelength campaign we carried out in April 2007. Herein, we report the detection of a bright flare from the vicinity of the horizon, observed simultaneously in X-rays (XMM/EPIC) and near infrared (VLT/NACO) on April 4th for 1-2 h. For the first time, such an event also benefitted from a soft gamma-rays (INTEGRAL/ISGRI) and mid infrared (VLT/VISIR) coverage, which enabled us to derive upper limits at both ends of the flare spectral energy distribution (SED). We discuss the physical implications of the contemporaneous light curves as well as the SED, in terms of synchrotron, synchrotron self-Compton and external Compton emission processes.
100 - G. Trap , M. Falanga , A. Goldwurm 2009
The neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GRS 1741.9-2853 is a known type-I burster of the Galactic Center. It is transient, faint, and located in a very crowded region, only 10 arcmin from the supermassive black hole Sgr A*. Therefore, its bursting behavior has been poorly studied so far. In particular, its persistent emission has rarely been detected between consecutive bursts, due to lack of sensitivity or confusion. This is what made GRS 1741.9-2853 one of the nine burst-only sources identified by BeppoSAX a few years ago. The physical properties of GRS 1741.9-2853 bursts are yet of great interest since we know very little about the nuclear regimes at stake in low accretion rate bursters. We examine here for the first time several bursts in relation with the persistent emission of the source, using INTEGRAL, XMM-Newton, and Swift observations. We investigate the source flux variability and bursting behavior during its 2005 and 2007 long outbursts. The persistent luminosity of GRS 1741.9-2853 varied between ~1.7 and 10.5 10^36 erg s^-1, i.e. 0.9-5.3% of the Eddington luminosity. The shape of the spectrum as described by an absorbed power-law remained with a photon index Gamma ~ 2 and a column density $N_{rm H} ~ 12 10^22 cm^-2 throughout the outbursts. We discovered 11 type-I bursts with INTEGRAL, and inspected 4 additional bursts: 2 recorded by XMM-Newton and 2 by Swift. From the brigthest burst, we derive an upper limit on the source distance of ~7 kpc. The observed bursts characteristics and source accretion rate suggest pure helium explosions igniting at column depths y_{ign} ~ 0.8-4.8 10^8 g cm^-1, for typical energy releases of ~1.2-7.4 10^39 erg.
This paper reports measurements of Sgr A* made with NACO in L -band (3.80 um), Ks-band (2.12 um) and H-band (1.66 um) and with VISIR in N-band (11.88 um) at the ESO VLT, as well as with XMM-Newton at X-ray (2-10 keV) wavelengths. On 4 April, 2007, a very bright flare was observed from Sgr A* simultaneously at L-band and X-ray wavelengths. No emission was detected using VISIR. The resulting SED has a blue slope (beta > 0 for nuL_nu ~ nu^beta, consistent with nuL_nu ~ nu^0.4) between 12 micron and 3.8 micron. For the first time our high quality data allow a detailed comparison of infrared and X-ray light curves with a resolution of a few minutes. The IR and X-ray flares are simultaneous to within 3 minutes. However the IR flare lasts significantly longer than the X-ray flare (both before and after the X-ray peak) and prominent substructures in the 3.8 micron light curve are clearly not seen in the X-ray data. From the shortest timescale variations in the L-band lightcurve we find that the flaring region must be no more than 1.2 R_S in size. The high X-ray to infrared flux ratio, blue nuL_nu slope MIR to L -band, and the soft nuL_nu spectral index of the X-ray flare together place strong constraints on possible flare emission mechanisms. We find that it is quantitatively difficult to explain this bright X-ray flare with inverse Compton processes. A synchrotron emission scenario from an electron distribution with a cooling break is a more viable scenario.

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