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81 - O. Khabarova , G.P. Zank , G. Li 2015
Increases of ion fluxes in the keV-MeV range are sometimes observed near the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) during periods when other sources are absent. These resemble solar energetic particle (SEP) events, but the events are weaker and apparently local. Conventional explanations based on either shock acceleration of charged particles or particle acceleration due to magnetic reconnection at interplanetary current sheets are not persuasive. We suggest instead that recurrent magnetic reconnection occurs at the HCS and smaller current sheets in the solar wind (Zharkova & Khabarova 2012), of which a consequence is particle energization by the dynamically evolving secondary current sheets and magnetic islands (Zank et al. 2014; Drake et al. 2006a). The effectiveness of the trapping and acceleration process associated with magnetic islands depends in part on the topology of the HCS. We show that the HCS possesses ripples superimposed on the large-scale flat or wavy structure. We conjecture that the ripples can efficiently confine plasma and provide tokamak-like conditions that are favorable for the appearance of small-scale magnetic islands that merge and/or contract. Particles trapped in the vicinity of merging islands and experiencing multiple small-scale reconnection events are accelerated by the induced electric field, and experience first-order Fermi acceleration in contracting magnetic islands (Zank et al. 2014). We present multi-spacecraft observations of magnetic island merging and particle energization in the absence of other sources, providing support for theory and simulations that show particle energization by reconnection related processes of magnetic island merging and contraction.
97 - Z. Wu , Y. Chen , G. Li 2014
We report observations of the acceleration and trapping of energetic ions and electrons between a pair of corotating interaction regions (CIRs). The event occurred in Carrington Rotation 2060. Observed at spacecraft STEREO-B, the two CIRs were separated by less than 5 days. In contrast to other CIR events, the fluxes of energetic ions and electrons in this event reached their maxima between the trailing-edge of the first CIR and the leading edge of the second CIR. The radial magnetic field (Br) reversed its sense and the anisotropy of the flux also changed from sunward to anti-sunward between the two CIRs. Furthermore, there was an extended period of counter-streaming suprathermal electrons between the two CIRs. Similar observations for this event were also obtained for ACE and STEREO-A. We conjecture that these observations were due to a U-shape large scale magnetic field topology connecting the reverse shock of the first CIR and the forward shock of the second CIR. Such a disconnected U-shaped magnetic field topology may have formed due to magnetic reconnection in the upper corona.
The rotational period of isolated pulsars increases over time due to the extraction of angular momentum by electromagnetic torques. These torques also change the obliquity angle $alpha$ between the magnetic and rotational axes. Although actual pulsar magnetospheres are plasma-filled, the time evolution of $alpha$ has mostly been studied for vacuum pulsar magnetospheres. In this work, we self-consistently account for the plasma effects for the first time by analysing the results of time-dependent 3D force-free and magnetohydrodynamic simulations of pulsar magnetospheres. We show that if a neutron star is spherically symmetric and is embedded with a dipolar magnetic moment, the pulsar evolves so as to minimise its spin-down luminosity: both vacuum and plasma-filled pulsars evolve toward the aligned configuration ($alpha=0$). However, they approach the alignment in qualitatively different ways. Vacuum pulsars come into alignment exponentially fast, with $alpha propto exp(-t/tau)$ and $tau sim$ spindown timescale. In contrast, we find that plasma-filled pulsars align much more slowly, with $alpha propto (t/tau)^{-1/2}$. We argue that the slow time evolution of obliquity of plasma-filled pulsars can potentially resolve several observational puzzles, including the origin of normal pulsars with periods of $sim1$ second, the evidence that oblique pulsars come into alignment over a timescale of $sim 10^7$ years, and the observed deficit, relative to an isotropic obliquity distribution, of pulsars showing interpulse emission.
We report an angle-dependent study of the magnetic torque $tau(theta)$ within the vortex state of single-crystalline LaO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$FeAs and SmO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$FeAs as a function of both temperature $T$ and magnetic field $H$. Sharp peaks are observed at a critical angle $theta_c$ at either side of $theta=90^{circ}$, where $theta$ is the angle between $H$ and the inter-planar emph{c}-axis. $theta_c$ is interpreted as the critical depinning angle where the vortex lattice, pinned and locked by the intrinsic planar structure, unlocks and acquires a component perpendicular to the planes. We observe a series of smaller replica peaks as a function of $theta$ and as $theta$ is swept away from the planar direction. These suggest commensurability effects between the period of the vortex lattice and the inter-planar distance leading to additional kinked vortex configurations.
Optical-infrared interferometry can provide direct geometrical measurements of the radii of Cepheids and/or reveal unknown binary companions of these stars. Such information is of great importance for a proper calibration of Period-Luminosity relations and for determining binary fraction among Cepheids. We observed the Cepheid X Sgr with VLTI/AMBER in order to confirm or disprove the presence of the hypothesized binary companion and to directly measure the mean stellar radius, possibly detecting its variation along the pulsation cycle. From AMBER observations in MR mode we performed a binary model fitting on the closure phase and a limb-darkened model fitting on the visibility. Our analysis indicates the presence of a point-like companion at a separation of 10.7 mas and 5.6 magK fainter than the primary, whose flux and position are sharply constrained by the data. The radius pulsation is not detected, whereas the average limb-darkened diameter results to be 1.48+/-0.08 mas, corresponding to 53+/-3 R_sun at a distance of 333.3 pc.
