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GRB 111209A is the longest ever recorded burst. This burst was detected by Swift and Konus-Wind, and we obtained TOO time from XMM-Newton as well as prompt data from TAROT. We made a common reduction using data from these instruments together with other ones. This allows for the first time a precise study at high signal-to-noise ratio of the prompt to afterglow transition. We show that several mechanisms are responsible of this phase. In its prompt phase, we show that its duration is longer than 20 000 seconds. This, combined with the fact that the burst fluence is among the top 5% of what is observed for other events, makes this event extremely energetic. We discuss the possible progenitors that could explain the extreme duration properties of this burst as well as its spectral properties. We present evidences that this burst belong to a new, previously unidentified, class of GRBs. The most probable progenitor of this new class is a low metalicity blue super-giant star. We show that selection effects could prevent the detection of other bursts at larger redshift and conclude that this kind of event is intrinsically rare in the local Universe. The afterglow presents similar features to other normal long GRBs and a late rebrightening in the optical wavelengths, as observed in other long GRBs. A broad band SED from radio to X-rays at late times does not show significant deviations from the expected standard fireball afterglow synchrotron emission.
The ultra-long Gamma Ray Burst GRB 111209A at redshift z=0.677, is so far the longest GRB ever observed, with rest frame prompt emission duration of ~4 hours. In order to explain the bursts exceptional longevity, a low metallicity blue supergiant progenitor has been invoked. In this work, we further investigate this peculiar burst by performing a multi-band temporal and spectral analysis of both the prompt and the afterglow emission. We use proprietary and publicly available data from Swift, Konus Wind, XMM-Newton, TAROT as well as from other ground based optical and radio telescopes. We find some peculiar properties that are possibly connected to the exceptional nature of this burst, namely: i) an unprecedented large optical delay of 410+/-50 s is measured between the peak epochs of a marked flare observed also in gamma-rays after about 2 ks from the first Swift/BAT trigger; ii) if the optical and X-ray/gamma-ray photons during the prompt emission share a common origin, as suggested by their similar temporal behavior, a certain amount of dust in the circumburst environment should be introduced, with rest frame visual dust extinction of AV=0.3-1.5 mag; iii) at the end of the X-ray steep decay phase and before the start of the X-ray afterglow, we detect the presence of a hard spectral extra power law component never revealed so far. On the contrary, the optical afterglow since the end of the prompt emission shows more common properties, with a flux power law decay with index alpha=1.6+/-0.1 and a late re-brightening feature at 1.1 day. We discuss our findings in the context of several possible interpretations given so far to the complex multi-band GRB phenomenology. We also attempt to exploit our results to further constrain the progenitor nature properties of this exceptionally long GRB, suggesting a binary channel formation for the proposed blue supergiant progenitor.
101 - B. Gendre 2013
During the last 15 years, a standard paradigm has emerged to explain both the progenitor nature and the observed radiations of gamma-ray bursts. In this work we show three GRBs for which the standard paradigm could be tested with high statistics due to their exceptional spectral and temporal coverage. While GRB 1110205 represents a very good example of the standard scenario, GRB 090102 and GRB 111209A do not fit into the standard paradigm.
77 - B. Gendre 2012
We present optical, X-ray and gamma-ray observations of GRB 111209A, at a redshift of z = 0.677. We show that this event was active in its prompt phase for about 25000 seconds, making it the longest burst ever observed. This rare event could have been detected up to z ~ 1.4. Compared to other long GRBs, GRB 111209A is a clear outlier in the energy-fluence and duration plane. The high-energy prompt emission shows no sign of a strong black body component, as expected if the event was caused by a tidal disruption event or a supernova shock breakout. Given the extreme longevity of this event, and a lack of a supernova signature, we propose that GRB 111209A is a relatively rare stellar collapse of a low metallicity blue super giant star. Only this progenitor can supply mass to the central engine over a duration of thousands of seconds. Hence, GRB 111209A could have more in common with population III stellar explosions, rather than normal long gamma ray bursts.
Claim of dust extinction for this GRB has been debated in the past. We suggest that the discrepant results occur primarily because most of previous studies have not simultaneously investigated the X-ray to near-IR spectral energy distribution of this GRB. The difficulty with this burst is that the X-ray afterglow is dominated by strong flares at early times and is poorly monitored at late times. In addition, the Z band photometry, which is the most sensitive to dust extinction, has been found to be affected by strong systematics. In this paper we carefully re-analyze the Swift/XRT afterglow observations of this GRB, using extensive past studies of X-ray flare properties when computing the X-ray afterglow flux level and exploiting the recent reanalysis of the optical (UV rest frame) data of the same GRB. We extract the X-ray to optical/near-IR afterglow SED for the three epochs where the best spectral coverage is available: 0.47, 1.25, and 3.4 days after the trigger. A spectral power-law model has been fitted to the extracted SEDs. We discuss that no spectral breaks or chromatic temporal breaks are expected in the epochs of interest. To fit any UV rest-frame dust absorption, we tested the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) extinction curve, the mean extinction curve (MEC) found for a sample of QSO at $z>4$ and its corresponding attenuation curve, as well as a starburst attenuation curve, and the extinction curve consistent with a supernova dust origin (SN-type). The SMC extinction curve and the SN-type one provide good fit to the data at all epochs, with an average amount of dust absorption at $lambda_{rest} = 3000 AA$ of $A_{3000} = 0.25pm 0.07$ mag. These results indicate that the primeval galaxy at $z = 6.3$ hosting this GRB has already enriched its ISM with dust.
127 - B. Gendre 2011
Aim: To present the optical observations of the afterglow of GRB 101024A and to try to reconcile these observations with the X-ray afterglow data of GRB 101024A using current afterglow models Method: We employ early optical observations using the Zadko Telescope combined with X-ray data and compare with the reverse shock/forward shock model. Results: The early optical light curve reveals a very unusual steep decay index of alpha~5. This is followed by a flattening and possibly a plateau phase coincident with a similar feature in the X-ray. We discuss these observations in the framework of the standard reverse shock/forward shock model and energy injection.We note that the plateau phase might also be the signature of the formation of a new magnetar.
In this work, we present the results obtained from a multi-wavelength campaign, as well as from the public Swift/BAT, XRT, and UVOT data of GRB 060111B for which a bright optical emission was measured with good temporal resolution during the prompt phase. We identified the host galaxy at R~25 mag; its featureless spectral continuum and brightness, as well as the non-detection of any associated supernova 16 days after the trigger and other independent redshift estimates, converge to z~1-2. From the analysis of the early afterglow SED, we find that non-negligible host galaxy dust extinction, in addition to the Galactic one, affects the observed flux in the optical regime. The extinction-corrected optical-to-gamma-ray spectral energy distribution during the prompt emission shows a flux density ratio $F_{gamma}/F_{opt}$=0.01-0.0001 with spectral index $beta_{gamma,opt}> beta_{gamma}$, strongly suggesting a separate origin of the optical and gamma-ray components. This result is supported by the lack of correlated behavior in the prompt emission light curves observed in the two energy domains. The properties of the prompt optical emission observed during GRB 060111B favor interpretation of this optical light as radiation from the reverse shock in a thick shell limit and in the slow cooling regime. The expected peak flux is consistent with the observed one corrected for the host extinction, likely indicating that the starting time of the TAROT observations is very near to or coincident with the peak time. The estimated fireball initial Lorentz factor is >260-360 at z=1-2, similar to the Lorentz factors obtained from other GRBs. GRB 060111B is a rare, good test case of the reverse shock emission mechanism in both the X-ray and optical energy ranges.
95 - G. Stratta 2009
One of the most intriguing features discovered by Swift is a plateau phase in the X-ray flux decay of about 70% of the afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The physical origin of this feature is still being debated. We constrain the proposed interpretations, based on the intrinsic temporal properties of the plateau phase. We selected and analyzed all the Swift/XRT GRB afterglows at known redshift observed between March 2005 and June 2008 featuring a shallow decay phase in their X-ray lightcurves. For our sample of 21 GRBs we find an anticorrelation of the logarithm of the duration of the shallow phase with re dshift, with a Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient of r=-0.4 and a null hypothesis probability of 5%. When we correct the durations for cosmological dilation, the anticorrelation strenghtens, with r=-0.6 and a null hypothesis probability of 0.4%. Considering only those GRBs in our sample that have a well-measured burst peak energy (8 out of 21), we find an anticorrelation between the energy of the burst and the shallow phase duration, with r=-0.80 and a null hypothesis probability of 1.8%. If the burst energy anticorrelation with the shallow phase duration is real, then the dependence of the shallow phase on redshift could be the result of a selection effect, since on average high-redshift bursts with lower energies and longer plateaus would be missed. A burst energy anticorrelation with the shallow phase duration would be expected if the end of the plateau arises from a collimated outflow. Alternative scenarios are briefly discussed involving a possible cosmological evolution of the mechanism responsible for the X-ray shallow decay.
195 - B. Gendre 2008
We present the multi-wavelength study of those gamma-ray bursts observed by TAROT. These events are characterized by the presence at early time of a rising in their optical light curves lasting a few hundred of seconds. In one case (GRB 060904B), a flare occurs at similar time in the X-ray band, while in the other cases the X-ray light curves appear smooth during the optical rise. We investigate the possible nature of this behavior and conclude th at a multi-component emission is mandatory to explain the optical-to-X-ray afterglow.
Our knowledge of the intrinsic properties of short duration Gamma-Ray Bursts has relied, so far, only upon a few cases for which the estimate of the distance and an extended, multiwavelength monitoring of the afterglow have been obtained. We carried out multiwavelength observations of the short GRB 061201 aimed at estimating its distance and studying its properties. We performed a spectral and timing analysis of the prompt and afterglow emission and discuss the results in the context of the standard fireball model. A clear temporal break was observed in the X-ray light curve about 40 minutes after the burst trigger. We find that the spectral and timing behaviour of the X-ray afterglow is consistent with a jet origin of the observed break, although the optical data can not definitively confirm this and other scenarios are possible. No underlying host galaxy down to R~26 mag was found after fading of the optical afterglow. Thus, no secure redshift could be measured for this burst. The nearest galaxy is at z=0.111 and shows evidence of star formation activity. We discuss the association of GRB 061201 with this galaxy and with the ACO S 995 galaxy cluster, from which the source is at an angular distance of 17 and 8.5, respectively. We also test the association with a possible undetected, positionally consistent galaxy at z~1. In all these cases, in the jet interpretation, we find a jet opening angle of 1-2 degrees.

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