The current state of the art in pulsar magnetosphere modeling assumes the force-free limit of magnetospheric plasma. This limit retains only partial information about plasma velocity and neglects plasma inertia and temperature. We carried out time-dependent 3D relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of oblique pulsar magnetospheres that improve upon force-free by retaining the full plasma velocity information and capturing plasma heating in strong current layers. We find rather low levels of magnetospheric dissipation, with less than 10% of pulsar spindown energy dissipated within a few light cylinder radii, and the MHD spindown that is consistent with that in force-free. While oblique magnetospheres are qualitatively similar to the rotating split-monopole force-free solution at large radii, we find substantial quantitative differences with the split-monopole, e.g., the luminosity of the pulsar wind is more equatorially concentrated than the split-monopole at high obliquities, and the flow velocity is modified by the emergence of reconnection flow directed into the current sheet.
277 - G. Li , R. R. Urbano , P. Goswami 2012
Magnetometry measurements in high quality LiFeAs single-crystals reveal a change in the sign of the magnetic hysteresis in the vicinity of the upper critical field $H_{c2}$, from a clear diamagnetic response dominated by the pinning of vortices, to a considerably smaller net hysteretic response of opposite sign, which emph{disappears} at $H_{c2}$. If the diamagnetic response at high fields results from pinned vortices and associated screening super-currents, this sign change must result from currents circulating in the opposite sense, which give rise to a small field-dependent magnetic moment emph{below} $H_{c2}$. This behavior seems to be extremely sensitive to the sample quality or stoichiometry, as we have observed it only in a few fresh crystals, which also display the de Haas van Alphen-effect. We provide arguments against the surface superconductivity, the flux compression, and the random $pi$ junction scenarios, which have been previously put forward to explain a paramagnetic Meissner effect, below the lower critical field $H_{c1}$. The observed anomalous hysteresis at high fields will be compatible with the existence of chiral gap wave-functions, which possess a field dependent magnetic moment. Within a Landau-Ginzburg framework, we demonstrate how a $(d_{x^2 - y^2} + id_{xy})$ or a $(p_x+ip_y)$ chiral superconducting component can be stabilized in the mixed state of $s_{pm}$ superconductor, due to the combined effects of the magnetic field and the presence of competing pairing channels. The realization of a particular chiral pairing depends on the microscopic details of the strengths of the competing pairing channels.
87 - G. Li , S. Zhang , L. Isenhower 2011
We demonstrate trapping and quantum state control of single Cesium atoms in a 532 nm wavelength bottle beam trap. The three dimensional trap is formed by crossing two unit charge vortex beams. Single atoms are loaded with 50% probability directly from a magneto-optical trap. We achieve a trapping lifetime of up to 6 s, and demonstrate fast Rabi oscillations with a coherence time of $T_2sim 43 pm 9rm ms$.
To probe manifestations of multiband superconductivity in oxypnictides, we measured the angular dependence of the magnetic torque $tau(theta)$ in the mixed state of LaO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$FeAs single crystals as a function of temperature $T$ and magnetic fields $H$ up to 18 T. The paramagnetic contribution of the Fe ions is properly treated in order to extract the effective mass anisotropy parameter $gamma=(m_c/m_{ab})^{1/2}$ from $tau(theta)$. We show that $gamma$ depends strongly on both $T$ and $H$, reaching a maximum value of $sim$ 10 followed by a decrease towards values close to 1 as $T$ is lowered. The observed field dependencies of the London penetration depth $lambda_{ab}$ and $gamma$ suggest the onset of suppression of a superconducing gap at $H approx H_{c2}/3$.
135 - T. Gebre , G. Li , J. B. Whalen 2011
We compare the superconducting phase-diagram under high magnetic fields (up to $H = 45$ T) of Fe$_{1+y}$Se$_{0.4}$Te$_{0.6}$ single crystals originally grown by the Bridgman-Stockbarger (BRST) technique, which were annealed to display narrow superconducting transitions and the optimal transition temperature $T_c gtrsim 14$ K, with the diagram for samples of similar stoichiometry grown by the traveling-solvent floating-zone technique as well as with the phase-diagram reported for crystals grown by a self-flux method. We find that the so-annealed samples tend to display higher ratios $H_{c2}/T_c$, particularly for fields applied along the inter-planar direction, where the upper critical field $H_{c2}(T)$ exhibits a pronounced downward curvature followed by saturation at lower temperatures $T$. This last observation is consistent with previous studies indicating that this system is Pauli limited. An analysis of our $H_{c2}(T)$ data using a multiband theory suggests the emergence of the Farrel-Fulde-Larkin-Ovchnikov state at low temperatures. A detailed structural x-ray analysis, reveals no impurity phases but an appreciable degree of mosaicity in as-grown BRST single-crystals which remains unaffected by the annealing process. Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis showed that the annealed samples have a more homogeneous stoichiometric distribution of both Fe and Se with virtually the same content of interstitial Fe as the non-annealed ones. Thus, we conclude that stoichiometric disorder, in contrast to structural disorder, is detrimental to the superconducting phase diagram of this series under high magnetic fields. Finally, a scaling analysis of the fluctuation conductivity in the superconducting critical regime, suggests that the superconducting fluctuations have a two-dimensional character in this system.

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